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A Resource -This is anything that will be a

source of information. Example books, charts.
They provide us with expertise supply and
Types of resources eg Textbooks, Motion
pictures , Photos, Realia- real
things ,Models ,Apparatus ,Charts ,Chemicals
and Resources person. The teacher should
decide which resources to use.
Selecting textbooks considerations
i)Subject’s matter /syllabus coverage
ii) Cost
iii) How current the information is appropriate and
large illustrations
iv) Index- Alphabetical list with reference to the pages
v)Glossary- Alphabetical list of words to a specific
vi) References cite source of information(for further
vii) Recommendations from M.O.E
Non textbooks print materials
• -Magazines , Journals , Newspapers -Make use
of them
• Other include chemicals, apparatus, models,
• Chemicals Use
• Hydrochloric - Hydrolysis
• Iodine - starch test
• Anhydrous copper Sulphate - Testing water
Apparatus Use
• Balances -Weighing
• Microscope -observation of specimen
• Barometer -Measuring pressure
• Thermometer -Checking temperature in
water bath
• Models

• These can be longitudinal section (L.S) or transverse

section ( T.S).
• They can be solid i.e not cut.
• It can be a working model e.g antagonistic muscles –
make rubber bands i.e something showing the action
Task: develop an appropriate model to teach a topic
of your choice (assignment 1).
-Choose topic, justify why you have chosen that topic,
list requirements, write down procedure, note down
usability/effectiveness and limitations/challenges,
budget and references.
Room or piece of equipment that is put in a
place for use in the teaching of Biology. Facilities
are such as
i) Laboratory
ii) Botanical garden
iii) Darkroom
iv) Aquarium-Can keep fish & alga
vii) Greenhouse

As one plans for teaching one should think of

the following -Teaching principles
• Planned teaching results in more learning
• Students tend to achieve their objectives
• Students learn more effectively if they know
the objectives
• Teacher’s role is guidance
• Working in groups can enhance learning i.e
students learn more from each other
Principle of learning
• The learners should be active
• Repetition is important in skills acquisition
• Motivation is important for learning
• Learning with understanding is more
transferable than rote learning
• Organization of content is important in
facilitating learning and teaching.
Organization of content
• Think of introduction up to conclusion
• How to connect introduction and conclusion.
• We should think of these as we plan our
• We should arrange in a particular way in the
• Schemes of work -Must be prepared , It’s a
work plan . It can be for a term or year. It
consist of sequencing of topics
• Successful instruction is a product of good planning.
• This planning is a complex process involving
thinking about
1) The content /subject matter
2) Instructional methods to be employed
3) Teaching resources to us
4) Room arrangement
5) Organization of learner in the classroom.
N/B Good planning involves :-I)Syllabus II) Schemes of
work III) Lesson plan
I) Syllabus
• Syllabus is a component of a school curriculum
which specifically outlines the course of a particular
• Is a documents containing objectives of the content
to be covered i.e. topics and related sub-topics.
• It has the total time allocation within which the
content is to be covered i.e. 4 yrs.
• A syllabus is a condensed prescribed outline as
statement of the content (topics) to be covered in a
certain course or subject over a specified period of

