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How to manage resources with hadoop

YARN and interacting with hadoop

the steps to manage resources with Hadoop YARN and interact
with the Hadoop ecosystem:

 Understand the YARN architecture:

YARN consists of two main components - ResourceManager (RM) and
NodeManager (NM). The RM manages resources in the cluster and schedules jobs,
while the NM runs on each node and manages resources on that node.
 Configure YARN:
Configure the yarn-site.xml file with the required parameters such as the maximum
and minimum resources per container, the number of containers per node, and the
allocation strategy.

 Submit applications:
Applications can be submitted to YARN using various frameworks such as
MapReduce, Spark, or Hive. These applications consist of one or more tasks that
YARN will allocate resources for execution.

Monitor applications:
YARN provides a web-based application called the Resource Manager UI to monitor
the progress of applications. It shows the status of running, completing, or failed
applications, as well as information about allocated resources.

 Allocate resources:
YARN automatically allocates resources to applications based on the configured
parameters. It considers the availability of resources, the requested resources by the
application, and the resource requirements specified in the yarn-site.xml file.
 Adjust resource allocation:
If required, you can adjust the resource allocation dynamically based on the
workload of the cluster. You can increase or decrease the number of containers and
adjust the memory and CPU allocation.
 Interact with the Hadoop ecosystem:
YARN allows you to interact with various components of the Hadoop ecosystem,
such as HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for storing data, MapReduce for
processing data, and Hive or Spark for querying and analyzing data.

 By effectively managing resources with Hadoop YARN, you can optimize the
allocation of resources in your cluster and ensure efficient execution of
applications in the Hadoop ecosystem.


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