Initiation of Investigation-4

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Initiation of Investigation

→FIR is not an indispensable requisite for the investigation

of crime

→Even without any FIR a P.O can investigate into a

cognizable offence
Sec.156: Police Officer’s power to investigate cognizable case.-

1) Any officer in-charge of a P.S may, without the order

of a Magistrate, investigate any cognizable case

2) An irregularity in investigation does not vitiate

proceedings or trial

3) Any Magistrate empowered u/s 190 may order such an

⸫ the process of investigation may start:
1) When FIR has been received u/s 154

2) Where the P.O has otherwise reason to suspect the

commission of cognizable offence [Sec.156 (1)]

3) Where a Magistrate orders to investigate by sending a

complaint, (at pre-cognizance stage) [Sec.156(3)]

4) Where a Magistrate orders to investigate in to a non-

cognizable case [Sec.155 (2)]

5) Where a Magistrate orders to investigate by sending a

complaint (after taking cognizance stage) [Sec.202(1)]
Sec.157: Procedure for investigation.-
(preliminary inquiry)
1) If, from the information received or otherwise,……

The P.O shall forthwith send a report of the same to a

Magistrate empowered to take cognizance and

→shall proceed to in person or depute one of his subordinate

officers to proceed to the spot, to investigate the facts and
circumstances of the case and

→take necessary measures for the discovery and arrest of

the offender
a) When name of the accused is known and the case is
not of serious nature the P.O need not proceed to make
an investigation on the spot;

b) If it appears that there is no sufficient ground for

entering on an investigation, he shall not investigate
the case
2) In case of clauses (a) & (b) to followed, the P.O
shall state in his report his reasons and forthwith
notify to the informant the fact that he will not
investigate the case
Sec.158: Report how submitted.-
→by himself or through such superior officer as directed
by the government

Sec.159: Power to hold investigation or preliminary


→such Magistrate, on receiving such report, may direct an

investigation or
→proceed to hold preliminary inquiry or otherwise
dispose the case
Sec.160: P.O’s power to require attendance of

1) Any P.O making an investigation may require the

attendance before himself of any person, if the following
conditions are satisfied:
a) The order must be in writing
b) The person must be acquainted with the facts
c) The person is within the limits of his own or any
adjoining station
→and such person shall attend as so required
→a male person under the age of 15 years or above the
age of 65 years or
→a woman or
→mentally or physically disabled person
shall not be required to attend any place other than the
place in which such person resides

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