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Definition of E-Commerce

Ecommerce is a method of buying and selling goods and services online.

The definition of ecommerce business can also include tactics like affiliate
marketing. You can use ecommerce channels such as your own website,
an established selling website like Amazon, or social media to drive online
Advantages of E-Commerce
• 1. Reduced overhead costs
• 2. No need for a physical storefront
• 3. Ability to reach a broader audience
• 4. Scalability
• 5. Track logistics
Disadvantages of E-Commerce
• 1. Potential security threats
• 2. Competition
• 3. IT issues
• 4. Shipping logistics
• 5. Limited connection with customers
Definition of E-Business
• E-business (electronic business) is the conduct of online business
processes on the web, internet, extranet or a combination thereof.
These customer-, internal- and management-focused business
processes include buying and selling goods and services, servicing
customers, processing payments, managing production and supply
chains, collaborating with business partners, sharing information,
running automated employee services and recruiting employees.
6 Types of eCommerce Business Models
• Business to Consumer (B2C)
• Business to Business (B2B)
• Business to Government (B2G)
• Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C)
• Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
• Consumer to Business (C2B)

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