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Group Project Briefing 2:

Situation Analysis
MARCH 2021
The Brief – (for details go over the week
1’s recordings)
Context: CHINA leisure, Sports and Fitness market
◦ e.g. sports equipment, clothing, trainers, outdoor pursuits clothing and
equipment, fitness related clubs, sports nutrition, personal care…
◦ Select a real organisation e.g. Nike, ProteinWorld, Wills Fitness Gym etc.
Task: The marketing dept (you) are tasked with developing a proposal for launching a new consumer
product/service – options:
◦ Completely new (to the world)
◦ New to this company
◦ New to the China
◦ Can be a new brand OR line extension for existing brand
◦ Not a mobile app
Tasks required for your Group Project
(for details go over the week 1’s recordings)
Executive summary
Table of contents
Situation analysis project
In both Presentation &
Marketing strategy Report parts
up in a
Marketing tactics report

Further primary research required

Two parts to the task
- Together represent a ‘Marketing Plan’
(for details go over the week 1’s recordings)
Presentation Final Report

(1)An effective, evidence-based justification for the  

chosen product/service market and target
consumer segment, based on analysis of secondary
Situation analysis &
Marketing strategy
(2) Details of how you would launch the chosen  
Marketing tactics
What is expected from you
You need to present an effective, evidence-based The key things that you are being assessed on here
justification for the chosen product/service market are your abilities to:
and target consumer segment, based on analysis of ◦ Locate multiple, relevant, credible, information sources
secondary research. ◦ Analyse this information effectively
◦ Extract, summarise and present relevant evidence
Therefore ◦ Provide insights into trends and potential consumer
◦ Testing your ability to make sense of all the demand
information that is available and identify a ◦ Present coherent, evidenced based arguments to
support a compelling proposal
market that appears to have strong growth ◦ Create and deliver a persuasive and professional
potential for your company presentation, as outlined on the form ‘Group
◦ Requires you to present the case [evidence Presentation Assessment and Feedback’
based argument] for the particular market that
you identify
Presentation Sections (page 11-12)
Title Slide
◦ Names, student ID & name/logo of company

Headline Strategy
◦ Brief overview of your product/service
◦ Key market/s (target consumers)
◦ Key objectives (headline only e.g. create new market / steal share from x etc.)

Situation Analysis (largest part)

◦ Evidenced justification for your proposal
◦ Secondary research, analysis, insights regarding your chosen market
◦ Target segment details
◦ Competitor analysis

Summary and Conclusions

Headline strategy: A brief introduction to what
you are going to do
This part would serve as the ‘key argument’ or ‘main decision’ for your
proposal. Essentially you are going to tell the audience what you want to do
• So this would involve a BRIEF overview of your product

Headline why this is a great idea

• Key opportunity – market/consumer trends
• What this will do for the organization? (linking to key objectives)

Note: Treat this part as a quick ‘headline’ (like a newspaper article!), therefore
whatever you are saying in this part will be elaborated later. No need to include
too much analysis here.
Funnel Approach for Situation Analysis - Broad to Narrow
(more details in Week 1 slides)

Total Sports / Leisure / Fitness

e.g. Sports footwear

e.g. Sports clubs e.g. Sports nutrition

e.g. football teams e.g. Private gyms e.g. swimming clubs

Offer brief discussion on
sectors/categories that you chose
Focus = Justification not to focus on e.g. which may be
for your chosen a more obvious direction for that
market and product
FAQ: Where do I start?

Total Sports / Leisure / Fitness

e.g. Sports footwear

e.g. Sports clubs e.g. Sports nutrition

e.g. football teams e.g. Private gyms e.g. swimming clubs

Focus = Justification
for your chosen
market and product
Situation Analysis 1/4 Market Overview
This is where you provide your analysis on the market and your justification for the
launch, i.e. ‘prove’ that this is the right thing to do

Start with the wider marketplace (e.g. what is it? What is the trend? Megatrends?
Declining? Growing?)

Then provide detailed analysis on specific marketplace

• analysis, insights regarding your chosen market)
• Include size (value and volume), growth and trends
• Here is a good place to identify the ‘gap’
Situation Analysis 2/4 Consumer Analysis
Sample plan in Kotler et al. (2018, P627-636) – also on Moodle

• This is where you specify where to focus

• Segmentation practice – like how you did
in Term One
• Customer segments based on the trend
analysis – how many large groups of needs
can you identify and have the potential to
• Name the segment, then list the detailed
customer needs in this segment
• Note that you might not be able to target
all of the segments set out – this is OK Source: Kotler et al. (2018, p.630)
• Include a table to illustrate
Notice here how the researchers
used more than just demographic
variables to segment the market
Situation Analysis 3/4 Competitor analysis
• Naturally the management team would want to know who is competing with us to get our target
customers’ attention
• The key competing brands and products in the market, their relative strengths, weaknesses, value
created/features/benefits, prices?
• Trends in the competitive landscape if relevant (e.g. major footwear brands have been launching
new products)
• MarketLine reports may be a good start for this but you shouldn’t rely on them completely.
• Include a table to illustrate

Note it could be the case that the

competitors’ offerings are similar to
your product. Think how your
product meets the customer needs
in a way that rivals can’t.

Source: Kotler et al. (2018, p.632) – on Moodle

Situation Analysis 4/4 Company analysis
• From the analysis above: How well can we serve the market? – the organisational capability
• i.e. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)
• Serves as critical analysis of the current situation
o e.g. in accordance to the market trends, what opportunities are present for your brand? EXTERNAL
o Or, what threats are the competing brands or the environment imposing on your brand’s products?
o what are the key strengths your product or company have to serve the Chinese consumers?
What about the product or the company can be seen as weakness to target the Chinese consumers?

• See sample marketing plan (2018,

p632) for SWOT examples

Source: Chapter 2 in Kotler et al (2018, p60)

What do you need to do now
1. First team meeting to digest the briefing materials
2. brainstorm session using the funnel approach to identify
some potential sub-markets that you are interested in
3. Research!Research!Research!

I will take questions in the first webinar session.

Until next week…
Take care and be safe

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