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1/ What are some traditional foods in your
2/ Did you learn how to cook when you were
3/ What kinds of new foods have you tried
4/ Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore
for people who have busy lives?
5/ What foods from your country do most
foreign people enjoy?
1/ What is your favorite food?
 Well, I would say since I have a sweet tooth, I am a
huge fan of desserts.
 But if I had to choose one, it would be cheesecakes.
 I usually follow a recipe I learned from the Internet. It
has quite a few ingredients, but the process is not
 On special occasions, I usually make cheesecakes to
serve my family after dinner.

• have a sweet tooth: hảo ngọt

• recipe: công thức nấu ăn
• ingredients: thành phần
• special occasions: dịp đặc biệt
2/ Is there any food you dislike?
 I’m not a picky person, so I don’t have any problems
with food.
 However, raw fish such as salmon or tuna sashimi is not
my cup of tea.
 I can’t stand anything stinky or fishy. I would prefer
them to be well-cooked in a hot pot or something like

• Picky: khó tính

• Raw: đồ sống
• My cup of tea: sở thích
• Fishy: tanh
3/ What are some traditional foods in your country?
 Well, Vietnam has a very rich cultural diversity, which
means that there are various types of traditional food.
 To name some, there are Chung cake, spicy beef noodle
soup, or sticky rice.
 Actually, every region has its own local speciality, but I do
believe that Pho is still the most popular one among other
 It’s very well-seasoned and can be served for any mealtime
during the day.
• Cultural diversity: sự đa dạng văn hoá
• Local speciality :đặc sản địa phương
• Well-seasoned: được nêm đậm vị
• Mealtime: giờ ăn
4/ Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?

 Fortunately, yes. When I was a little boy, I loved going to

the kitchen to back up my grandmother with some side
 From that, I can pick up a few recipes and cooking
 She also taught me how to decorate a finished dish with

• back up: hỗ trợ

• side jobs: công việc phụ ngoài lề
• recipe: công thức nấu ăn
• cooking methods: phương pháp nấu ăn
• decorate: trang trí
5/ What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?
 Recently, I’ve been on a diet.
 Therefore, I usually look for healthy diets such as vegetables
or low-calorie food.
 I was introduced to some vegetarian diets.
 Initially, I found it hard to maintain this habit.
 Then, after a while, I am motivated by the fact that I’ve lost 3
kilometers by eating this on a regular basis.

• On a diet: theo chế độ ăn, giảm cân

• Low-calorie food: thực phẩm ít calo
• Vegetarian diet: chế độ ăn chay
• Maintain this habit: duy trì thói quen này
• On a regular basis: thường xuyên
6/ Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have
busy lives?
 It depends. For people who are extremely busy,
cooking could be a nightmare as it involves too much
preparation and cleaning.

 In contrast, people who have plenty of time will think

of cooking as a hobby. For them, cooking for their
beloved ones is the definition of happiness.

• Nightmare: cơn ác mộng

• Preparation: sự chuẩn bị
• Hobby: sở thích
• Beloved ones: những người yêu thương
7/ What foods from your country do most foreign people enjoy?

 I believe foreigners find Pho very fascinating.

 That’s a thing that still imprints in their mind after they pay
a visit to Vietnam.
 I guess it is because Pho is well-seasoned with various kinds
of spices. Also, the taste is neutral and friendly to most

• Imprint in one’s mind: khắc sâu vào trong trí nhớ

• Well-seasoned: nêm nếm đậm vị
• Spice: gia vị
• Neutral: trung tính
8 7
6 2

5 4 3
is going
am taking
Are doing
Nancy is staying home this weekend.

Peter’s grandmother is turning 70.
Peter and Kevin are going to museums o
Peter has a doctor’s appointment on
Monday/ Kevin has a job interview on
Can I take a message ? Please tell… that

1 2

Sister’s Class

A. Hello?
B. Hi. Is Paul there?
A. Just a minute , please. Paul..Paul? Sorry , he’s not here. Can I take
the message?
B. Sure. This is his brother, Kurt. Can you tell him that…?
e d
c h

a g
b f

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