Managing Human Resources Chapter 5

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At the end of the chapter, the learner
will be able to:

Identify sources of potential office employees;

Know the role and function of supervision of employees;

Understand the importance of developing office


At the end of the chapter, the learner
will be able to:

Appreciate the value of job analysis;

Know how to administer salary and compensation;

Acquire knowledge in labor-management


relations in the office; and

At the end of the chapter, the learner
will be able to:

Identify problems of personnel in the office.

💡 Much of an organization’s success is attributed to the
quality of its workforce. Making a significant
contribution to this area is the employee selection
program used by the organization. Effective, well-
designed programs generally yield better results than
do their counterparts. Human resources, training and
labor managers and specialists provide their

It is better to promote an employee who
meets the requirements of the position than
hiring from the outside. It is also an evidence
that employees competence is rewarded.
Employee Referral
💡 When this is used, employee recommend individual for
open positions within the organization. Referrals give
employees a feeling of recognition or it may cause problems
if the individual referred does not perform satisfactorily.
Employee Promotion
💡 Morale is likely to increase and turnover decrease when
employees can be promoted.
💡 The information regarding employees’ job qualifications is
stored in a computerized databanks. This can be easily and
quickly screened to determine which employees are
presently qualified for the open position.
The advantage of external sources is that there will be
big potential applicant pool with new ideas to join in the
organization. The disadvantage is the possibility of
getting mediocre to unsatisfactory employees due to a

large number of applicants for just one opening.

This is used to apply for a position without knowing
whether an opening actually exists. Individuals using
this method may apply either in person or by mail.
💡 As a recruiting source, advertising includes classified
newspaper advertisements, magazines, and journals. Radio
and Television notices, electronic bulletin boards found on
the internet.
Educational Institution Placement
💡 Provide important services to both the employer and the job
seeker. The disadvantage is that some organizations may
recruit only at a limited number of colleges or universities.
Public Employment Agencies and Private
Employment Agencies
💡 Provide important services to both the employer and the job
seeker. The disadvantage is that some organizations may
recruit only at a limited number of colleges or universities.
Web-based Employment Services
💡 Using the web, the job seekers registers with the
employment service and electronically submits resume-type
Organization turns over certain of its function to any
outside agency that has specialization in recruiting,
selecting, and hiring employees. It is also common to
outsource janitorial, security, payroll, processing, food
services, office services, etc.
Employers cannot discriminate against an individual
with disability as long as a person is otherwise qualified
for the job.
Competition is stiff. With
so many applicants to
choose from, employers
use a variety of methods
for narrowing the field.
The following methods

are listed down:

Almost all the recruiters interviewed resort A one-page resume is preferable since
to “eye scanning” a resume, skimming it to manager is always in a hurry to finish
find the key words related to the position everything on his table.
and power words that indicate the applicant
is capable and hard working – words like
“adaptable, innovative, problem solving”

and skills like “oral communication, ability

to delegate”
Most employers with a paper preference like They want to see month and year for
cream, gray, or white. The more conservative the employment histories because they sniff
industry, the more conservative the paper. out gaps. They expect the resume to have
Manufacturing seems to prefer white; banking
a professional appearance, with a
beige. All notice a high quality paper, and all
discard error-laden resumes. These employers
balanced layout, good use of white space
want to be able to pick out an applicants and graphic elements. Employers also

qualifications and experience at a glance, so they want an easily readable font, not a fancy
like bullets, boldfacing, and lists. script.
Employees now often try to reduce the list of The applicant who survives the telephone
candidates further by conducting telephone interview still faces a challenge. The formal
interviews. They note the applicant’s ability to interview really begins as soon as the
discuss – education, job history, and current applicant arrives at the site. His or her actions
interests on the telephone. Those who cannot may be noted even out in the parking lot.
remember specifics are not invited for a formal Almost assuredly, the way applicant acts in the
interview. Neither are those who sound sleepy at waiting room will be reported to the

10:00 am. The telephone interview may also interviewer.

screen out applicants with accents.
Interviewer frequently sneak out, ostensibly for a Most recruiters size up the applicant very early
cup of coffee, to scope out the applicant in the interview. Appearance does matter. Even
unobserved. In fact, the interviewer may even be in casual workplaces, applicants are expected to
substituting at the reception desk. look professional. For men, that generally means
a suit and tie, or perhaps for some technician
positions pressed slacks and shirt, and tie. For
women, a suit is generally appropriate, although

dresses and even tailored slacks are acceptable.

