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1. What is your approximately monthly household income?


A. 5,000 below 16 54%
B. 5,000-10,000 6 20%
C. 10,000-15,000 1 3%
D. 15,000 above 7 23%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30

individuals in sample. The majority of respondents (54%)
reported a monthly household income of 5,000 pesos or
below, indicating significant financial constraints. A smaller
proportion (20%) fell within the 5,000-10,000 pesos
bracket. Only 3% reported an income of 10,000-15,000
pesos, while 23% had incomes of 15,000 pesos or above,
showing diversity in income levels among respondents.
2. Would you be interested in purchasing lemon juice and
milkshake if it were available in your locality?
A. Yes 27 90%

B. No 3 10%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30

individuals in sample. The survey reveals a strong interest in
purchasing lemon juice and milkshakes among respondents,
with 90% expressing willingness to do so. This high
percentage suggests a potential demand for these beverages
in the local area. Only 10% of respondents indicated no
interest, suggesting a minority who may prefer other drink
options or have specific dietary preferences.
3. How often do you consume lemon juice or milkshakes?

A. Daily 3 10%

B. Several times a week 13 44%

C. Once a week 7 23%

D. Rarely or never 7 23%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30 individuals in sample.

Among the respondents, the most common frequency of consuming lemon
juice or milkshakes is several times a week, with 44% indicating this choice.
Following closely, 23% reported consuming these beverages once a week,
while another 23% stated they rarely or never consume them. Only 10%
reported consuming lemon juice or milkshakes daily.
4. What time of the day do you usually consume lemon
juice or milkshake?
A. Morning 0 0%
B. Afternoon 17 3%
C. Evening 1 57%
D. Anything throughout the day 12 40%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30 individuals in

sample. The majority of respondents (57%) reported consuming lemon juice
or milkshake in the evening, suggesting that this time of day is preferred for
enjoying these beverages. A significant portion (40%) indicated consuming
them anytime throughout the day, showcasing flexibility in their
consumption patterns. Only a small percentage (3%) reported consuming
lemon juice or milkshake in the afternoon, while none reported consuming
them in the morning. This indicates that evening is the most popular time
for enjoying these beverages among the surveyed individuals, with a
notable number opting for anytime consumption.
5. Would you prefer to purchase lemon juice in:
A. Bottles 24 80%
B. Cartoons 0 0%
C. Plastic cups 5 17%
D. Other ( please specify) 1 3%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30 individuals in

sample. The vast majority of respondents (80%) expressed a
preference for purchasing lemon juice in bottles, indicating a strong
preference for this packaging format. Interestingly, none of the
respondents favored cartons, suggesting a lack of interest in this
option. However, 17% of respondents indicated a preference for
lemon juice in plastic cups, demonstrating some level of interest in this
alternative packaging. Additionally, a small percentage (3%) specified
"other," with preferences for cups with pink straws.
6. How much would you be willing to pay for the lemon
juice and milkshake?
A. 15-20 25 84%
B. 25-30 4 13%
C. 30 Above 1 3%

In the table shown above, there were a total of 30

individuals in sample. The responses indicate that the majority
of respondents, comprising 84%, are willing to pay between 15
and 20 pesos for lemon juice or milkshake. This suggests a
preference for affordable pricing among the surveyed
population. Only 13% of respondents are willing to pay between
25 and 30 pesos, indicating a smaller portion willing to spend
slightly more. A mere 3% are willing to pay 30 pesos or above,
highlighting a very small percentage willing to pay higher prices
for these beverages.
Based on the survey of 30 individuals, it's clear
that there is a strong interest in purchasing lemon
juice and milkshakes in the local area, with 90%
expressing willingness to do so. Most respondents
prefer consuming these beverages several times a
week or once a week, primarily in the evening. They
also show a preference for purchasing lemon juice
in bottles and are willing to pay between 15 and 20
pesos for them. Overall, there is a significant
demand for these beverages, especially at
affordable prices, in the surveyed population.
Based on the findings, it's best to sell lemon
juice and milkshakes in bottles since 80% prefer
this packaging. Keep the price between 15 and 20
pesos, as 84% are willing to pay within this range.
Highlight that these drinks can be enjoyed
anytime, especially in the evening. This strategy
will likely attract more customers.

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