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Arctic Ocean Food


❖ Ice algae (Producer) ❖ Greenland shark (Consumer: Carnivore)
❖ Humpback whale (Consumer: Carnivore)
❖ Benthos (Invertebrates at the bottom of
❖ Phytoplankton (Producer)
the ocean) (Consumer: Scavenger)
❖ Zooplankton (Consumer: Omnivore) ❖ Sea otter (Consumer: Forager)
❖ Arctic Cod (Consumer: Carnivore) ❖ Common eider (Consumer: Carnivore)
❖ Sea Birds (Consumer: Carnivore) ❖ Blue whale (Consumer: Carnivore)
➢ Thick-Billed murre ❖ Carnivorous amphipods (Consumer:
❖ Whales(Consumers: Carnivores) : Carnivore)
➢ Beluga
➢ Orca
➢ Bowhead
❖ Narwhal (Consumer: Carnivore)
❖ Walrus (Consumer: Omnivore)
❖ Polar Bears (Consumer: Carnivore)
❖ Seals (Consumer: Carnivore)
➢ Ringed seal
➢ Harped seal
❖ Humans (Consumer: Omnivore)




2. In total I have created about 17 food chains in my food web

3. 2 abiotic factors that could affect my food web could be sunlight and ice levels. Less sunlight in the ecosystem would slow and
lessen photosynthesis thereby slowing down the producers from being able to start food chains, lowering the populations of many
species. Amount of ice in an arctic ecosystem means that animals like polar bears won't be able to reach the ocean animals it eats, and
makes it more difficult for animals like seals to be able to eat the animals standing on sheets of ice.

4. Decomposers do not play a big role in this ecosystem due to the extreme cold environment. However the scavengers on the bottom
of the ocean floors work to provide nutrients from the scraps of other organisms to the other living organisms, similarly to what the
decomposers do.

5. Secondary consumers are the most plentiful in this food web because they regulate and control the population of the primary
consumers. This acts as the starting point for the regulation and control of the whole ecosystem

6. Apex predators are least prevalent because they receive the least amount of energy from eating other organisms.

7. A) If all the producers died then the rest of the ecosystem will start running out of food to eat which will result in the populations of
all organisms going down to 0.

B) No animals in this food web are exclusively herbivorous so the food web will remain the same.

C) Thinking of the scavengers on the ocean floor as the “decomposers”, without them, the populations of most or all organisms will
most likely lower slightly because there is now less nutrients in the circulation.

8. The most important organisms in my food web are the phytoplankton and the ice algae because they are the producers. The
producers of any ecosystem are the most important in my opinion because they are the start to the whole thing meaning that without
them, then nothing can live.

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