Women and men are cautioned against lots of The typical interview process is around two or
jewelry or trendy looks. Many employers dislike three hours long – even for an entry-level
long hair on men. Heavy makeup and strong position. The HR person may initially interview
perfume or cologne can also be problems. the applicant for thirty minutes, discussing
Moderation in style and color are safe choices. qualifications and explaining the job. Then, if
the applicant is still in the running, department
heads may take a turn interviewing the applicant.

A panel of people may even be lined up; to grill

him or her.
Finally, in this age of teamwork, the team, that
the applicant will be joining often gets a chance They might be asked to plan what they would
to talk with the applicant to see if he or she will need to keep from a shipwreck if they were
fit in with the team. These possibilities are just stranded on a desert island, or they might be
the typical interview scenarios. Teleconference asked what they would do if a coworker took
interviews happen occasionally. Horror stories credit for an idea they had originated. Applicants
exist of all-day Saturday sessions for are judged by their ability to think on their feet.
prospective technicians where they are given

puzzles and scenario questions to work out

individually or as a team.
Employers interviewed also provided examples of Employers sometimes set traps for unwary
questions they frequently ask in interviews. These interviewees. Too often, the unsuspecting applicant is
questions are designed to explore educational lured into criticizing past employers or supervisors by
background and work experience, certainly. But innocent – screening questions like “Which supervisors
today’s HR manager is also interested in discovering did you like best? Least?” HR people encourage people
the style of management the employee responds best to spill their guts and are often adept at drawing out
to. That is the reason behind the question “Which confidences – the very confidences that may cost them
manager did you like best?” Personal attributes like the position. One recruiter asks “How would your
flexibility and enthusiasm count, too Employees do supervisor describe you?” She then calls the supervisor

not like to have to coax people into talking about the and compares notes.
Applicants should also be cautious not to appear nosy HR people dislike applicants who take over the
about the interviewer. Some recruiters mentioned that interview. Since interviewers are often bothered by
they do not like the applicant to look at their photos or specific questions about benefits and salary, applicants
look at things on their desk. should be cautioned against asking that questions – at
least until they have been offered the job. But
interviewers do like the applicant to ask some
questions. Questions show interest. The questions
should be related to the specific duties that go with the
position. Employers usually give an edge to applicants

who have researched the company, to applicants who

write follow-up letters after an interview, and to
applicants who ask for the job.
Applicants may not even get to go through the process for many positions.
More often these days, companies hire temporary workers. The temporary
agency takes care of testing the applicants and ensuring that they are
qualified. The company then tries them out in a position, and hires only those
who perform best
g Office
💡 Supervision is managing others through leadership
and personal influence. Management means simply
getting things done, not necessarily through
coordination of the efforts of other people. Thus, an
individual can be a good manager without even
dealing with people. A supervisor, however, exercises
hands-on influence and leadership skills to guide
💡 Effective supervisors share many qualities, including
the ability to maintain distance from their employees
without losing awareness of their activities, yet still
caring about their productiveness and well-being.
Similarly, effective supervisors are direct and fair in
their dealings with employees under their direction.
When supervisors discharge their duties effectively,
productivity rises and employees enjoy greater job
💡 Supervisors play an important role in the
business environment. Their primary job is to
see that the work performed by employees is
completed on time and at the highest level of
quality. In order to complete this task, they
must know the production process and have
an understanding of human behavior. Theirs
is a pressure-filled job.
💡 Supervisors perform a wide range of
functions, all of which are closely
intertwined. For example, they must be
excellent communicators. It is their job to
write reports, letters, memos, performance
appraisals and the amount of documents that
business need to operate. They must be
equally comfortable in communicating with
chief executive officers and assembly-line-
production workers.
💡 They must be able to run effective meetings.
They must carefully monitor the
organization’s goals, strategies, tactics, and
production schedules. They must be cognizant
of union rules where applicable. They must be
trainers, confidants, computer experts, goal
setters – in short, supervisors must be well-
rounded employees who are willing to accept
the responsibilities required to keep a
company running.
Supervisor as
Supervisors are required to Supervisors must be able to It is the supervisor’s responsibility
communicate with a variety write and speak concisely, to start upward communication to
of personnel in the course of clearly, consistently, and inform middle and senior managers
their jobs. Approaches that courteously with senior about production problems,
might improve the managers, production adherence to production schedules,
productivity of people in workers, customers, suppliers budget variances and other matters.
their 20’s, for example, are and other people who have Furthermore, supervisors must be
not generally, applicable to an interest in the able to react to downward
people in their 50’s. organization’s activities. communications from senior
Similarly, supervisors must managers in order to address
deal with people with a wide problems as quickly and efficiently
range of personal styles, as possible.
regardless of their ages and

