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Explaining the context of your


Identifying your specific questions for

your statement of the problem and
Background of the Study

An explanation of the context of study which

involves the current data or status of the
problem, existing studies about and its history
that paved way to the development of
research problem.
Background of the Study

1. It should clearly state the reason for conducting

the study.
2. It should move from broad to specific.
3. It should state current condition of the research
Significance of the Study

 Beneficiaries of your research

Significance of the Study
 Pinpoints the benefits certain groups of
people will gain from the findings of the study;

It must start from the most to the least

benefitted ones.
Example: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students

Verbal bullying is one of the leading cause of mental illnesses

such as depression, anxiety disorder and mood disorder. School, as
studies reported, is one of the places this type of bullying
perpetuates in. Despite the many policies implemented to reduce the
cases of verbal bullying, still the problem continuously takes place.

This study focuses on the effects of verbal bullying to the

academic performance of Grade 9 students in Don Felix Serra
National High School 2021-2022.
Example: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students

The result of this study will be valuable to

the ff:

To the students, this will provide them

knowledge about the forms of bullying and
how to deal with it once encountered.
Example: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students

The result of this study will be valuable to the ff:

To the school administrators, the result of this

study may provide information and may serve as a
basis to encourage them to make regulations about
the problem.
Example: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students

The result of this study will be valuable to

the ff:

To the teachers, the findings of this study

may help them to spread awareness on how
destructive verbal bullying can be.
Example: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students

The result of this study will be

valuable to the ff:

To the future researchers, this study

will serve as the basis for related topics.
Scope and Delimitation

 Boundaries of your study

Coverage of the study
Scope and Delimitation
 It must answer the ff. parameters:
WHAT: the topic and variables to be included
WHY: the general objectives
WHERE: the specific locale
WHEN: time frame
HOW: research design, instrument and methodology
Conceptual Framework
 serves as outline or a blueprint that you can follow in
doing your research.
Definition of Terms

 Must be furnished to facilitate

understanding of your study
Definition of Terms
Listdown and defines the key terms as used in the
study in alphabetical order.

Operational definition refers to a specific definition of

concept in your study while conceptual definitions are
taken from a science journal, dictionaries, and the like.

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