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Objectives: 2
Define human resource management
Describe the function of human resources management(HRM)
Differentiate between personal management and human resource
Discuss the different strategies for staff management
Describe the recruitment process
Discuss staffing and scheduling
Define staff retention and staff development
Discuss the importance of staff retention and staff development
Discuss the importance of delegation

 Human resource management

is organizing, coordinating, and
managing an organization's current
employees to carry out an
organization's mission, vision, and
goals. This includes recruiting,
hiring, training, compensating,
retaining, and motivating
Purpose of HRM: 4

 Human resource management has four basic

functions: staffing, training and development, motivation,
and maintenance. Staffing is the recruitment and selection
of potential employees done through interviewing,
applications, networking, etc.
 Human resource management is the strategic approach
to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a
positive workplace environment. Its functions vary across
different businesses and industries, but typically include
recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and
development, and employee relations.
Functions of Human Resource 5
Management (HRM):
 The Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) are to
improve the value of leadership potential, top talent, employee
retention rate, company goals, and the company’s long-term
manageability at a higher maturity level than the one currently in The
company and employees’ success depends heavily on human resource
management, regardless of the sector or size of the organization.
Personal resources Human resources 7

 It is traditional approach of managing  It is modern approach of managing people

people at workplace and is concern of at workplace and is concern of managers
personal department. of all levels(from top to bottom).
 It is strategic function.
 It is a routine function.
 Human values and individual needs are
 Efficient management is given
given priority.
 Human resource management is
 Personal management is concerned concerned with all level of managers from
with personnel manager. top to bottom.
 Personal management focuses on  Human resource management focuses
personnel administration employee acquisition, development, motivation and
welfare and labor relation. maintenance of human resources in the
Staff strategies management: 9

Strategies to Effectively Manage Your Staff

 Be a Leader Before Being a Manager. Leadership is the ability to influence
people and drive them to achieve a common goal. ...
 Set Up a Reward Program. ...
 Communicate With Your Staff. ...
 Actively Listen. ...
 Get to Know Your Staff. ...
 Encourage Learning. ...
 Provide Constructive Criticism…(feedback)
 Build Trust
 Hire the right people.
Conti: 10

 Measure the monitor staff performance on regular basis

 Foster(encourage) open communication
 Have clear goal and objectives
 Reward and recognize hard work
 Staff should enjoy their work
 Encourage staff to voice out their opinions and ideas
 Set the example
Recruitment process: 11

 Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting,

interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In
other words, it involves everything from the identification of
a staffing need to filling it.
 The goal of your recruiting process should be to attract top
performers and start building strong relationships with
them — engaging them with your company from the first
touch. It's crucial because A-players have a vision of what
they want to accomplish(achievement), both in their personal
lives and in their careers.
Sources of recruitment process: 13
Internal source: 14
 Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees
within the organization internally. In other words,
applicants seeking for the different positions are those who
are currently employed with the same organization.
 Examples
 Transfers
 Promotions
 Upgrading
 Retired employees
External Source: 15
 External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees
outside the organization externally. In other words, the
applicants seeking job opportunities in this case are those who
are external to the organization.
 Examples
 Press advertisement
 Educational institutes
 Employment exchanges
 Employee referrals
Staffing and scheduling: 16

 Itstarget is to provide an adequate amount of staff of the

right mixture of personnel to give proper care to patients
housed in the unit at certain particular time.
 Inthe most basic sense, staffing and scheduling
mean assigning each employee to a workplace task for a
specific period.

 assigning each employee to a workplace task for a specific

Staff Retention 17

 Employee retention is defined as an

organization's ability to hold on to its
 Increasing employee retention has a direct
impact on business performance and success.
Staff Development: 18

 The processes and activities

designed to increase the
professional knowledge, skills,
and attitudes of staff members
so that they can improve the
learning of students.
Importance of staff retention and staff 19

 Effective employee retention can save an organization from
productivity. losses. High-retention workplaces tend to employ
more engaged workers who, in turn, get more done. Engaged
employees are more likely to improve customer relationships, and
teams that have had time to coalesce also tend to be more
 The five main drivers of employee retention are strong leadership,
frequent feedback, including recognition, opportunities for
advancement, competitive compensation packages, and a good
work/life balance. For retention strategies to be successful, they
should be crafted with these five drivers in mind.
Importance of delegation: 21

 Delegation refers to the transfer of responsibility for specific tasks

from one person to another. From a management perspective,
delegation occurs when a manager assigns specific tasks to their
 Delegating effectively saves time, helps you as a leader and your team
develop as professionals, prepares you to manage larger teams, and
inspires employees and team members to perform better.
 Learning how to delegate is one of the most important skills for
managers and leaders to possess.
 Strong delegation techniques can help managers save time , motivate
people and train people to take on new opportunities.
Benefits of delegation: 23
 Less stress
 Better time management
 More trust
 Employee
 Knowledge and skills development
 Confidence
 Motivation
 Organization
 Productivity and efficiency
 innovation

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