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All rights reserved to the original
writers/authors. . Reference:
A. Gabuyo and Gary C. Dy
It is a form of alternative assessment
intended to accumulate evidence to measure
growth over time of a student’s or teacher’s
performance. It is a purposeful collection of
student work that exhibits student’s efforts,
progress and achievements in one or more
areas. Each portfolio might contain a selection
of exemplars of the student’s work.
All rights reserved to the original
writers/authors. . Reference:
A. Gabuyo and Gary C. Dy
It is the systematic, longitudinal collection of
student work created in response to specific,
known instructional objectives and evaluated
in relation to the same criteria.

Portfolio creation is the responsibility of the

learner, with teacher guidance and support
and often with the involvement of peers and
All rights reserved to the original writers/authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT
OF LEARNING II by Yonardo A. Gabuyo and Gary C. Dy
Difference Between Portfolio Collection and
Portfolio Assessment

Portfolio Collection Portfolio Assessment

Why am I collecting evidences? How am I using the evidences?

* for representative skills * to offer to the next level

* for areas of development * to promote development
* for demonstrated ability * to document ability
* for conferencing * to modify instruction
* for reporting * to adapt curriculum

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ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING II by Yonardo A. Gabuyo and Gary C. Dy
Comparison Between portfolio and Traditional Forms of
Traditional Assessment Portfolio Assessment

Measures student’s ability at one time Measures student’s ability over time

Done by the teacher alone; students are Done by the teacher and the student’s;
not aware of the criteria students are aware of the criteria

Conducted outside instruction Embedded in instruction

Assigns student a grade Involves student in own assessment

Does not capture the students’ language Capture many facets of language
ability learning performance

Does not include the teachers knowledge Allows for expression of teacher’s
of student s learning knowledge of student as learner
All rights reserved to the original writers/
Does not give student responsibility.
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Characteristics of Portfolio
> A portfolio is a form of assessment that students do
together with their teachers.
> A portfolio is not just a collection of student work but a
> A portfolio provides samples of the student’s work
which show growth over time.
> The criteria for selecting and assessing the portfolio
contents must be clear to he teacher and the students
at the beginning of the process.
> The entries in the portfolio can demonstrate learning
and growth in all learning competencies.
All rights reserved to the original writers/
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Strengths of
Measures student’s ability over time
 Done by teacher and student:
student aware of criteria
Embedded in instruction
Involves students in own assessment
Student learns how to take responsibility

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authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Why Use
Portfolios provide teachers with a tool for
showing what, how, and how well students
learn both intended and incidental
outcomes. They provide students and
teachers with creative, systematic, and
visionary ways to learn, assess, and report
skills, processes, and knowledge.

All rights reserved to the original writers/

authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Reasons in Using

Portfolio assessment matches
assessment to teaching.
Portfolio assessment has very clear goals.
 Portfolio assessment gives a
profile of the learner’s abilities.
 Portfolio assessment is a tool for
assessing a variety of skills.
Portfolio assessment develops among
students awareness of their
All rights reserved to the original writers/
own learning.
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
> Portfolio assessment caters to individuals in
heterogeneous class.
> Portfolio assessment develops social skills.
> Portfolio assessment develops independent and active
> Portfolio assessment can improve motivation for
learning and achievement.
> Portfolio assessment is an efficient tool for
demonstrating learning.
> Portfolio assessment provides opportunity for
teacher- student dialogue.

All rights reserved to the original writers/

authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Advantages of Using
Portfolio Assessment
> Serves as a(Sewell)
cross-section lens, providing a basis for future analysis
and planning.
> Serves as a concrete vehicle for communication, providing on-
going communication or exchanges of information among those
involved in assessment.
> Promotes a shift in ownership; students take an active role in
examining what they have done and what they want to
> Offers the possibility of assessing the more complex and important
aspect of a learning area or subject matter; and
> Covers a broad scope of knowledge and information from many
different people involved in the assessment of students’ learning
and achievement.
All rights reserved to the original writers/
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Disadvantages of Using
Portfolio Assessment
> It may be seen as less reliable or
fair than more quantitative evaluations.
> Having to develop one’s individualized criteria can be
difficult or unfamiliar at first.
> It can be very time consuming for teachers to organize
and evaluate the content of portfolios.
> Portfolio be a miscellaneous
just collection of
artifacts that do not show patterns of growth and
> Data from portfolio assessments ca n be difficult
to All rights reserved to the original writers/
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Three Types of Portfolio
1. Working Portfolio
- known as student teacher portfolio
- project at work; work in progress
- documents stages of learning

2. Showcase Portfolio
- best work portfolio
- display portfolio

3. Progress Portfolio
- contains sample of student’s work

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authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Purpose of Working Portfolio

To show growth or change over time

To identify strengths/weaknesses of the learners

To track development of one or more products or performances

To help develop process skills

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authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Purposes of Showcase

1. To showcase end of the year / semester accomplishment

2. To showcase student perceptions of favorite, best, or most

important work

3. To represent a sample of current work

4. To prepare a sample best of best work for employment or college


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authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Purposes of Progress Portfolio

To document achievement for grading

To place students appropriately

To document progress toward standards

All rights reserved to the original writers/

authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Uses of Portfolio

- Monitors students progress

- Communicates concrete information about what is expected of
student in terms of content and quality of performance
- Documents aspects of students learning
- Showcase the accomplishment of the student
- Communicate the achievement of the learners

All rights reserved to the original writers/

authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Guidelines for Assessing
Student Portfolio
1. Include enough documents on which to base judgment

2. Structure the contents to provide scorable information

3. Develop judging criteria and a scoring scheme for raters to use in

assessing the portfolio

4. Use observation instrument such as checklists and rating scales

when possible to facilitate scoring

5. Use trained evaluators or assessors

All rights reserved to the original writers/
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Contents of Portfolio
1. Table of Contents

2. Single Best Piece

3. Letter explaining the composition and selection of the best piece

4. Poem, short story, or personal narration

5. Personal response to a book, event, current issue, mathematical

problem or scientific phenomenon

6. Prose piece from any subject are other than English or Language

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authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L
Developing Portfolio
1. Determine the curricular objectives to be addressed through the
2. Determine the decisions that will be made, based on the portfolio
3. Design assessment tasks for the curricular objectives.
4. Define the criteria for each assessment task and establish
performance standards for each criterion
5. Determine who will evaluate the portfolio entries.
6. Train teachers or other evaluators to score the assessments.
7. Teach the curriculum, administer assessments, and collect them
in portfolio or score assessments
8. Make decisions
All rights reserved to the original writers/
authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L

All rights reserved to the original writers/

authors. . Reference: ASSESSMENT OF L

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