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By: Carolina Gallango-Brun Sana Khan Vedrana Sahovic

Autoclave is a pressurized device designed to heat aqueous solutions above their boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure to achieve sterilization
Fig. 1. Autoclave machine

Brief History
1450 B.C.E. Moses 460-377 B.C.E. Hippocrates Lazzaro Spallanzani Pasteur Denis Papin

Fig. 2. Papins steam cooker

20th Century
It was finalized by Charles Chamberland in 1987 Colleague of Pasteur Building up on Papins marmite From culinary to medicine
Fig. 3. Charles Chamberland 1851-1908

How Des it Works?

Liquid H2O cannot be heated above 100C in an open vessel At 100C boils H2O heated in a sealed vessel Pressure rises Boiling point of H2O is raised

The Process
Air removal Downward displacement Steam pulsing Vacuums pumps Superatmospheric Subatmospheric

Autoclave Usage
Microbiology Medicine Body piercing Veterinary science Dentistry Podiatry Metallurgy

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