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Laboratory Diagnosis

of Helicobacter pylori

Presented by : ‘Group D’
● Diagnosis of H. pylori infection may be established by
invasive and non invasive methods

Invasive Non-Invasive
1. Rapid urease test 1. Urea breath test

2. Microscopy 2. Stool antigen test

3. Culture 3. Serology

4. Biochemical Test
A.Invasive type
Endoscopy : Biopsy reveals pathological changes and mucosa for
isolation of H. pylori
Transport medium : Stuart’s medium

1. Rapid urease test :

- A portion of biopsied tissue is placed into a small
quantity of urea-containing broth to which a pH
indicator has been added. If the tissue contains H.
pylori, the urease released by the organism will
breakdown urea and generate ammonia within a
few minutes to 2 hours
2. Microscopy :
- Gram’s staining : Spiral shaped,
Gram negative bacilli
- Giemsa staining : Pink bacteria
- Warthin-Starry silver stain

3. Culture :
- Specimen should be placed directly in transport media like stuart’s
transport medium to avoid drying
(NOTE: Culture of gastric mucosa is not done for diagnosis but done when
sensitivity tests are necessary or typing is required for epidemiological purposes)
- Skirrow’s media and Chocolate agar
(convex, translucent)
- Brucella Agar with 5% sheep blood.
(Incubate : 37C for 3-5 days; Translucent Colonies)
Optimal growth occurs in microaerophilic environment
(require 5% O2) Catalase Positive

Capnophilic so require 5-10% CO2

4. Biochemical test Catalase Negative

- Catalase : Positive
- Oxidase : Positive
(distinguish H. pylori from enterobacteriaceae)
B. Non-Invasive Test
1. Urea breath test :
- Urea containing an isotope of
carbon (14C) is fed to the
patient. Breakdown of 14C-
labelled urea generates carbon
dioxide which can be traced in
expired air
2. Stool Antigen Test :
- The test looks for antigens associated
with H. pylori infection in the stool

3. Serology:
- ELISA is intended for the detection and
qualitative determination of IgG
antibodies to H. pylori in human serum. It
is used as an aid in the diagnosis of
H. pylori infection in persons with
gastrointestinal symptoms
Thank You
Group Members :
Sharad Mahaseth
Mentors :
Tilisma Karki Prof. Dr. Kebal Shrestha
Satvajan Mahato Dr. Rajeev Yadav
Abhishek Mabo
Asish Karki
Oasis Mandal
Rupesh Kushwaha
Shradha Mainali
Tamanna Karki
Shreya Khadka
Surya Mahaseth
Sidharth Kirti Reference -
Samrachana Lama
A Textbook of Microbiology.
Yoel Limbu
Sewani Mainali
( P Chakraborty,Apurva Shastry )

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