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Super Bowl Ad Campaign

What it is
 Campaign to create awareness for new
Gatorade product
 Getting interest by offering a prize
 Just want to try a new product
 Super Bowl ad XLVI
Pull strategy
 Create demand for product
 Use prize money to create interest
 Have consumer ask for product
 Main advertisement will be through radio
and TV
 Direct response advertisement
 Prior to launch we held a press
conference to tell the press of a new
Gatorade flavour
Point Of Sale
Explanation of Advertisements
 Used scientists explain the creation
process of making Gatorade
 People generally trust scientists who put
all their effort into making a product
 Used the “Old Time voice” to get
attention of the listener.
 We believe that this campaign will gain a
lot of interest
 In the future we can do similar campaigns
to this one
 This campaign will make the company a
lot of money and will ease the decision
making of finding a name
 The Gatorade Mystery campaign has the
potential to last 3 months
 The next set of commercials to be released
will show the competition between flavours
 Final flavour will be released 3 months later.

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