💡 Supervisory reporting mechanisms most commonly involve oral and
written reports needed to protect their workers, the organization, and
themselves from legal actions. For instance, supervisors must know when
and in what form to use to document problems, with personnel, which
regulatory forms must be completed, to whom they must be submitted
and how frequently they should be done. Supervisors must also
understand laws and ethical guidelines governing employee surveillance
as they endeavor to monitor employee performance.
💡 Privacy issues play an increasingly large role in the workplace, as
practices including drug testing, videotaping of employees, reviewing the
computer files of employees and monitoring the phone conversation of
employees become commonplace in the business world. A large part of a
supervisor’s time is spent communicating. In fact, some estimates
suggest that supervisors spends as much as 70 percent of their time
communicating in one form or another.
Supervisor as
💡 An effective supervisor must be a polished trainer. It is
part of the supervisor’s responsibility to demonstrate to
workers exactly how certain procedures are performed.
Supervisors must also be excellent learners. Workers
expect their supervisors to be doers as well as teachers.
Therefore, supervisors must be able to master the tasks
that workers are assigned to perform.
💡 This ability is much more critical for first line
supervisors than those in middle and senior
management, especially in industries using production
processes. A thorough understanding of all jobs
involved in a given production process is essential to
effective supervision. Supervisors are ultimately
responsible for deploying their workforce in the most
productive and efficient manner possible.
Supervisor as
💡 For supervisors, life is a learning process. Not only
must they learn the rudiments of their subordinates
jobs, but they must also learn basic supervisory skills.
They must take courses in management, computer
communications and other skills that will help them in
their supervisory roles. If they do not continually
update their skills, they will as supervisors, which is
something neither they nor their organizations can
Supervisor as Goal
💡 Supervisors are responsible for setting goals for
themselves and their subordinates. In addition, they are
charged with ensuring that unit and individual goals set
by senior management are met. They must sit down
with their subordinates and work together to set goals
and monitor progress. This function requires full
employment of the supervisors communication skills.
💡 Supervisors cannot simply set goals and then ignore
them. First, they must set realistic goals for themselves
as their staff members. Then, they must establish
communication channels through which they and their
subordinates monitor progress. This involves constant
feedback between supervisors and subordinates without
which supervisors cannot be effective.
Supervisor as
💡 It is the supervisors job to evaluate workers on a
regular basis. Workers appreciate feedback on their
progress. Generally, they want honest and frequent
appraisals of their work and suggestion from their
supervisors on how to improve their performance.
Supervisor as
Human Resource
💡 Supervisors need to be aware of the needs of their
subordinates for example, they must know how to motivate
people, how to reward them, how and when to discipline them
and when and how to refer them to employee assistance
programs. They may have the assistance of human resource
specialist in some of these areas, but the basic responsibility is
the supervisor’s. Given their daily presence among their
employees, supervisors play a critical role in maintaining good
moral among the workforce. Employees who are happy and
take pride in their words and more productive, loyal and
responsive to overall corporate goals and projects.
Supervisor as
Computer Expert
💡 In today’s business environment, supervisors must be
computer proficient. Many of today’s management functions
are tied closely to computer. For example, computers are used
extensively for decision making, production scheduling and
product design. Supervisor are not responsible for many of the
functions facilitated by computers, but they must have a
working knowledge of how computer operate and role in the
production process. The same production line, it is essential
that supervisors understand how these computerized system
work if they are to remain technologically current.
💡 First-level supervisors in particular must stay abreast of
developments in computerized production system. They must
also be in positions to advise senior management as to what
computerized systems are applicable in particular
environments and what are not.
Supervisor as
💡 The supervisor is inextricably linked to the production
of goods and services. First, supervisors must be
knowledgeable about the production process they
control. They are responsible for a large variety of
simultaneous activities in the ongoing production
process. For example, to a large extent they control the
production schedule. Supervisors are invariably
involved in product planning design, project staffing,
employee training simplification of work methods.
💡 Maintenance of equipment and organization of task
and activities while striving to keep relations with
workers as amicable as possible. Whil performing these
tasks, supervisors must keep the object of meeting the
