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Group Members
Javeria Saleem
Faiza Hamid
Syeda Masooma Naqvi
■ Thankfulness

■ Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and

appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health
■ Example Of Gratitude: Being Thankful to the person who cooked for
you. Being thankful for your good health. Appreciating the person who
cleans your house .
■ Gratitude is an emotion, one that makes a person feel happier.
Gratefulness is also a mood as well as a personality trait. Some people
are just more inclined to feel grateful as a daily habit.
Gratitude As Viewed In Islam
■ In Islam, gratitude (or “shukar”) is considered a vital spiritual quality.
■ Muslims are encouraged to be grateful to Allah for all the blessings they
receive, whether big or small.
■ Gratitude is seen as a way of recognizing Allah’s generosity and showing
humility. It’s not just about saying “thank you,” but also about using
those blessings in ways that please Allah and benefit others.
■ Gratitude is often expressed through prayers, remembrance of Allah, and
helping those in need .
■ Gratitude cultivates happiness and wellbeing. Some of the benefits of
Gratitude are listed below that we should know so that if anyone is there
who is not thanking Allah should start Shukr. Better Relationship with
Allah: Gratitude is one of the most beloved characteristics of Allah
Gratitude As Viewed In Islam
Cultivating gratitude
■ Cultivating gratitude means nurturing and developing a mindset
of being thankful and appreciative. It involves recognizing and
acknowledging the good things in our lives, big or small.
■ This can be done by keeping a gratitude journal, where you
write down things you are grateful for each day. It's also
important to express gratitude to others, whether through a
simple thank you or a heartfelt note.
■ By focusing on the positive aspects of life and practicing
gratitude regularly, we can enhance our overall wellbeing and
outlook on life.
Measuring gratitude

■ The GQ-6 is a short self report questionnaire that helps measure

how much a person tends to feel grateful. People answer 6
questions on a scale from 1 to 7 (1 means "strongly disagree,"
and 7 means "strongly agree").
■ Some questions are opposite to prevent just agreeing with
everything. The GQ-6 is reliable, with scores around .82 to .87,
■ The GQ-6 is linked to positive traits like optimism, life
satisfaction, and empathy, and is related to lower levels of
depression and anxiety. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
The Psychophysiological
Underpinnings of Gratitude
The psychophysiological underpinnings of gratitude refer to
the connection between our thoughts and
emotions(psychological) and the physiological responses in
our body. When we experience gratitude, it can lead to
positive emotions such as happiness and contentment, which
in turn can have a positive impact on our physical well-
being. It's like a beautiful cycle of positivity!
■ Psychological impact:
Gratitude can boost our mood and overall well-being.
■ Physiological impact:
Gratitude can lead to lower stress levels, improved
sleep, and enhanced immune function.
■ Practicing gratitude:
It can have a positive impact on both our mental and
physical health.

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