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Soil Notes

Soil Notes
Mixture of rock mineral particles and organic soil layers are called horizons(aka aoil profile)
Matter weathering forms the rock and mineral
Of soil decayin organic matter humus in soil More mature soil has more horizons it take 1,000s of
Come from LIVING THING SUCH AS PLAN AND years for the doil to mature home to a variety of living
Animals thing such as burrowing animals snails worms
Soil Layers

Mostly made of decaying leaves teigs and animals

remains/wastes this horizon contains the most living soil
Soil Layers

Loose soil that is rich in organic materials needed by plants

includes humus nitrogen compounds
Best for growing plant because it has more nutrients
Soil Layers

Rich in minerals such as iron and aluminum compound that are

washed down from the topsoil by rain contains humus and clay
Soil Layers

Slightly broken up rock plant roots cannot penetrate this layer mostly
Soil Layers

Unweathered solid rock beneath all other layers


Smaller rocks come from larger rocks that were broken down by the

action of physical and chemical processes due to the process of


What is soil and where does it come from?

Soil is a loose mixture of small ________________ fragments,

organic water
vegetetion material, _________________, and air that can support

____________________ growth.
All soils are _____________________ because they are made from weathered
____________________ and the soil that forms depends on the _______________
Rock type
What is soil and where does it come from?

The rock formation that is the source of mineral pieces in various samples of soil is
known as _____________________ rock.

There is a layer of rock beneath soil and this is called

_________________________. When this is the case, the bedrock is the parent rock
because the ________________ above it formed from the bedrock below it.
What is soil and where does it come from?

Soil can also be residual if it remains above its _____________________ rock and it
can also be _____________________ from one place to another by being blown

away, washed away due to wind or glaciers.

Soil Properties

Some soils are great for

____________________ plants while others

aren’t at all depending on the properties such

as soil’s _______________,
____________________, and
Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

a) The proportion of different sized particles in soil determine the soil’s

Soil is made of __________________________ particles. The three main types
of particles that make up soil are: _____________________,
silt clay
____________________. __________________
Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure
A good mixture of sand, silt, and clay make a soil known as __________ and this is

the best type of soil for growing plants and vegetation.

Soil texture can affect the soil’s _________________ which describes the soil’s
ability to be worked and broken up for ______________. So soil textures that have
Hard difficult
large proportions of clay can be ___________ and _______________ for farmers to
Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

Water and ________________ movement through soil is also influenced by soil

structure which is the different arrangements of soil particles. Soil particles are not

always ______evenly____________spread out and this arrangement of different

sized particles can either ______________ water flow or ______________ water

Block alow

flow. This can then affect soil ________mouisture_____________.

Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

c) Soil texture and structure influence infiltration, or the ability of water to move
through soil. The best type of soil should allow _________________ to get to

the plants’ roots without causing the soil to be completely

saturated Permeability
____________________. This soil property is known as _______________

which is the measure of how easily water can travel through porous soil or

Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

Draw the diagram showing the permeability of different soils:

Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

d) Another soil property known as porosity is amount of space or __________

between solid particles that can fill up with water, air, etc. and shows us how
much can and can’t be _________________________ by that type of soil. Some
rocks and soil are very ___________________, where others have very little

space between the particles.

Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

Draw the diagram of high porosity vs. low porosity showing the soil particle
differences. Be sure to label for studying.


Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

e) Soil fertility is another soil property that is important for plant growth. It’s the
soil’s ability to hold _____________________ and supply nutrients to a plant.

Many nutrients in soil come from __________________ _________________

and ____________________.
rock Humus
Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

Humus is __organic__________________ material formed in soil from the

__________decayed_____________ remains of plants and animals and these

remains are broken down by _______decompose_________________ such as

bacteria and fungi to then be used as nutrients.

Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure

layers humus
f) Soil Horizons are _________________ of soil with ___________________
rich sediment
_______________ soil on top, ____________________ below that, and
_______________________ on the bottom. The top layer of soil is known as
_____________________ and this layer has the greatest amount of
________________ which is rich in nutrients for plants to grow and the main
Soil Properties: Soil Texture and Structure
acidic basic
g) Soil pH is how _____________ or _____________ it is. The pH scale measures
0 14
this and the range is from _________ to ___________. The midpoint,
___________ is neutral. Soil that has a pH below 7 is _____________ and soil
acidic baci
that has a pH above 7 is _____________. A soil’s pH influences the
________________ that dissolve in the soil depending on if it is more acidic or
basic. Different plants need different nutrients so the right __________ for a soil
depends on what plants are growing in it.

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