Village Assignment

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The American College

Department Of Social Work

Course Title: Fundamentals of Professional Social Work

Course Code: MSW4411


• Dr.T.Augustus Julian Lazmey

• JEEVA M (23MSW12) Head Of The Department.
• RAGAV (23MSW31)
• SNEKHA LATHA (23MSW38) Mr. Alan Potter
• VANTHANA RAMAYEE (23MSW45) Assistant Professor
• ASHER SAM (23MSW52).
The American College,Madurai.



 Community program was conducted in the village

called Thuyaneri near Alagarkovil by the students of
the American College, Madurai who are currently
pursuing their first year in Master of Social Work
(MSW) . There they gathered people in the village for
an awareness program and conducted the program
there in a temple on the Sub-topics of Women,
Children, Equality and domestic violence in the family
and also said how to solve these problems.
 The first year MSW students of the American College,
Madurai spoke about women’s rights and they also
referred One stop Centre which is running through the
Nirbhaya Fund, the gang rape case happened in Delhi.
The one stop centre works for the welfare of the women
and they are government initiatives who rescue women
who are sexually abused and they even take care of
women who are in the road sides and they also take care
of women who undergo domestic violence in families.
Their helpline number is 181 and they even make women
stay in the One Stop Centre if they are in any kind of
 They group members about protection of children and
about their education in the village and the villagers said
some of the children in the village will stop studying if
they are not able to study; So they would rather go for
work. These students gave awareness on this and they
said all the children should go to school till the age of 18
and now a days, Government schools are developed so
much. The government also gives many schemes for their
empowerment and also for the girl children studying in
school. The Government provides Rs.25000/- for using
after their higher secondary education. They also spoke
about child marriages and how they should be avoided.
Domestic violence:

 The Group members also spoke about

Domestic Violence in families and how they
cause conflicts inside the families. They also
spoke that due to conflicts in the family, the
children in the family are affected and the
education of the child is disturbed. They
referred One Stop Centre here too and they
said that there should be peace in the family.
 The students of the American College, Madurai spoke
about family where inequality is a major issue and
said that there should be equality in the family.
Women can also work or else the families do not run
smoothly due to the current situation and they also
said there is nothing like a boy has specific works to
do and girls have specific work to do the members in
the family should do all kinds of work irrespective of
their gender. This equality in the family will also be
learnt by the children in the family.

 The First year MSW students of the American

College, Madurai concluded the program with a
small drama which would be better understood for
the people and this is an assignment for the
students to create awareness for the people who
are unaware of the how good family should be. The
students also received information and idea about
how a family in village would be. This awareness
program was a learning process for both the
villagers and the students.
Thank you

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