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Research department

Guidelines in writing the introduction
The introduction of a research paper should contain a discussion
of any or all of the following:
1. Presentation of the problem
The start of the introduction is the presentation of the problem, that is,
what the problem is all about
 This will indicate what will be covered by the study
Example: Suppose the investigation is about the teaching of
research in medical school
The discussion may start with this topic sentence:
There is no other period in history when research has been making its
greatest impact upon humankind that it is today, then support this claim
with studies or literature
Guidelines in writing the introduction
 Prolong the discussion citing the multifarious and wonderful
benefits that research is giving to humanity today
 Discussions on situations of the global or international, national
or local perspective is mentioned here
 This is supported with readings or statistics
 Later, in connection with research, the topic for inquiry may be
presented as the teaching of research in medical schools as
perceived by the teachers and students
2. The existence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt
problem that needs a solution
Guidelines in writing the introduction
Example: The teaching of research in medical schools has been observed to
be weak as shown by the results of the survey tests given to the students
recently, a support from literature or studies may be added
The causes must be found so that remedial measures may be instituted
 The discussion may be prolonged further
 The research gap is discussed at this portion (since there is no research of
this topic yet at GCM this is the research gap
3. Rationale of the study
 The reason or reasons why it is necessary to conduct the study
must be discussed here
Example: One of the thrusts of CHED and of the government for that matter is
strengthen the teaching of research
Guidelines in writing the introduction
It is necessary to conduct this inquiry to find out how to strengthen
the instruction of research in medical schools, this may be supported by
the memo or guidelines from CHED
 The discussion may be prolonged
4. Historical background of the problem
 For a historical background of the research problem of the teaching of
research, you may mention how research was carried out in solving
problems encountered during the pandemic
Example: Since vaccines were the main remedy in fighting the unseen
enemy, educational system all over the world including the Philippines
have been trying hard to improve the curricula and instruction especially in
medical schools, this may be supported with readings form journals or
Guidelines in writing the introduction
 This can be explained further
5. A desire to have a deeper and clearer understanding of
a situation, circumstances, or phenomena
The researcher may explain his earnest desire to have a deeper and
clearer understanding of the situation so that he will be in a better
position to initiate remedial measures
Your capability as researchers may be discussed here
6. A desire to find a better way of doing something or of
improving a product
 The researcher must also explain his desire to find a better way of
teaching research in the medical school to improve the outcome of the
instruction that can elicit interest among the students
Guidelines in writing the introduction
7. A desire to discover something
 The researcher may have the desire to discover what is wrong with the
instruction and a desire to discover better ways of teaching the subject
 He may discuss his desire to discover such things
8. A link between the introduction and the statement of
the problem
 A sentence or two should show the link between the introduction and
the conducting of the research
Example: The researcher got very much interested in determining the
status of teaching research in the medical schools and so he conducted
the research
Theoretical framework
To know more about theoretical framework, the following
must be fully understood:
1. Theory
A theory is crucial for any research work to give its
direction and also to validate or disapprove a phenomenon.
 Theoretical basis helps to decipher the way the things are
and the basis of specific actions.
2. Framework
Framework in research is like in buildings or software
providing critical support for developing the research
aspects over it.
Theoretical framework
Creating a framework on the theoretical basis will
enhance investigations to arrive at a particular stand of or
against a phenomenon.
3. Research
Research is using the scientific method for careful
consideration of study regarding a specific problem or
It is one of the building blocks of societal advancement.
It depends on many perspectives and phenomenon to
And it can come out with a valid argument of a summation.
Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework - is the structure that can hold or
support a theory of a research study.
The theoretical framework introduces and describes the
theory which explains why the research problem under
study exists
The theoretical framework is the “blueprint” for the
entire research inquiry.
It serves as the guide on which to build and support your
study, and also provides the structure to define how you
will philosophically, methodologically, and analytically
approach the research as a whole.
Theoretical framework
A theoretical framework is used to limit the scope of the
relevant data by focusing on specific variables and
defining the specific viewpoint [framework] that the
researcher will take in analyzing and interpreting the
data to be gathered.
Academic supervisors look for the theoretical
framework within any research manuscripts as a first
It is similar to the human skeleton upon which the body
is built.
Theoretical framework
Even an excellently written research paper will be rejected if
there is no theoretical framework.
Only on a well defined theoretical framework researches are
done to give the desired results.
The role of the theoretical framework in research is to reduce
the dreadful topic to two factors to simplify the concept,
which include:
a. The research problem
b. The rationale of investigating the issue
Theoretical framework
Importance of theoretical framework in research:
a. The theoretical framework is one of the main parts of
the research manuscript.
It should be presented in the first section of all research
b. It is the structure that holds or supports a theory by
introducing and describing it as to what research
problem it exists.
c. It demonstrates an understanding of theories and
concepts relevant to the topic of the research.
Theoretical framework
It provides the broader areas of knowledge under
The explicit statement of the theoretical assumptions
enables its reader to evaluate it critically.
d. It connects the researcher to the existing knowledge
through guidance by relevant theory
 It also provides the basis of the hypotheses and the
choices of the research methods.
e. It helps researchers to generalize the various aspects
of an observed phenomenon from simply describing it
and also identifies their limits.
Theoretical framework
f. It helps researchers to generalize the various aspects of an
observed phenomenon from simply describing it and also
identifies their limits.
g. It specifies the key variables that influence a phenomenon
of interest and highlights the necessity to examine them for
what circumstances they might differ
h. It limits the scope of the relevant data by focusing on a
specific variable, and also, defines the view the researcher
should take in analyzing and interpreting the data to be
Theoretical framework
i. By validating and challenging theoretical assumptions,
it facilitates the understanding of concepts and
variables as per the given definition
tions of ‘how’ and ‘why’ by
articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research
k. It is vital to all researches to clarify the implicit theory
in a manner that is more clearly defined
Theoretical framework
l. It may also provide researchers to consider their
limitations and alternative theories that challenge their
m. It is what all academic supervisors check in the first
place, and they better understand the research problem
with the right theoretical framework.

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