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5 terrifying stories that warn of
an AI apocalypse

Robots can Elon Musk is

AI can read AI can master
pretend to be It can breed convinced
your mind anything
you we're doomed

06 Handout 2
Robots can pretend to be you
In May, the Canadian startup Lyrebird unveiled their voice-copying technology.
The "Mission Impossible"-style program can learn and mimic your voice using just 60 seconds of
you speaking.

Placed in the wrong hands – like those of an AI overlord – the tech could easily be used against
someone, to convince them to go somewhere or scam them out of money or personal identity.
AI can read your mind
Scientists at Carnegie Mellon developed an AI that can anticipate and predict human thought. The software
was trained using fMRI brain scans, which observed the patterns of brain activity that create a thought and
then predicted them by working in reverse.

"One of the big advances of the human brain was the ability to combine individual concepts into
complex thoughts," Marcel Just, the project's lead researcher, told BGR. "To think not just of
'bananas,; but 'Ilike to eat bananas in the evening with my friends.' We have finally developed a way
to see thoughts of that complexity in the fMRI Signal.
AI can master
It can
One of Google's supercomputers created its own "AI child" that proved
more advanced than anything humans have ever engineered.
The AI, named NASNet, becomes smarter through "reinforcement learning." NASNet
repeats tasks thousands of times and reports the effort back to its parent AI.

Currently, the young AI can watch videos and recognize cars and people. NASNet is 82.7 percent
accurate at predicting images, meaning it's "outperformed all other computer vision systems,"
according to Futurism.
Elon Musk is convinced were doomed
3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Is
Good For Society

Reframing Keeping
Farming Kids Safe

06 Handout 3
Reframing Farming
Reframing farming refers to a shift in the way we think about and approach
agricultural practices. It involves redefining the goals of farming to prioritize
sustainability, ecological health, and social equity, rather than simply maximizing
yields and profits.
Reframing farming may involve changes in agricultural practices, such as reducing
the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, adopting agroforestry techniques, and
implementing more regenerative farming practices that promote soil health and
biodiversity. It may also involve changes in the way we value and support farmers,
such as providing incentives for sustainable farming practices and promoting fair
trade policies.
Overall, reframing farming is about recognizing the interconnectedness of
environmental, social, and economic systems and striving for a more holistic and
sustainable approach to agriculture.
Improving Cancer Diagnosis
Cancer is a frightening diagnosis, impacting 1.65 milion people in the U.S. in 2015. Waiting for
biopsy results can be stresstul, but Al may help accelerate the diagnosis and treatment process.
Working with healthcare industry leaders, by 2020 Intel aims to create one-day precision
medicine for cancer patients that means going to the doctor, getting a diagnosis and receiving a
personalized treatment plan, all in 24 hours.
The project is driven in part by prostate cancer survivor Bryce Olson, a global marketing
director for Intel whose cancer went into remission after he used targeted molecular testing to
create a custom treatment plan.
Known as precision medicine, this type of cancer treatment is based on the genomic
sequencing of the individual's cancer.
"We found out that my cancer uses a cell-signaling pathway that the standard care wasn't even
touching," he said. DNA data in hand, Olson found a clinical trial in Los Angeles that would be a
it for his unique cancer.
Improving Cancer Diagnosis
Using a high-performance computing system, oncologists will be able to employ Al
to compare a patient's molecular test results with a vast database of previous cases.
Once a match is found, the physician can use this research to customize each
patient's treatment plan –all in one day.
"In the world of healthcare, artificial intelligence is still in its infancy," reported
Wired magazine. "But the idea is spreading."
Keeping Kids Safe
Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban
Digital technology makes it easier for predators to create, access and share child sexual abuse images
for killer robots
worldwide, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
Online exploitation is rampant, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
(NCMEC). In 2016 alone, its CyberTipline received 8.2 million reports related to abusive images, online
Some of the
enticement, world'sand
trafficking, leading robotics and artificial intelligence pioneers are calling
on the United Nations to ban the development and use of killer robots. Tesla's Elon
Musktechnology may haveMustafa
and Alphabet's helped lead to this problem,
Suleyman Al may be
are leading a part
groupof the
of solution.
116 specialists from
"As 26 Coun
the olume who
in the are calling
pipeline continuesfor
to the
rise, ban on autonomous
we have to be more and weapons.
more efficient, said John Clark,
‌ technology has to be front and center."
CEO of NCMEC. "Clearly
Elon Musk and Alphabet’s Mustafa Suleyman are leading a group of 116 specialists
NCMEC can scan sites for suspicious content, store massive volumes of data, run a variety of quorios and
from across 26 countries who are calling for the ban on autonomous weapons.
share the data across the organization's applications. And Al helps automate and speed up the process.
The UN stillrecently
in the initial
votedphases, but results
to begin so fardiscussions
formal promise to reduce the typical
on such weapons 30-day turmaround
which time
(to handle a report) to just a day or two. And for a child in a vulnerable situation, those 28 or 29 days can
drones, tanks and automated machine guns. Ahead of this, the group of founders of
literally be a lifetime," said Clark.
AI and robotics companies have sent an open letter to the UN calling for it to
While fear of the negative consequences remains, Al is proving it can bring about enormous societal
benefts. the arms race that is currently under way for killer robots.
"Al can really drive the betterment of humankind," said Intel's Bry ant. has the potential to make a
positive and lasting impact on the world."
Keeping Kids Safe
Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban
Digital technology makes it easier for predators to create, access and share child sexual abuse images
for killer robots
worldwide, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
Online exploitation is rampant, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
(NCMEC). In 2016 alone, its CyberTipline received 8.2 million reports related to abusive images, online
In their letter,
enticement, theandfounders
trafficking, warn the review conference of the convention on
While technologyweapons
may have that this
helped arms
lead race
to this threatens
problem, Al mayto
be usher
part of in
thethe “third revolution in
warfare” after gunpowder and nuclear arms.
"As the olume in the pipeline continues to rise, we have to be more and more efficient, said John Clark,
‌ technology has to be front and center."
The offounders
CEO wrote:
NCMEC. "Clearly “Once developed, lethal autonomous weapons will permit armed
NCMEC to scan
be fought
sites for at a scalecontent,
suspicious greaterstore
ever, volumes
and at timescales
of data, run afaster
varietythan humans
of quorios and
share the data acrossThese
can comprehend. the organization's applications.
can be weapons And Al weapons
of terror, helps automate
that and speed and
despots up the process.
"We're still in innocent
use against the initial phases, but results
populations, andsoweapons
far promise to reduce
hacked the typical
to behave in 30-day turmaround
undesirable ways.time
(to handle a report) to just a day or two. And for a child in a vulnerable situation, those 28 or 29 days can
“We dobenot
literally have long
a lifetime," saidto act. Once this Pandora’s box is opened, it will be hard to close.”
While fear of the negative consequences remains, Al is proving it can bring about enormous societal
"Al can really drive the betterment of humankind," said Intel's Bry ant. has the potential to make a
positive and lasting impact on the world."

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