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By Ang Kai Wen

Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws. -Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)

The Large Hadron Collider & a Particle Accelerator

The OPERA neutrino capturing device.

Neutrinos were found to travel faster than the speed of light by 60 nanoseconds Neutrinos are almost mass-less, and should be able to approach the speed of light, but not travel faster than it




There is plenty of evidence that all sorts of other particles never travel faster than lightobservations of neutrinos are exceptionally difficult [i]t is as if someone said that there are fairies in the bottom of their garden, but they can only be seen on dark, foggy nights.
Theoretical physicist, Steven Weinberg,

The potential impact on science is too largeMy first reaction is that the neutrino is still surprising us with its mysteries.
OPERA spokesperson, Antonio

Ereditato (University of Bern)

1979 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner




All of modern physics as we know and teach is based on Einstein's special and general theories of relativityI would consider this the physics revolution of the century.
Neutrino physicist Karsten Heeger

"I'm willing to bet money that it's not correct. There are many distortions in physics. You have to have a very high standard to see if something is truly correct,"
Astrophysicist, George Smoot III , 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner

(University of WisconsinMadison)

In 1905, Einstein theorized (drawing from Maxwells earlier works) that the speed of light is a constant
The theoretical speed of photons in a vacuum. The basis of the special theory of relativity NOTHING travels faster than the speed of light (ceteris paribus) Prof, the link I think explains relativity in very simple laymans terms especially from the 1.20minute to 3.30minute mark, and if I were presenting I would show the video simply to explain the theory.

HYPERSPACE TRAVEL (to other universes)



will have to be re-examined: the effect of equations such as E = MC2 on other basic quantities have to be rewritten
E.g. the correlation of mass to velocity/energy

and/or rewriting of the standard model

Methodology Error - GPS Measurement Limitations

GPS used to synchronize clocks between

CERN & Gran Sasso (to determine speed of neutrinos)

Ronald van Elburg (University of Groningen)

argues that GPS-synchronized clocks do not function the same as ground based clocks
They function slower as they are receiving

signals from satellites in space moving in reference to Earth! (relativity solves itself)

theory that exceptions do exist especially as neutrinos are special

Neutrinos as the an extension to the

Standard Model? a special exception to relativity (like tachyonic particles)

Neutrinos travel through another

Up to 26 possible dimensions as Proposed by string theory

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