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Guide: Mr. Suman Kumar

Mohit Kumar
Sourav Munde
Mahek Pradhan

The research focuses on studying the relationship between milk, cereals,

and circadian rhythm, as well as highlighting the idea that our body's
condition is influenced by our consumption. It discusses the concept of
allergies, which are triggered when the immune system reacts to certain
foods as if they were harmful. These reactions are called allergic
reactions and are caused by allergens, which are proteins found in food
that the immune system identifies as harmful.

• Circadian rhythm refers to the natural, internal 24-hour cycle regulating many physiological processes
in living organisms, including humans. This rhythm is controlled by a "master clock" located in the
hypothalamus of the brain, which is sensitive to light and dark signals from the environment.

• Circadian rhythm plays a critical role in regulating various physiological processes in the body, and
disruptions to this internal clock can have negative effects on health. Irregular sleep patterns, such as
those caused by shift work, jet lag, or poor sleep habits, can disrupt the normal circadian rhythm and
lead to adverse health outcomes.

• For example, disruptions to circadian rhythm have been linked to an increased risk of chronic
conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders. Studies have
shown that individuals who experience irregular sleep patterns or mood disorders are linked to
Circadian rhythm.

• Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid that is produced by female mammals to feed their offspring. It is a
complex mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals that provides essential
nutrients to support growth and development.
• The boiling temperature of the milk is approximately 104 degrees Celsius (219 degrees Fahrenheit) at
sea level, under standard atmospheric conditions.
• Methane is produced as a direct emission from cow’s milk and carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are
released as a result of the production of packaging, transportation, and fertilizers.
• Sources Of Milk: Milk can come from various sources, including cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, camels,
and donkeys. Cow's milk is the most common type of dairy milk consumed by humans. In addition to
animal milk, there are also non-dairy plant-based alternatives such as soy milk, almond milk, flax milk
and coconut milk.
• Milk Components: Milk is composed of water, protein, fat, carbohydrates (lactose), vitamins, and
minerals. The exact composition of milk can vary depending on the species and processing techniques
used. Milk fat is primarily made up of triacylglycerols with smaller amounts of other compounds such
as free fatty acids and phospholipids.
Milk Allergy:

• Cereals are a type of grain that is often used for breakfast foods, such as breakfast cereals, oatmeal,
and porridge. They can also be used to make baked goods, such as bread and cakes, and can be added
to salads and soups for added texture and nutrition.
• Cereals are a popular breakfast food and come in many varieties.
• Sources of cereals: Wheat, Rice, Maize(Corn) , Barley, Oats, Rye, Sorghum, Millet etc.
• Milk Components Cereals are made of carbohydrates for 50–80% of their weight and contain a
lower but significant amount of proteins (5–6%), and lipids (1–10%) .Whole grains are an
important source of mineral salts (1.5–2.5%) (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron,
zinc, copper), and vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, vitamin E,
and vitamin A).
Cereal allergies are relatively rare, but they can occur. Some common
Cereal Allergy: cereals that can cause allergies in certain individuals include wheat,
barley, rye, oats, and corn.
Eg: Wheat allergy can cause respiratory problems, digestive problems
etc. Corn allergy can cause hives skin rashes etc.
Severity of the allergy can vary from mild to fatal.

According to our research questionnaire, we have received the

above data, showing that the majority of people do not have
allergies of milk and cereal.
• In conclusion, milk and cereal allergies are known to be potential
triggers for allergic reactions in some individuals.
• The findings of the study indicate that milk and cereals, particularly
wheat, are among the most common food allergens, and their
allergic reactions can range from mild to severe, with potentially

CONCLUSION & life-threatening anaphylaxis being a rare but serious complication.

• Cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, and corn, as well as milk


and dairy products, including cow's milk, can cause allergies in
certain people.

• It is important to be aware of signs and symptoms of allergies . If
suspected, one should immediately consult a health care provider.
Strict avoidance of allergens and proper medical management,
including medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider, are
key in preventing and managing allergic reactions associated with
cereals and milk.
The data mentioned in the research is
collected via questionnaire survey,
 Mr. Anmol Kanade(Msc. In
Nursing,Lecturer at DES College of
Nursing, Pune),
 Dr. Sanjusha Panchumarti (MBBS, MT
ENT, BALAJI ENT clinic Guntur)
And various references like ,
OU !!!

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