organizational or corporate goals in the forefront.
💡 These supervisors tasks in the production process also
includes equipment and materials management, such as
establishing guidelines for layout of the work being
performed and selecting the right equipment for each
job. Supervisors must schedule carefully to ensure that
time is not wasted.
💡 It is a fact of business that idle time and workers are
unproductive, costly and waste of capital investment.
Thus, supervisors must be effective time managers and
employee motivators. They must also keep an eye on
technological developments, since innovative
advancements in machinery and work performance
techniques are constantly being made.
💡 It is a fact of business that idle time and workers are
unproductive, costly and waste of capital investment.
Thus, supervisors must be effective time managers and
employee motivators. They must also keep an eye on
technological developments, since innovative
advancements in machinery and work performance
techniques are constantly being made.
💡 Supervisors must keep an eye on the future, when
performing their tasks. For example, a punch machine
in a factory may become outdated and need to be
replaced. It is an axiom in the manufacturing world that
what is right for a particular job, today maybe outdated
tomorrow. Therefore, supervisors may not only need to
recommend new equipment, but might also be required
to do economic analysis to justify the purchase of new
💡 In some cases they might also be asked to maintain
machinery or upgrade computer software systems. At
the least, they must be effective communicator who can
convince senior management of the need for upgraded
machinery and the justification for capital expenditure
Supervisor as
💡 Supervisors must be particularly effective in an advisory
role. Supervisors who can advice senior managers, middle
managers and subordinates on topics that affect their work
activities are valuable. The problem is to restrict advice
only to those areas directly related to individual needs at a
particular time. More often than not, the supervisors does
not provide detailed advice on particular issues.
Generally, the supervisor’s role is to point employees
toward qualified professionals who can be of assistance.
That in itself requires that supervisors be aware of where
the proper professionals can be found.
💡 There is seemingly no end to areas in which supervisors
become advisers. In whatever are the advice is provided it
must be aimed at improving individuals performance and
meeting organizational goals. As such, supervisors are
called on to advise staff members regarding their job
performance and their personal life as they relate to the
organization’s goals.
💡 Skill development is yet another area in which
supervisors becomes an adviser. Supervisors who do not
encourage their subordinates to develop their personal and
work-related skills are defeating their own purposes and
depriving employees of valuable training and
advancement opportunities. Supervisors must have a
grasp of what training is available, how it relates
specifically to individual employees needs and where
such training can be completed.
Supervisor as Idea
💡 An idea champion is an individual who generates a new idea or believes
in the value of a new idea and supports in the face of potential obstacles.
Generally, idea champions are members of the lower supervisory levels.
They typically are creative people who are willing to take risks.
Consequently, they frequently have trouble convincing senior managers
that a particular idea or system will be beneficial to the organization.
Thus, idea champions must often coordinate their activities with
sponsors, who are more often than not middle level managers.
Supervisor as
💡 Contemporary supervisors exemplify the prototypical knowledge
workers that the business world is beginning to demand. They must be
knowledgeable about a wide range of environmental issues and
workplace safety programs. Today’s supervisors must be aware of public
policy issues that were of no concern of their predecessors but which are
taking on added Importance today. For example, supervisor today must
have a broader knowledge of legislation affecting production that did
their predecessors.
💡 They must be careful to regulate the amount of air, water and
ground pollution released by the machinery and processes they
oversee. In particular, they must have some knowledge of the
reporting mechanisms that provide governmental regulatory
agencies with the information they need to ensure statutory
compliance. It is the first-level supervisors who are closed to the
production process. Therefore, it is primarily their responsibility to
make sure the production process is safe for their workers and the
Supervisor as
💡 The emergence of large international businesses is creating a new
demand per supervisor who can manage effectively in difficult
circumstances. Contemporary supervisors are well advised to learn new
languages and become aware of cultural differences among workers.
They must learn international trade laws and regulations and the
differences in reward and punishment systems. They have to learn how to
motivate workers in different countries and differentiate between what is
ethical and legal in one country but not in another. There is no doubt that
acquiring the knowledge and experience to supervise an international
business is placing even more pressure on managers but it’s also opening

