Health Recommendation System: Datta Meghe College of Engineering

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Airoli,Navi Mumbai

Department of Computer Engineering

University of Mumbai
(AY 2022-23)


2.1 Literature Survey 5
2.2 Aim and Objection 7
2.3 Requirement Analysis 7

3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Architecture/Flowchart 10
3.3 Details of Hardware & Software 11

4.1 Acknowledgement 15
4.2 Existing sites 16
A Health Recommendation System is a counsel system which was concerned after reviewing the large
amount of data which has been collected in hospitals , clinical data base treatment and clinical reports etc .
Hence, a digital information is available for patient decision making that has increased drastically but it is
often scattered across different sites . As the solution being PERSONAL HEALTH RECORD SYSTEM
(PHRS) is meant to be centralized for an individual’s health data and allowed to be accessed form the owner
and the health professionals.
As we rewind the past year 2019-2021 the Virus Covid-19 was the main disease which lead to death
of many citizens mostly in Asia and Eastern Countries . The total deaths in India was estimated to be
4.46 crores. During such time the common viral disease such as cough and cold were meant to
considered normal by the people but as it turns out they were the target of Covid-19 disease.
The Health recommendation system which is proposed by us requires large amount of medical
data which is collected from disparate sources is discussed which reduces the workload and cost in
health care. In healthcare sector , big data analytics using recommendation system have an important
role in decision making process with respect to patient health. As due to the health recommendation
system a patient and the professionals can easily create their online profile and upload their health
 Increase health information needs and change in information seeking behavior can be observed around
globe. According to the recent studies 75% of Indian adults use internet and 59% say that they look online
for health information regarding disease, diagnoses and different treatments . Thus such effect influence
the patient physician relationship as educated patients raise questions or discuss treatment options . It
becomes difficult as the patient being active participant in the decision making process in their treatment.
 However information overload and irrelevant information are the major obstacles for drawing conclusion
on personal health status and taking adequate action . With large amount of medical information the user
often get lost or feel uncertain when investigating their own health condition . Medical information is
available for patient oriented decision making has increased drastically but often scattered across in
different sites .
 The proposed model is the Recommended System (RS) that suggest items to the user of information of
health care which would be handled by the professionals and the user itself . The system would contain
online profile of the user and the data of their past treatments , so the patients would not have to bring
their documents daily . The professionals also would have great analysis because of the patients
documents are uploaded on the recommended system itself.
 Health recommendation system use for recommending the disease using data bases is not a new domain and a lot of
work has already been done on these subject. now eventually growing fast and work on this thing is happening
overnight. Health Recommender Systems (HRS) are presented as complementary tools in decision making processes
in healthcare services. Health Recommendation Systems increase usability of technologies and reduce information
overload in processes. So in this section we have presented our study of Literature survey for Health
Recommendation system Classification which we have conducted in order to understand previous work done on this

Reviews Papers Method Scope Contributions

Hors - Fraile et al 19 Systematic Identifies, Proposing a multidisciplinary
(2018) review categorizes, and taxonomy, including integration with
analyses existing electronic health records and the
knowledge on the incorporation of health promotion
use of HRSs for theoretical factors and behaviour
patient interventions change theories

Identifies and analyses

Ferretto et al (2017) 8 Systematic Identifying HRSs that do not have
HRSs available in mobile
review apps many mobile health care apps
Reviews Papers Method Scope Contributions

Schäfer et al (2017) 24 survey Discusses HRSs to find Identifying challenges of

personalized, complex incorporating recommender
medical interventions systems into CTHC. Proposing a
or support users with future research agenda for CTHC
preventive health care systems

Calero Valdez et al 17 Systematic Stresses the importance Providing a framework to

(2016) review of the interface and incorporate domain understanding,
HCIa of an HRSb evaluation, and specific
methodology into the development
Sadasivam et al 15 Systematic Research limitations of Identifying challenges of
(2016) review current CTHCc systems incorporating recommender systems
into CTHC. Proposing a future
research agenda for CTHC systems
 Early detection: The primary objective of multiple disease prediction is to detect
the early signs of multiple diseases before they progress to more advanced stages.
 Improved patient outcomes: Multiple disease prediction aims to improve patient
outcomes by reducing the incidence and severity of multiple diseases.
 Personalized healthcare: Multiple disease prediction models can be used to
develop personalized healthcare plans that take into account an individual's
specific risk factors and medical history.
 Cost savings: Early detection and prevention of multiple diseases can lead to
significant cost savings by reducing the need for more expensive treatments and
 Public health: Multiple disease prediction can contribute to public health efforts
by identifying populations that are at higher risk of developing multiple diseases.

