Eumind Part 2 Plastic Recycling

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Part 2:

Interviews & Reports Observations

01 We have taken interviews with the
school, students and different
02 We have observed and kept a track of
our experiences.

Group Opinions
03 We as a group have come up with
opinions based on our observations.

Activities Conclusion
04 Activities promoting SDG goals and to
spread awareness have been performed.
05 We have concluded our presentation on
this slide.

Interviews &
with the
Report On Interview [School]:
“Recycling is the right thing to do when considering the entire

We interviewed Mr. Jignesh, Mr. Vitesh, and Ms. Purva on the acquisition of
segregation of plastic materials. Ms. Purva informed us that students use plastic
articles very frequently and many are dismissed. Mr. Jignesh said that at times
these items are collected in addition to different other things and thus the process
of segregation came into process. Mr. Vitesh said that the school has ensured the
dispersal of e-waste and plastic waste as well. He said that the waste collected in
the special box is sent to IDF where it is processed.
with the
We Interviewed

Dheer PM Kashvi Aarav Kovida

We Interviewed

Dheer PM Kashvi Aarav Kovida

We Interviewed

Dheer PM Kashvi Aarav Kovida

We Interviewed

Dheer PM Kashvi Aarav Kovida

We Interviewed

Dheer PM Kashvi Aarav Kovida

We Interviewed


Report On Interview [Students]:
“Students are the bearers of the future”
The students were able to identify the causes of plastic generated to such a level.
The suggestion received was to drift from plastic and look for alternatives. Cloth
bags and jute bags while going shopping, Steel bottles or tiffins instead of plastic.
Similarly reducing plastic footprint can be migrated. 3D-printed recycled furniture,
plastic clothing, etc. are some ways to reduce our plastic footprint. The students
emphasized the reuse of plastic materials by using them efficiently. One example
is the use of plastic bottles to make bird feeders. The school too takes the
initiative to collect, segregate, and process plastic. Making the environment
plastic-free is the need of the hour and the students emphasized the same.
Interview with
the Organization
Report On Interview [Organization]:
We interviewed Ms. Shivalika. The extensive usage of plastic was one of the
major concerns of her. The plastic usually found by her are plastic bags, cell
phone cases, sunglasses, headphones, etc. She informed us about the collection,
sorting, and shipping of plastic to different recycling centers. The most common
types of plastic she encounters is polythene, acrylic methacrylate, and
polycarbonate (This compound is used to make DVDs, sunglasses, etc.) Plastic is
sometimes broken down into flakes, then melted, and finally molded into different
shapes, hence recycled.

Plastic collected in School
Types Of Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
Plastic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bottles 36 28 41 32 18 16 12

Bags 25 12 19 15 18 9 7

Cups 23 21 18 7 9 12 -

Food Conta- 32 38 10 17 7 5 1
Wrappers 18 22 14 16 20 11 6

Cutlery 25 13 20 16 17 6 8

Packaging 29 18 19 22 11 8 3
Plastic collected in Hsg. Society and Home

Types Of Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

Plastic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bottles 10 23 31 12 9 14 2

Bags 26 15 21 20 16 10 19

Cups 13 20 18 24 30 25 19

Food Conta- 20 14 32 16 25 11 28
Wrappers 15 21 18 26 20 11 9

Cutlery 12 23 19 10 5 14 8

Packaging 18 20 11 23 12 7 16
● Hence, to reduce the usage of plastic, WE, the next generation of this
world, have started taking small steps to decrease the usage of plastic in
our school premises, home etc.
● We have been doing various campaigns in and around school to spread
the awareness of plastic and fortunately, we have successfully found a
drastic change in the plastic usage!
● We are incredibly happy to say that through the latest campaign which
we did, we found that people have started understanding the
disadvantages of plastic and have stopped using it.
● Not only us, but also other people from our school and society have
started raising their voices against plastic and our trying their best o
spread the awareness.

