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SI Architect Certification: Performance Issues

By : Ing. Duván Mejia Cortes

Table of contents

 Case of study
 Performance Issues
 Solution
 Conclusión
Case of study

Performance Issues:

MongoDB: Is a popular, open-source NoSQL database management

system that falls under the category of document-oriented databases. It
was developed by MongoDB Inc. and is designed to handle large
amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data
Performance Issues:
MongoDB's popularity is closely tied to its ability to handle
large volumes of data efficiently. Here are some key points
highlighting its popularity in managing large datasets:

* Horizontal Scalability.
* No Schema Constraints.
* Document-Oriented Model.
* Efficient Indexing.
*Aggregation Framework.
* Automatic Sharding.
* Replication for High Availability.
* Geospatial Capabilities.
Performance Issues:
Importance of performance:

In the realm of software and applications, performance plays a pivotal role in

shaping the overall user experience. It goes beyond mere speed; it
encompasses responsiveness, reliability, and efficiency. Users today expect
seamless and fast interactions with applications, making performance a critical
determinant of user satisfaction. The smoother and more responsive an
application is, the more positive the user experience becomes.

Application responsiveness, or the speed at which an application reacts to

user inputs, is a direct reflection of its performance. When an application
responds promptly to user actions, it enhances the sense of interactivity and
engagement. On the other hand, sluggish performance, slow loading times, or
delayed responses can frustrate users and lead to a suboptimal experience.
Users often associate a responsive application with reliability and
professionalism, making it a key factor in retaining and attracting users.
Performance Issues:
Common Performance Issues

Several common performance issues can impact the effectiveness of software

applications. Identifying and addressing these issues is crucial to ensuring
optimal user experience. Here are some common performance issues:

* Overview of common issues affecting MongoDB performance.

* Slow queries.
* Indexing problems.
* Insufficient hardware resources.
* Inefficient schema design.
Performance Issues: Slow Queries:
Managing slow queries in MongoDB involves a combination of identifying slow
operations, optimizing queries, and utilizing MongoDB-specific tools. Here are
steps you can take to address slow queries in MongoDB:

* Enable Profiling.
* Analyze Profiling Data.
* Create Indexes.
* Covered Queries.
* Query Planner.
* Upgrade MongoDB Version.
Performance Issues: Insufficient Hardware Resources

Managing insufficient hardware resources in MongoDB involves a combination

of optimizing the existing infrastructure, scaling horizontally or vertically, and
considering other performance-related configurations. Here are steps you can
take to address insufficient hardware resources in MongoDB:

* Identity Resource Bottlenecks.

* Upgrade Hardware.
* Vertical Scalling.
* Horizontal Scalling.
* Use wiredTiger storage engine:
Performance Issues:
Inefficient Schema Design

Efficient schema design is crucial for optimizing MongoDB performance and

ensuring that the database can scale effectively. If you're facing issues related to
inefficient schema design in MongoDB, here are several strategies to manage
and improve the situation:

* Understand data access patterns.

* Indexing.
* Avoid large Array.
* Document Validation.
Case of study: Agroclimatic station:
In a past project at my previous company, we initiated a new project focused on
working with sensors to collect data related to air quality, humidity, light, and pH
We chose MongoDB as our data storage solution. However, over the course of
three years, we encountered performance issues with the application.
We conducted a review with the developers and the database administration
(DBA) team, during which we identified performance issues. Three key problems
were identified:
Lack of Optimized Indexes:
The existing indexes were not optimized for efficient query performance.
Scaling Issues:
Challenges related to scaling the system were identified as a contributing factor
to the performance problems.
Inefficient Schema Design:
The schema design was found to be inefficient, impacting the overall
performance of the system.

The actual solution involved reviewing the indexes in certain collections. We

also consulted with the software architect to consider horizontal scaling, as it
is ideal for scenarios where the workload is expected to grow significantly.
This approach provides a more scalable and flexible solution for large and
dynamic systems.
Why MongoDB is a suitable choice for collecting and managing data from sensors due to
several advantages:

* Flexible Schema:
MongoDB's flexible and dynamic schema allows you to store data from sensors
without a predefined structure. This is especially advantageous when dealing with
diverse and evolving data formats generated by different types of sensors.

* JSON-like Document Format:

MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, which is a binary representation
of JSON documents. This document-oriented storage is well-suited for sensor data,
which often arrives in JSON or similar formats.

* Scalability and Performance:

MongoDB's horizontal scaling capabilities make it suitable for handling large volumes
of sensor data. With features like sharding, MongoDB can distribute data across
multiple nodes or clusters, allowing for increased storage capacity and improved
query performance.

In conclusion, MongoDB stands out as a favorable choice for collecting data from
sensors due to its distinctive strengths. The combination of a flexible schema,
support for JSON-like document storage, and scalability makes MongoDB well-
suited for handling the dynamic and diverse nature of sensor data. The ability to
adapt to evolving data structures, efficiently store sensor readings in BSON
format, and scale horizontally to accommodate growing volumes of data
positions MongoDB as a robust solution for effectively managing and recalling
sensor data in real-time applications.

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