Syllabus is important because the teacher is able

1. Know objectives of teaching biology
2. Know what content to be taught per lesson
3. It enables the teacher to have a general
impression of the general methodology to
apply, practical approach method, lecture or
any other that is appropriate.
• Is a derivative of the syllabus.
• Is an interpretation of the syllabus in form of a work
plan indicating sequentially the topics or themes in a
given subjects which should be covered within a
scheduled time a month a year.
• A scheme of work is projection of what the teacher
intends to cover from the syllabus with his learners
suggesting how this will be done in a specified time.
• A scheme of work therefore is detailed work plan for
the subject matter which is supplied to be covered
over a period of methods and materials to be used.
When preparing scheme of work a teacher
should consider
I) syllabus. A teacher must be aware of trends
occurring in biology syllabus from K.I.C.D
through circulars. During the scheming the
teacher will use the syllabus
• To analyze lengthy and difficulty of each of
the topic
• Have an estimate of time each of the topic
• Make an assessment of teaching /learning
activities suggested at the end of every topic
with a view to finding whether they are
suitable to be included in schemes (adoption,
or adaptation, taking with minor changes).
• Find out whether the suggested materials are
• Check if the instructional objectives /specific
objectives will give a hint of methodology to
NB: One doesn’t need to follow the syllabus the
way the topics are arranged due to the following
• The sequence of the concepts e.g. nutrition –
start with plan new animals
• The nature calendar – availability of teaching
materials as determined by the seasons e.g
flowers animals e.g. earthworms
Schemes of work reflect the following two;
Continuity and Progression
• Continuity: - providing the correct sequence
of concepts e.g. plants nutrition to animals
• Progression:- Moving from simple concepts to
more complex concepts e.g. tackle
reproduction then handle growth and
When scheming a teacher also considers;
1) SUITABLE REFERENCE ;These include books
especially from K.I.E which in organised in years from
year 1- yearr 4. Each text book has an accompanying
teachers guide which gives teacher more hint on the
• One can have other text books but the K.I.E is vital.
• The teacher must look at subject topic and sub-
topic and get suitable textbooks. Don’t teach as
per text books but as per the schemes of work.
2) THE TIMING ; When scheming there is need
for careful budgeting of time.
• In form 1 and 2 we normally have 4 lessons per
week. 2 theory lessons and double lesson for
• Form 3 and 4 there are 5 lessons per week.
For the 3 single lessons theory work is covered
and the double lesson is for practical work.
• Objectives will give one hint on timing e.g.
Photosynthesis; Objectives
• to state the objective 2-3 minutes
• Student should be able to define the term
photosynthesis- give 2 minutes
• To state factors necessary for photos synthesis
2-3 minutes
• Students should be able to explain the factors
necessary for photosynthesis 20-25 minutes
• Objectives give guide to time allocated for
each activity.
3.Teaching –Learning aids
For teaching to be effective, student must be
exposed to multisensory experiences i.e., eye,
ear, touch and smell. Each topic will have
different learning aids. One must look at the
nature calendar i.e. when are the material
available for use. Environment of the school
must also be considered i.e. material available in
• Visit to local market is necessary for getting
materials. Abattoir –slaughter house. Eyes, heart,
• Also make a survey of the commercially produced
teaching aids i.e. charts models e.t.c if not present
then teacher must produce this teaching aids i.e.
improvise where necessary eg sisal tray instead of
metal tray for dissection, instead of Pins use
• Chemicals /reagents find out what is available in
the lab, work together with the lab assistant.
Advantages of scheming

1. It enables the teacher to sort out and organize

requirements (guided by the syllabus) well in
2. It gives a quick picture of teachers progress at
any time of the year
3. It leads to good time budgeting. this ensures
that the whole syllabus is covered
4. It helps methods of instruction for each of the
topics i.e. it allows for incorporation of a
variety of learning experiences if well planned.
5. It enables the teacher exhaustively think of
appropriate teaching learning resources. This
ensures different kind of teaching aids are put
into use.
6. It provides for individuals differences among
the learners. This is a result of the use of
different teaching learning activities.
7. It gives continuity in instruction over period of
days, weeks , months and years
8. The provision of the remarks column in S.O.W
allows for flexibility based on the pace of the
learners and any other problems that may arise
during the planned period of instruction
9. Proper scheming gives more integrated and
meaningful experiences to the learners.
Components of scheme of work
1. Preliminary information Includes: Teachers
name , The registration number, School ,
Class, Year , Periods per week , Subjects
term , Lesson duration .
2. Set of instructional objectives -whole term
summary of instructional objectives in a
sequence and topic wise
3. References -have a set of books for
references and put them down.
Major Entries (in columns) include;
• Time -Is in terms of weeks and lessons per week.
Weeks-Are indicated as week 1, 2, 3,4,until one
completes the number of weeks of the term.
• Lesson number-Indicated as 1, 2, 3, 4,5 per week.
• Major topic
• Lesson topic and objectives
• Method (learning/teaching activities)
• Learning/Teaching resources
• Remarks
NB: An outline of SOW
Preliminary page of SOW
Teacher’s name………Reg No……….School………
Class-2 west: Subject- Biology Year-2020 Term 2
Learning outcomes
By the end of the term, the learner should be able to
1. Define biology
2. List branches of biology
3. Classify living organisms
4. Use a microscope
5. Explain the functions of various parts of a cell
WE Lesso Major Lesson Topic and Method Learning Remarks
EK n No. topic learning outcome (Learning/ /
area Teaching Teaching
activities) resource
1 1 Cell Meaning of cell Discussion Students All
physiolog physiology Drawing secondar Learners
y Learning outcome Group y biology Were able
By the end of the work book 1 to draw
lesson, the learner page 1-3 and label
should be able to: parts of a
1. Define cell Model of cell
physiology. Cell membran
2. Draw the structure membra e.
of a cell membrane. ne
2 ‘’ Properties of a cell Discussion Students All
membrane Think, Pair secondar Learners
Learning outcomes and share y biology were able
By the end of the book 1 to relate
lesson, the learner page 4-5 cell parts
should be able to: to their
1. Name the various Macmilla functions.
parts of a cell n biology
membrane book 1

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