Life and Works of Rizal Presentation

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Literary Works of Rizal in

University of Santo Tomas (UST)

Year 1879
1. A La Juventad Filipina (To the Filipino Youth). It
was Rizal's winning masterpiece which he
submitted in the literary contest held by Liceo-
Artistico- Literario of Manila. He received a silver
pen, feathered shape and decorated with golden
ribbon. This poem was dedicated to the Filipino
Youth and directed them to give their best to contribute
to the betterment of our nation, to use their God-given
gifts to become great singers, poets, artists, painters
and thank Almigthy God for everything they had.
Finally, it was in this poem he had mentioned his
infamous quote: "The Youth is the fair hope of our
Year 18801
. El Consejo De Los Dioses (The Council of Gods). It was
another contest of Liceo-Artistico-Literario to
commemorate the death of Miguel Cervantes, the author
of Don Quixote. It was an allegory that depicts the
equality of Cervantes, Homer and Virgil. The prize was a
gold ring bearing the engraved bus of Cervantes. Rizal
won the first prize but the certificate conferred to him
showed that he was the second placer. The jury,
consisting of Spaniards, upon learning that the author
was a Filipino decided to give the first prize to a
Both the winning poem of Rizal bore a great
impact. Aliterary masterpiece can be made by
a native, proving the fallacy of Spanish
superiority over Filipinos and deserved to be
recognized. There was an imprint of
natonalism in A La Juventad Filipina and the
concept of equality and fairness in El Consejo
De Dioses.
Other works

1. Abd-el-Azis Y Mahoma. A poem composed by Rizal for

Manuel Fernandez and which declaimed by the latter on
the night of December 7, 1879.

2. Junto Al Pasig (Beside the Pasig). A drama played by

Ateneans on the occasion of Feast of Immaculate
Concepcion on December 8, 1880. It was a religious satire
where the main character, Leonido, together with a choir
of angels successfully driven out Satan and his devils.
3. A Filipinas (To the Philippines). A sonnet written in 1880
to praise the Philippines for its beauty and to encourage
Filipino artists to glorify the Philippines through their art

4. Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon, Recto del Ateneo, en Sus Dias.

A poem wrote by Rizal for Father Pablo Ramon who had
been so kind and helpful to Rizal.
The study of Rizal at University of Sto. Tomas
(UST) was not meaningful and fruitful just like
when he was at Ateneo. He found the atmosphere at
UST suffocating to his sensitive spirit. He was
unhappy at the Dominican institution of higher
learning. The professors were hostile to him, the
method of teaching was far from the brilliant
method at Ateneo and prejudice and racial
discrimination was prevalent.
Because of this situation, Rizal failed to win high
scholastic honors. Although his grades in the first
year of the Philosophy course were all "excellent"
they were not impressive in the four years of his
medical courses. His scholastic records were as
Rizal, after completing his four years in
medical school decided to leave the country for
Europe. He was no longer happy at the school.
He can no longer contain the hatred,
discrimination and discontentment he had
towards the Spanish students and teachers. He
heard that teachings abroad were much better
and far more advance.
The family, friends and acquaintances believed
that he was going to Europe to finish his
medical schooling. But it is more than that.
From the letter Paciano sent to Rizal, the real
purpose of Rizal's journey to Europe was to
make a name for him in the realm of
journalism and to observe and study European
way of life.
- The End -

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