The requirements for the development of this project are as follows:

Proposed System:

Use Case
● An user should be able to
interact in the following
ways with the system:
‘Enter symptoms’, ‘Get
Predicted Results’.

● Our target users are health

practitioners and patients,
whom we assume to be
non-technical people.
Proposed System
Proposed Methodology:

A system for multiple disease prediction would involve several key components, including data
collection, pre-processing, feature extraction, model training, and prediction. Here is a proposed
system for multiple disease prediction:

1.Data Collection: The system would require a large dataset of medical records and clinical data,
including patient demographics, medical history, vital signs, laboratory test results, and diagnoses. This
data could be collected from electronic health records, medical databases, or through patient surveys.

Diabetes Dataset:!An7er5_1v4gqgXAdOxcymlBDuTmS?e=7ogKjt

Heart Disease Dataset:!An7er5_1v4gqgW5MVSXfBgzF39qq?e=oKhThO

Parkinson’s Dataset:!An7ers5_1v4gqgW9dROWuR3YOnkcO?e=LUAUbe

2.Pre-processing: The collected data would need to be cleaned and pre-processed to remove missing
values, outliers, and inconsistencies. This step would ensure that the data is reliable and accurate for
use in machine learning models.
Proposed System
3.Feature Extraction: The pre-processed data would be transformed into
meaningful features that can be used to train the machine learning models. This
step would involve selecting relevant features that have a strong correlation
with the target diseases.

4.Model Training: The system would use machine learning algorithms to train
predictive models that can accurately predict multiple diseases based on the
selected features.

5.Prediction: Once the models are trained, they can be used to predict the
likelihood of a patient developing one or more diseases based on their medical
records and clinical data.

6.Validation: The accuracy of the predictive models would need to be validated

using independent datasets or cross-validation techniques to ensure that the
models are reliable and can generalize to new data.
 First of all, you have new and modern hardware at
hospitals and medical centres ,which help to provide
patients with better treatments because the diagnosis can
be easier found. Also, the patients are protected from
any mistakes in their diagnosis. The hardware gives
more accuracy to the diagnostical results. It can be used
for different departments of hospitals and medical
centres, which makes the expertise of medical
practitioners broader.
 Internet.
 Laptop.

Google Colab is a cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment that

allows users to write, run, and share Python code from a web browser.
It is a free service provided by Google that provides access to powerful
computing resources, including CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs, without the
need for any special hardware or software. Some of the features of
Google Colab include:

 Free to Use: Google Colab is a free service provided by Google that allows
users to write and run Python code in a Jupyter notebook environment
without any cost.
 Cloud-Based: Google Colab is a cloud-based service that runs on Google
servers, which means that users do not need to install any software on their
local machines.
 Anaconda and Spyder are two software tools commonly used in data
science and machine learning. Anaconda is an open-source distribution of
Python and R programming languages for scientific computing and data
 Programming Language: The choice of programming language
would depend on the preference of the developers and the
specific requirements of the system. Popular languages used for
machine learning include Python, R, and Java.

 Machine Learning Libraries: Various machine learning libraries

can be used to train and evaluate models, such as Scikit-learn,
TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras.

 Cloud Services: Cloud-based services such as Amazon Web

Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure may be used for hosting and
scaling the system.

 Excel sheet: Used to store the Datasets that we have

collected from various Clinics ,Medicals and Hospitals.

Overall, the hardware and software used in a multiple

disease prediction system would depend on the specific
requirements of the project and the resources available. It is
important to choose hardware and software that are scalable,
secure, and efficient in handling large datasets and machine
learning tasks
1. The healthcare information system is the future of healthcare centers. Despite that, many hospitals are
about adopting this new technology. This is because of two reasons — its high cost and implementation

2. Once you decide to implement, an institute may undergo a drastic change. The initial process may seem
complicated, but we guarantee that the outcomes will be worth every effort.

3. To conclude, we hope that this article will help you narrow down your search on different types of
healthcare management information system.
Existing sites:

1. Cleveland Clinic:

2. Health Library:

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