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Blog Evaluation

George Reeve
Text/Information evaluation
• You need to evaluate your own use of text/information within your blog. Place
screenshots of your work here and justify your evaluation

I think my work is good because this

blog explains what essentially is
happening in the world in this current
time. Also another reason why I think
my work is good is because it also
explains what Putin is doing to the
Ukrainians. And it also explains that
Putin is ruining millions of lives, and the
fact that he is calling it a special military
operation, just shows he’s afraid to call it
an act of war.
Image evaluation
• You need to evaluate your own use of images within your blog. Place
screenshots of your work here and justify your evaluation

I have used this picture in my blog because it shows the

Russian tank which has destroyed many buildings in the
conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Also another reason
why I bused this picture is because yes it did destroy
buildings, but its not the solders fault who drive the tanks
its Putin’s fault for forcing them to do it because half of his
solders don’t stand with him.
Video evaluation
• You need to evaluate your own use of videos within your blog. Place
screenshots of your work here and justify your evaluation
Style/Theme evaluation
• You need to evaluate your own use of style/theme within your blog. Place
screenshots of your work here and justify your evaluation
Other evaluation
• If there is anything else in your blog that you feel is unique and you should
evaluate it then justify it here
Peer Feedback Table
Emerging [1] Expected [2] Exceeding [3]

Audience •Some evidence of thought for the audience •Has appropriately identified the audience and there is some •Has identified the audience and it is clear that the
evidence that content is tailored for the audience content is fully appropriate for the audience

Sources •Has used at least one source to support argument, •Has used two or more sources of information, which are •Has used a range of sources to support their argument,
but it is not fully or appropriately referenced and referenced appropriately, and it can be proven that some and all sources are fit for purpose and referenced
there is no indication of credibility information came from credible sources appropriately, and their credibility has been justified

Formatting •Blog has a number of formatting errors still left to •Blog has been formatted appropriately with few improvements •Blog has been formatted appropriately with no
correct needed improvements needed
•Some additional features have been added to the •Has appropriately included most of the following features: bullet •Has appropriately included a range of the following
document, but not always appropriately points, alignment, font style and size, titles, colour features: bullet points, alignment, font style and size,
titles, colour
•Has also independently investigated other features to

Images •Images have been added, but they are not fit for •Images are mostly suitable for the blog •Images are all suitable for the blog
purpose •At least one image has been edited (cropped/text wrapped, •Where appropriate, the images have been edited
•Other than resizing, no image editing has taken recoloured) appropriately to fit with the text (cropped/text wrapped, recoloured) to fit with the text
place •All images are attributed to the author •All images are attributed to the author
•Not all images are attributed to the author
Review 1 Justification




Q1 - Write down one thing that you like about their work
Suggestions for improvement Agree? (If you agree, you are Disagree? (If you disagree, please justify why in this box.)
expected to then make the
recommended improvement to your
Review 2 Justification




Q1 - Write down one thing that you like about their work
Suggestions for improvement Agree? (If you agree, you are Disagree? (If you disagree, please justify why in this box.)
expected to then make the
recommended improvement to your
Review 3 Justification




Q1 - Write down one thing that you like about their work
Suggestions for improvement Agree? (If you agree, you are Disagree? (If you disagree, please justify why in this box.)
expected to then make the
recommended improvement to your

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