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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Media

Done by Abdulaziz Fawzi &

Almuhanad Alshaibani
Grade 12
What is Ai

Artificial intelligence( AI ) is the intelligence

of machines or software, as opposed to the
intelligence of humans or animals. It is also
the field of study in computer science that
develops and studies intelligent machines.
Describe the role of AI in the creation, curation, and
distribution of digital media.
AI plays a crucial role in the creation, curation, and distribution of
digital media. It enables content curators to provide personalized
and relevant content at scale, offering valuable insights and a more
tailored experience for users. AI streamlines the content curation
process, efficiently delivering personalized content tailored to
individual interests, thus overcoming the limitations of manual
curation. This technology also enhances content creation by
generating ideas, automating writing, and translating content,
while ensuring consistency and saving time in the curation
process. Overall, AI's integration into content creation and
curation is a game changer, particularly for SMEs seeking to
captivate their audience while maintaining efficiency.
Thank you

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