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What does film music do?

 Music in film achieves a number of things: it establishes setting; it creates

atmosphere; it calls attention to elements; it reinforces or foreshadows narrative
developments; it gives meaning to a character's actions or translates their
thoughts; and it creates emotion.
The important of film music

 Emphasizing movement
This is also known as the mickey mouse technique that is mostly used in cartoons.
i.e. the ‘ping’ sound effect of a character rising an eyebrow.
 Time, culture, or location travel
By the use of music, the viewers get to travel with the characters in the movie and
without the characters having to identify their location. The viewers already have a
clue by the music played.
 Drive emotion or set the tone
Music has the ability to make us happy or hit us over the hand with sadness over a
 Movies wouldn't be movies without music. Music is their voice. It is the way to
communicate deeply with the viewer and to express things which are often
impossible to express through image and words
 The best films create an immersive experience, where the audience forgets they
are still sitting in a movie theater. The audience gets lost in the sounds and visuals
of the film and is transported to another world.

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