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Other, another, the other, the

others, others
"yang lainnya"
- "yang lainnya"
- singluar / plural noun
- determiner (tidak bisa berdiri sendiri), so it is always
followed by noun (other+noun = noun phrase)

- Other people may hate you
- the plan has been aprroved by other local organizations
- i ran out of money, is there any other way to pay the bill?
- singluar noun
- flexible, with/without noun.

Ex :
- can I have another pieces of brownies?
- yesterday brad saw another car accident.
- the cough syrup is expired, please wait me
to buy another one.
the other(s)
- "the" = specific = sudah mengetahui objek yang dimaksud
- Plural / singular noun

- mika and the other children play at my backyard
- I choose the apple, because the other fruits are already
- Please choose the other seat, this seat is booked.
- he decide to try again at the other competition
- there were ten notebooks on my desk. fours are here.
where are the other notebooks? / the others?
- without noun


-He treats me differently than others, that's what

makes me feel special
-the human need others in order to survive
-others don't know about this, but you must know

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