What Is Government Day 2

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In the previous class we have done

pages 27-30
Let’s Recap what we did in the last lesson!

What’s the name of Chapter that we are doing?

What’s the voting age in India?

Can you tell how many levels of government are there?

Suggest 2 reasons why we need government

The area around your school – will come under which level
of government?
Lesson Objective-

We will be able differentiate between Anarchy,

Monarchy, Dictatorship and Democracy.
What do you think will happen if-

No principal in school

No captain in Indian Cricket team

No traffic policeman on the Red Light

No Government in the country

What is Monarchy?
1) The final decision remains with the monarch (king or a queen).

2) Kings and queens do not have to explain their actions or defend their decisions to
What is Dictatorship?
A dictatorship is a government ruled by
a single leader or dictator with absolute The root word "dictate" means to
power and control. Example- Adolf give orders.
Hitler was a dictator
What is Democracy?
What do you mean by
democracy ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arn8Fp1jyo What is Democracy
What do you mean by representative
democracy ?
Universal Adult Franchise- All the adults have the right to

In India, before independence a small minority was only allowed

to vote. Now everyone above 18 years of age can vote.
Eg- Universal Adult Franchise

In representative democracies people do not participate directly but,

instead, choose their representatives through an election process.

These representatives meet and make decisions for the entire

Can you believe that there was a time when
governments did not allow women and the poor to
participate in elections? (Pg 31)
The government in a democracy is required to -

2) Enforce laws (implement

1) Frame laws (System of rules)

People can also take steps to ensure the implementation

of laws in cases where their rights are infringed upon.
All the people are considered equal.
Recall the provisions Article 17- Abolition of untouchability.
under the right to Government jobs are open to all.
equality from the People are free to choose any occupation they want.
previous chapter.
Each person has equal rights and opportunities.
Observe the following pictures :
Please make this table in your SPL Notebook



Selection of leaders

Rights of the people

Please sit with SST Notebook in the class to note down key
points. Writing key points helps in memorizing them easily

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