Riddhi Dadhich - Group Leader
• As we all very well know that plastic is such a
material which is indeed very hazardous to the life
of plants and humans which creates a huge mess to
• Firstly, disposing plastic in open air creates
immense pollution, which is a risk factor for human
• Second of all, getting rid of plastic by disposing
them in the water bodies is murderous to the life of
species surviving in water.
• To sum up, I would only like to say that surveys
have proved that plastic can only be derived but
unfortunately not destroyed. Hence, it is our
responsibility to minimize the usage to plastic to
save our Mother Earth. Now is the time to get up and
make a change!
Aarana Sanwalka - Writer
• Recycling of plastic waste is a must in
the present context. We cannot reduce
its use due to its flexibility but we can
surely reuse it to minimize its impact on
the environment.
• Plastic pollution has reached pandemic
levels worldwide. Its also a threat to
human health with micro plastics having
permeated our food, and even our table
Pulkit Jain - Photographer
• Recycling plastic is essential to the
future of our planet.

• Overall, we have made significant

progress in cleaning up our act in the
last few years, even though only a
portion of the world’s population

As we look for the ways to make it
easy and rewarding for everyone, we
can definitely reduce the amount of
waste we produce.
Tabitha Premier - Interviewer
• Plastic is a cheap and available
material for packaging every kind of
goods but soil, water, animals and
everything gets affected by plastic
waste disposed by us. Some
countries are recycling plastic waste
like using them to produce energy.
• We need to clean up the plastic
waste in the environment and
continue recycling it. Our Earth is
dying and the constant output of
waste is not helping in the slightest.
Prakashmaan Goyal - Editor
• Recycling is one of the for you
to have a positive impact on the
world in which we live.
• Recycling is important to both
the natural environment and us.
• We must act fast as the amount
of waste we create is increasing
all the time.

SDG Activity
Creating Awareness about the Alternatives of Plastic
Creating Awareness about the Alternatives of Plastic :
SDG Activity
● People prefer products that are versatile. Plastic without a doubt has versatile use and comes in
handy. This quality that plastic endorses, made it a household product. However, it is vital that we
analyze the impacts of the game of the Sustainable Development Goals.
●Plastic recycling project was therefore linked to the following SDG goals:
●Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being.
●Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production.
●Goal 13: Climate Change.
●Goal 14: Life on Land.
● The school conducts various activities for the students. As a part of such activities like Ecobricks,
creating awareness, Ecokaari,etc the students reuse plastic materials and creates various useful
items from those. Best out of Waste project is undertaken by the school on regular basis. Linking
the Eumind project with the SDG goals helped them gain on insight for the need to better the
●We have also conducted an awareness campaign within our RSET campus, where college students
were briefed about plastic recycling and took a pledge to Reduce and Reuse Plastic.

Awareness Activity
Creating Awareness :
Creating Awareness :ECOBRICKS

Conclusion [Interviews]
In the second part, we gathered extensive information about Plastic
Recycling. Our school has adopted effective methods to reduce, reuse,
and recycle plastic waste. We conducted interviews, online
questionnaires, and physical surveys to explore plastic upcycling within
our campus and various recycling organizations. The school's most
encouraging strategy is minimizing single-use plastic and organizing
awareness campaigns. We have implemented a policy to use
alternatives to plastic and communicate official notifications through
emails and other ICT modes. Additionally, we have replaced plastic
bottles with steel/metal bottles and encourage the reuse of plastic
materials for various purposes. The school also collects and processes
plastic, sending heavy items for recycling. Our students emphasize the
importance of making the environment plastic-free through their
Conclusion [Suggestions]
A few suggestions were made regarding reducing plastic waste at the
school. One idea was to replace plastic cutlery with wooden and
aluminum foil in the school canteen. Students were also encouraged to
reuse plastic by creating planters and piggy banks. The school has taken
special measures to properly dispose of e-waste with a plastic coating.
The collected waste is sent to IDF for processing. Overall, the project
emphasized the importance of collective efforts in reducing plastic usage
and working towards a plastic-free world.
Conclusion [About Plastic]
Plastic is a versatile material that offers numerous benefits for a clean,
healthy, and efficient lifestyle. However, its lifecycle extends beyond
disposal. Recycling plastics can significantly impact the environment and
economy. Consumers and businesses can contribute by reducing
hazardous waste output, cutting waste management costs, and
generating profits from recycled products. Alternatives to plastic include
bamboo products, coconut bowls, and repurposed cloth or fabric. By
taking small steps, we can create a sustainable plastic-free world.
“Be A Part Of The
Solution, not the

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