new opportunities for supervisor.

The future hold much potential for supervisor. They have
long been an important part of the business world. It would be
possible to conduct business on any scale were it is not for the
presence of qualified supervisors who can lead the production
workers. Supervisors function as leaders, trainers, goal
setters, environmental watchdogs, facilitators communicators,
and mor. Simply put, they are the backbone of the business
world and will continue to be as long as there is business to
According to Mona Johnson, the owner of large companies,
especially large companies, she does not have the time to
supervise each and every employee who works for them. She
hires supervisors to ensure the employers are using company
time productively and effectively. The employees will follow
the lead of their supervisor, and it is the skills the supervisor
have are effective it will show in the department’s overall
💡 Employee development which helps maximize use of
human potentials is seen as continuous process that
lasts for the duration of office tenure with an
organization. Beginning with employee orientation,
the employee development process continues with the
training, counseling, appraising and motivating of
💡 In every organization, there is a need for a
training and development manager who will
make sure that the training the company will
provide to their employees will give them the
skills and knowledge they need to succeed in
their jobs.
Plan the training by:
Start reviewing the company’s organizational objectives and by
evaluating the existing training in light of those objectives;
Decide what additional training is needed to match employee
needs with company needs; and
💡 Suggest the training program’s value to the company.
💡 When training is approved, develop a
training plan that includes project planning,
project commencement and project
implementation and control. After the training
is administered, distribute a certificate of
completion to recognize participant efforts.
Assess Current
The company is likely to have some kind of training in
place already – even if it’s ad hoc and informal. Look at
what’s there, particularly:
💡 How well-trained are employees at all levels?
💡 What process is in place to propose and approve training?
💡 What methods are used to train and develop people?
💡 What overall priority is training given, and what resources are
set aside for it?
💡 It is essential to have a written
training plan before you begin
working with employees on their
learning agendas. A written plan
serves two purposes:
One Two
It’s a document that you can share with It’s the benchmark for measuring the
management. A commitment from effectiveness of training activities. With
management to support training is a written plan, you can assess the
crucial to the success of the program, original plan against what is actually
and managers need to know what happening and also gauge the quality of
they’re committing to. You’re a lot the training and the benefits that result.
more likely to succeed when your plan
is reviewed and approved by company
You may want to address the
following in your plan:
💡 The process for identifying and assessing
individual training needs.
💡 How employees will be trained and
developed within an organization.
💡 Available resources, including financial.
Employer's Role
💡 Make sure that every employee understands the
company business objectives. What is each employee’s
role in helping to achieve those objectives? This is an
interesting topic of discussion for managers and team
members; everyone can gain a better understanding of
their role in the company and achieve greater job
satisfaction as they start making connections between
what they do and the company’s business goals.
Employer's Role
💡 When employee understand their role within the
company, they should try to identify what changes are
necessary to meet individual, group and corporate
goals. Ask each employee to try and pin down what
training (if any) is needed to bring about those changes.
Employer's Role
💡 In most cases, acting in isolation isn’t enough to
change the way a business works. Each employee
usually needs the approval and support of a manager
and fellow workers. It is crucial to look at the learning
needs of the group in addition to those of the individual.
Employer's Role
💡 After employees have identified what learning is
necessary, they need to develop a learning agenda. E-
learning is one form of training worth exploring.
Employer's Role
💡 When employees have mastered new skills or acquired
new knowledge, they should be encouraged to share it
with others to the benefit of the entire organization.
A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review,
or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job
performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of
quality, quantity, cost and time) typically by the corresponding
manager or supervisor. A performance appraisal is a part of guiding
and managing career development. It is the process of obtaining,
analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an
employee to the organization. Performance appraisal is an analysis
of an employee’s recent successes and failures, personal strengths
and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It
is also the judgement of an employee’s performance in a job based

