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Introduction to curriculum design

 Curriculum design is the planning period when instructors

organize the instructional units for their course.
 Curriculum design involves planning, activities, readings,
lessons, and assessment.
 Curriculum designing becomes the part of curriculum planning.
 Curriculum designing is a process in which participants take
 Curriculum design is purposeful and way forward systematic
organization of curriculum for a particular class.
 Curriculum design is a complex process but also a systematic
 It is important for a teacher to understand how the curriculum a
teacher is using in the school is being designed.
Curriculum Design

“Curriculum design is defined as the process of Selecting and organization

of subject matters
selecting, organizing, executing and evaluating
learning experiences on the basis of the needs,
abilities and interest of the learners and the
nature of the community.”
Objectives of Curriculum Design

o Based on desired outcomes of teaching-learning process: development

of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and habits .
o The purpose of a curriculum design is to help educational institutions
to meet the needs of their students.
o Curriculum design involves identifying learning objectives and
activities that will help students reach those objectives.
o It will also provide a framework for how content is delivered to
students, and how it is evaluated.
Concepts of curriculum

Curriculum design refers to the systematic

arrangement of the element of a curriculum with in a
course or program
Element of curriculum design

Goal, aim, objective

Subject matter, content
Learning experience and
Evaluation approach
o Society o Demand of Society
o Knowledge o Resources
o Learner o Level and age of learner
o Learning Process o System of examination
o Types of society and culture
o Balance o Curriculum evaluation is an
o Articulation essential phase of curriculum
o Sequence development. Through evaluation
o Integration a faculty knows whether
o Continuity curriculum is fulfilling its
purposes or students are actually
o Formative
o Summative
Curriculum is the public phase of a Following are the categories.
o Learner-Centered Design
profession is the best thinking. o Experience- Centered
o Balanced
o Radical Design
o Rigorous
o Coherent o Problem –Centered Design
o Integrated
o Appropriate
o Focused
o Relevant
Slide Title Designs

 Child-Centered Design Child-Centered Design

 Experience-Centered Design
 Romantic (Radical) Design Students must be active in their learning
 Humanistic Design environments.
Child centered ,experience centered curriculum
Design based on students lives, needs, interest
Belief: effective learning did not require strict
discipline, child’s innate tendency
Organized around human impulses: to socialize, to
construct, inquire, experiment, express/create.
Radical Design

 A curriculum that is not pre-planned, done Students must learn ways of engaging
“on the spot” in a critique of knowledge
 Why? child’s needs and interests cannot be  Learning is reflective, it is not
anticipated. externally imposed by someone in power
 Students design their own learning,  Radicals view society as deeply
construct & revise their knowledge flawed & believe that schools used
 Th curriculum
 Through direct participation & active to control & indoctrinate, not to
observation educate & emancipate
 Teachers design potential experiences for Students must accept responsibility for
students to consider educating themselves & demand
 Search for starting points, interest->linked freedom
to formalized knowledge
Problem-Centered Designs

Focuses on real-life problems of individuals society

• Life-Situations Designs
• Reconstructionist Design

Life-Situations Designs
Focus on problem-solving procedures
The content is organized in ways that allow students to clearly view problem areas
 Uses learner’s past & present experiences to get them to analyze the basic aspects
of living
 Starting point: Student’s existing concerns, society’s pressing problems

Tends to indoctrinate youth to accept existing conditions, thus perpetuates the social status.
Needs of Curriculum Design
o Realization of educational objectives
o Development of knowledge , skills and attitudes
o Preparation of text book
o Development of Personality
o Acquisition of knowledge
o Proper use of time and energy
o Conduction of examination
 Realization of educational objectives
o An organization of education Is based on the curriculum The curriculum
development is done in view to realize objectives Of education.
Development of knowledge skills and attitudes
o The nature of curriculum provides The basis for the developing.
o Knowledge
o Skills
o Attitudes and
o Creativity ability
o IT also helps in developing leadership qualities.

 Development of Personality
o It helps in physical social and moral qualities of learner .

 Development of text book

o The curriculum provides The guideline And basic for Preparing text book.
It’s for the use of student and subject teacher.
Acquisition of knowledge
o The curriculum is mean for the acquiring knowledge.
o The human knowledge is one but it divided into Subjects according to different
point of view.
o The curriculum is designed for different subjects.
 Proper use Of Time and energy
o It provides guideline to teachers as well as
o What are teachers has to teach ?
o What The students to learn ?
Conduction of examination
o Our education is examination centered.
o The students have focused obtained good marks in the examination.
o The Examination paper is prepared as per curriculum of the subject
o Trignum is basis of
o Teacher
o Learning
o Testing
Types of Curriculum
Following are types of curriculum:
o Subject Based
o Activity Based
o Behavioural Based
o Process Based
o Hidden Curriculum
o Core Curriculum
o Co-curricular Activities
 Subject Based  Activity Based
Curriculum is what is taught in a given course The focus of an activity based is on teaching skills
or subject. and knowledge to your students through creative
o It refers to an interactive system of tasks and activities.
instruction and learning with specific o Rather than students passively listening to
goals , contents, strategies, measurements teachers they will complete tasks that practice
and resources. key skills and allow them to absorb information
 Advantages in an active way.
o It is easier for teacher to perform.  Advantages
o Widely accepted by parents as they have o They develop creative thinking skills.
gone through it. o They can improve teamwork skills.
o Simple-complex concept makes it easier o Children can remember key information in a
to administrator. better way.
 Behavioural Based  Process Based
These curricula are specific type of It focuses on how the education is
curriculum that incorporates behavioral delivered because the what ( both in
principles( e.g. emphasis on functional terms of content and outcomes) is yet to
behavior, operationalizing behaviors and be determined ( in any meaningful and
objectives and measuring behavior) detailed way) because the process has yet
 Advantages to unfold, develop or progress
o A plan sets expectations.  Advantages
o Classrooms become more conducive o It encourages self-direction and student-led
to learning. regulation.
o It facilitates communication skills.
o Easier to get help for students who o Emotional intelligence is a major
need additional support. consideration.
 Core curriculum  Co-curricular activities
The core curriculum along with compulsory It take place outside of an academic
subject also includes optional subjects like. curriculum but are related to academics in
o Fine arts
sum way. Participation is voluntary and has
o Home economics
o Language
no bearing on students grades.
o Music  Examples
o Debate team
 Characteristics o Fraternities and sororities
o It emphasis discussion and group problem
o Student council
solving. curriculum
o Learning is not restricted to the classroom. It is a side effect of education where lessons are
o Offers the study of many types of original learned but not openly intended.
materials and not only great books. oIt often refers to norms, values and beliefs
conveyed in the classroom and the social
Guidelines For  Create a schedule meetings to make curriculum design decisions
 Gather data about educational issues and suggested solutions
Curriculum  Process data on available curriculum designs, compare cost,
scheduling, students characteristics and academic strengths,

Design learning environments, whether community accept the design.

 Schedule time for reflection on the design
 Schedule time for revision of the design
 Explain the design to educational colleagues, community
members, if appropriate, students.

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