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Pre Test:
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and carefully analyze
the questions. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write your answer on the blank
provide before
the number.
______ 1. Observe all posted equipment instructions and
warnings before engaging workout.
a. most of the time b. depending on situation c. sometimes
d. none of the above
2. What will you do if someone is using a piece of
equipment that you will use?
a. workout between his sets
b. ask politely if you can work in between their sets
c. change your program
d. start with other equipment
_______ 3. What is the proper etiquette while using
equipment while others are waiting?
a. change your program
b. put all equipment away
c. allow others to work in between your sets
d. all of the above
4. What will always require on days that we go to
a. proper athletic attire b. cellphones c. food and
drinks d. none of the above
_______ 5. The proper time to wipe down the machine
a. before you workout b. after you workout c. during
workout d. both a and b
_______ 6. What do we call a set of conventional rules
of personal behavior in polite society, usually in the
form of an ethical code that delineates the expected
and accepted social behaviors that accord with the
conventions and
norms observed by the society, a social class or a
7. Which of the following is not considered as proper
etiquette inside the fitness venue?
a. avoid dropping weights, avoid banging weight
stacks on machines
b. use cardio equipment properly
c. do not bounce balls in the facility
d. exercise in walking area
_______ 8. Is gym etiquette is none other than respect?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. sometimes
_______ 9. When using cardio equipment, please do
not exceed the _________.
a. 45 minute time limit b. 30 minute time limit
c. 2 hour time limit d. 1 hour time limit
_______ 10. Limit grunting and yelling during exercise.
Is this considered as proper etiquette in use of
facilities and equipment?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. sometimes
Ensuring that you are performing safely is one of
the most important factors when taking part in any
physical activity. Injuries can lead to physical and
work-related disability and can place a
considerable financial burden on the injured
person. In recent years,high school sports
participation has risen significantly, and as a result,
the frequency of injuries to teenager has
Guide Questions:

1. How do you exercise inside da gym facility?

2. Are you aware of proper etiquettes and
safety measures inside
the facility?
3. What do you think are the proper etiquettes
and safety measures
in the use of facilities and equipment?
Guide Questions:

1. How do you exercise inside da gym facility?

2. Are you aware of proper etiquettes and
safety measures inside
the facility?
3. What do you think are the proper etiquettes
and safety measures
in the use of facilities and equipment?
Risks and Hazards
When using facilities or equipment, it is important to be aware of any
potential risks or hazards. Common risks and hazards include slipping
on wet floors, using equipment incorrectly, and not following safety
protocols. It is important to be aware of all potential risks and hazards
to help prevent accidents or injury.
Safety and Etiquette in Facility
and Equipment Use

This presentation will discuss safety and etiquette

in the use of facilities and equipment. It is
important to be aware of safety protocols and
proper etiquette when using facilities and
equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable
environment for everyone.

1. Identify the proper etiquette and safety in

the use of facilities and equipment through
collaborative activities and group reporting.
 2. Perform a sample scenario showing the
proper etiquette and safety in the use of
facilities and equipment through video.
3. Appreciate the importance of identifying and
applying the proper etiquette and safety in the
use of facilities and equipment in real life
Safety Protocols

Safety protocols are important when using facilities

and equipment. This includes wearing appropriate
safety gear, following instructions, and adhering to
all safety regulations. It is important to follow safety
protocols to reduce the risk of accidents or injury.
Personal Hygiene
Good personal hygiene is important when using
facilities and equipment. This includes washing
hands before and after use, not eating or drinking
in the area, and avoiding contact with any
unsanitary surfaces. Proper hygiene helps prevent
the spread of germs and other contaminants.
Equipment Maintenance
It is important to take care of equipment to ensure
it is in good condition and working properly. This
includes cleaning and inspecting the equipment,
following the manufacturer's instructions for use,
and reporting any defects or problems. Proper
maintenance helps prevent accidents and ensures
the equipment is in good working order.
Noise Levels
It is important to keep noise levels to a minimum
while using facilities and equipment. This includes
avoiding loud talking and music, keeping phones
and other electronic devices on silent, and not
engaging in any disruptive behavior. Keeping noise
levels low helps to ensure a comfortable and quiet
environment for all.
Respecting Others
It is important to respect the rights of others when
using facilities and equipment. This includes not
taking up more space than necessary, not using
equipment that one is not qualified to use, and not
entering areas that are off-limits. Respecting the
rights of others helps to ensure a safe and
comfortable environment for everyone.
Labeling Equipment
It is important to properly label all equipment in the
facility or equipment area. This includes labeling
each piece of equipment with its designated name,
use, and any other relevant information. Properly
labeling equipment helps to ensure that everyone
knows how to use the equipment safely and
Cleaning Up After Use
It is important to clean up after using facilities and
equipment. This includes wiping down surfaces,
putting away equipment in its designated spot, and
disposing of any waste material properly. Cleaning
up after use helps to prevent accidents and
ensures the area is kept clean and tidy.
Emergency Procedures
It is important to be aware of emergency
procedures when using facilities and equipment.
This includes knowing how to contact emergency
services, having an emergency plan in place, and
knowing what to do in case of an emergency.
Knowing emergency procedures helps to ensure a
safe and secure environment for everyone.
Proper Handling of Equipment
It is important to use proper handling techniques
when using equipment. This includes using both
hands, using protective gloves, and avoiding any
rough or careless handling. Proper handling helps to
ensure the safety of the user and prevents any damage to the
Reporting Problems
It is important to report any issues or problems
with facilities and equipment. This includes
reporting any safety issues, defective equipment,
or signs of wear and tear. Reporting problems
helps to ensure that all equipment is in good
working condition and that any safety issues are
addressed in a timely manner.
Observing Guidelines
It is important to observe all guidelines when using
facilities and equipment. This includes following all
posted rules, regulations, and instructions, as well
as adhering to any applicable laws and
regulations. Observing guidelines helps to ensure
a safe and secure environment for everyone.
In conclusion, it is important to be aware of safety
protocols and proper etiquette when using facilities
and equipment. This includes being aware of risks
and hazards, following safety protocols, observing
guidelines, and respecting the rights of others. By
being aware of safety protocols and proper
etiquette, we can help ensure a safe and
comfortable environment for everyone.
Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to learn about safety
and etiquette in facility and equipment use.
Remember to be aware of safety protocols and
proper etiquette when using facilities and
equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable
environment for everyone.

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