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Assignment on Scope creep

Praveen Kaur - 4381584

Jashanpreet khan - 4377996
Dipasha Mulasi - 4384162
Priya Sharma - 4381546
Maniz Sharma - 4379851
Prinkle Badhan - 4374724
Scope creep
• Scope creep mainly refers to how the requirements of a project
tend to increase over a project lifecycle.(Komal et al. 2020).

• Scope creep often jeopardizes the completion of a project by

incorporating additional tasks, features, changes in
requirements that demand additional budget and timeline.
(Akpo-Aryee, 2021).

• Scope creep is often initiated by clients(Ajmal et al. 2020).

• Scope creep changes or expands the scope.

Gold Plating
● Gold plating refers to the addition of new changes in a project
without the approval of the clients (Ahola et al. 2021).

● Both scope creep and gold plating refers to making additional

changes in the project. The approval of the clients is not needed
in gold plating.

● Gold plating is initiated by the project manager (Ajmal et al.


● Gold plating keeps the scope the same.

Difference and similarity between Scope creep & Gold plating
● Scope creep tends to expand or change the scope of the project, gold plating keeps the scope intact by
bringing on additional changes.

● Scope creep involves changes requested by stakeholders that are not properly managed, while gold plating
involves enhancements beyond the agreed-upon requirements initiated by the project team or individuals.

● Both scope creep and gold plating can impact the project scope, leading to changes in the project's

● Both scope creep and gold plating can result in project inefficiencies, including increased costs and potential
Reviewing Original Project charter and Scope statement
ABC corporation is taking an initiative to integrate new
technologies into its infrastructure, systems, and security on a
worldwide scale.

We've identified few key elements within the original project scope:
• Adopting artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
automation technologies.
• Strengthening cyber security.
• Training employees.
• Migrating to a cloud-based system.
• Upgrading the software
Reviewing original project - continued
Addressing Scope creep

Clarifications to the project charter to address potential scope creep:

We need to explicitly state that marketing initiatives, changes to HR policies,

acquisitions, and modifications to business processes or product designs are not
within the scope of our technology upgrade project.

By incorporating these updates, we establish clear boundaries for success.

This prevents scope creep, ensuring our project remains focused on the
technology upgrade objectives.
Reviewing Another project charter
The review charter is based on international event planning for a non profit

● Too many stakeholders on the clients’ end can be a scope creep for the

● Improper communication between project manager and the clients can

lead to scope creep.

● Lack of client feedback can lead to changes at the last minute.

● Unchecked client requests can lead to major changes in the project


● Getting an estimation of the timeline and following it would be a major

Reviewing Another project - continued
Non-profit global event for cultural understanding and education collaboration.

1. Encourage networking across diverse backgrounds.
2. Provide a platform for thought leaders to share knowledge.
3. Maximize event participation and awareness.

Key Deliverables & Milestones:

4. Venue contract, keynote speakers, event website, participant registration.
5. Total project cost: $30,430.00, funded by donations, registration fees, and

Dependencies & Risks:

6. Critical dependencies on venue contract, sponsorships, and keynote
7. Risks include venue contract issues, inadequate sponsorships, and potential
speaker cancellations.
Ahola, T., Ståhle, M. and Martinsuo, M., 2021. Agency relationships of project-based firms. International journal
of project management, 39(7), pp.713-725.

Ajmal, M., Khan, M. and Al-Yafei, H., 2020. Exploring factors behind project scope creep–stakeholders’
perspective. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(3), pp.483-504.

Akpo-Aryee, A., 2021. A study of the effect of scope creep on project performance in Ghana Immigration
Service (GIS) construction projects (Doctoral dissertation).

Komal, B., Janjua, U.I., Anwar, F., Madni, T.M., Cheema, M.F., Malik, M.N. and Shahid, A.R., 2020. The impact
of scope creep on project success: An empirical investigation. IEEE Access, 8, pp.125755-125775.

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