on considerations other than productivity alone.

Aims of performance appraisal are to:
Give employees feedback for performance
Identify employee training needs
Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards
Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions,
disciplinary actions, bonuses, etc.
Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development
Facilitate communication between employee and administration
Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet the Equal

Employment Opportunity requirements.

💡 To improve performance through counseling, coaching and
A common approach to assess a performance is to use a numerical
or scalar rating system whereby managers are asked to score an
individual against a number of objectives attributes. In some
companies, employees receive assessments from their manager,
peers, subordinates and customers while also performing a self-
assessment. This is known as a 360-degree appraisals and forms
good communication patterns.
The most popular methods used in the
performance appraisal process include the
Management by objectives
360-degree appraisal
Behavioral observation scale
💡 Behaviorally anchored rating scales
💡 Trait-based systems, which rely on factors such as
integrity and conscientiousness are also commonly
used by businesses. The scientific literature on the
subject provides evidence that assessing employees on
factors such as these should be avoided. The reasons
for this are twofold:
Because trait-based systems are by definition based on personality traits, they
make it difficult for a manager to provide feedback that can cause positive
change in employee performance. This is caused by the fact that personality
dimensions are for the most part static, and while an employee can change a
specific behavior they cannot change their personality. For example, a person
who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager because they have been caught,
but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again when the threat of

being caught is gone.

Trait-based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by
office politics, causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an
employee’s true performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows
managers to fill them out based on who they want to feel should get a raise,
rather than basing scores on specific behaviors employees should / should not be
engaging in. These systems are also more likely to leave a company open to
discrimination claims because a manager can make biased decisions without

having to back them up with specific behavioral information.

Some companies recognize the need to provide employee
feedback regarding performance. One method of providing
performance feedback is through performance appraisal.
Employees may depend on appraisals for such things are increases
in pay, promotions or other employee rewards (trips, bonuses,
gifts, etc). Companies that conducts performance appraisals may
have written policies in place that refer to time lines, types of
performance ratings and clearly defined processes. Some
companies may also require self-appraisals by employees or, even
hire outside consultants to conduct the appraisals.
Appraisals Match the Job
💡 Performance appraisal should match the job
descriptions and standard set for performance
objectives. For example, an employer who does word
processing could be appraised based on number of
errors and timeliness of work as these are standards
sets for that particular job. It may be unfair to appraise
a word processing employee on phone skills if that is
not part of the job description.
Appraisals are Legally Compliant
💡 Appraisals should be able to stand legal tests of
reliability (positions yield the same results for all
employers if repeated more than once) and validity (does
the appraisal measure what it is designed to measure). For
this reason, some companies have their appraisals
developed by third-party consultants who specialize in
this area.
Appraisers Should be Trained
💡 The supervisor or manager conducting the appraisal
should be trained in the use of the evaluation tool and
conducting the appraisal. For example, conflict may
arise if the employee disagrees with the outcome and
knowing how to deal with conflict is an important
tool. Explaining the ratings of the appraisal and
discussing future plans for improvement require good
communication skills.
Appraisals Systems Require
💡 It is important to the company and employee to provide
consistent monitoring and follow-up after the formal
appraisal is given. If the employee scored high with little
need for improvement, do not take that performance for
granted. Continue to coach and provide mentoring for
continuous improvement. Those employees who do
require improvements will need clearly defined plans
with follow-up and feedback.

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