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• Observe the given picture.

• Discuss for 20 seconds.

• What did you observe?

• Identify the process. 2 Min


L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Learning Objective
To understand the use of evaporation or distillation
to separate a named substance from a solution.
Success Criteria

 I can use particle model to explain evaporation. 1 Min

 I can explain how to use distillation to separate mixtures.
 I can describe the uses and applications of evaporation & distillation in
daily life.


L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Big Question
Abdul watched a video about the evaporation and distillation.
He was confused which of these can be used to separate the
Water(Solvent) from the solution.
Which method can be used????

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution. End
a. The separation of salt from water can be done by the process

b. Name the change of state when a gas becomes liquid.

c. Name the start and end states of evaporation.

3 Min

d. Solute and solvent combines to form ---------------------

e. List out any 1 use of evaporation process in daily life.

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.

a. Evaporation.

b. Condensation.

c. Solution to Solid solute.

d. Solution.

e. Manufacturing of Salt and other chemicals.

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Key Words/Scientific Vocabulary :

Evaporation: Process of separating soluble solids from a solution.

Distillation : Process of condensing the solvent from a solution.

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Task 1:

• List out any 3 differences between the

Evaporation & Distillation. 10 Min


L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Distillation refers to the selective boiling and subsequent condensation of a
component in a liquid mixture. It is a separation technique that can be used
to either increase the concentration of a particular component in the
mixture or to obtain (almost) pure components from the mixture. The
process of distillation exploits the difference in the boiling points of the
components in the liquid mixture by forcing one of them into a gaseous
It is important to note that distillation is not a chemical reaction but it can
be considered as a physical separation process.

2 Min

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution. End
Task 2
Explain why List out the Explain the process Explain how copper Explain how
distillation is better applications of of distillation and its sulphate crystals are copper sulphate
process than evaporation from applications in UAE. obtained from copper crystals are
evaporation to get daily life. sulphate solution obtained from
purified water with a copper sulphate
real life example. solution with

20 Min

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Peer Check
State whether to use evaporation or distillation to get substances from a-c from
their mixtures.
Give reason for each decision.

a. Ethanol-The solvent in some types of glue.

b. Propanone-The solvent in nail varnish remover.

c. Copper chloride crystals from copper chloride solution.

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.
Plenary will be presented by each group
5 Min


L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.

Research how distillation is linked with chromatography.

L.O. To understand the use of evaporation or distillation to separate a named substance from a solution.

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