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Diffusion Power

The second theme explored in this This generates greater political

book is the diffusion of power demands on those in government.
that would result from increased The management of competing
accountability, competition societal interests between seeking
participation and empowerment of greater accountability and
civil society, and decentralization of transparency rent-seekers
the locus authority. me aspects of complicates the task of governance.
regulation are contracted out to In fact, the diffusion of power is
the private sector. creating demands for greater
participation in policymaking and
Economic development leads to
the involvement of multiple Tillah, in his study, notes that while
actors or agents operating globalization does affect
outside the scope of state state sovereignty through the
authority. Open markets can lead administration of the affairs of the
to the diffusion of political power. state, it is still the primary actor in
Traditional sources of power are governance because of its influence,
being undermined by the scope, and power. However, there is
transformation of political a need to recognize the growing
structures and hierarchies. In influence of the business sector and
particular, the power of local civil society, and international.
oligopolies and other
concentrations of economic
power may decline with the
introduction of market-oriented
Globalization has made the governance is a multilevel,
notion of networks more multistakeholder exercise of
relevant. This has huge governing functions, where
implications for the state that public policy results from
now must learn to work and bargaining and negotiated
manage these networks. agreements among different
Internationalization has led to a actors in the policy arena. He
observes that the services
policy-making arena, sector is composed of
permeated by transnational interdependent, autonomous,
networks as well
and self-governing entities in
as by domestic agencies and both the public and private
forces (Held and McGrew
2003).” sector.
Leading private sector They maintain good relations with
organizations in Cebu City, such the local governments
as the Cebu Chamber of in the area, and as a result they are
Commerce and Industry, and allowed to concretely express which
the Philippine Exporters policy direction the local
Confederation in Cebu take part
in proposing policies that would government should take to further
enhance the development of develop the industry. These private
the business industry in the sector organizations are able to
city. According to Roldan, these work together with the local
private sector organizations, authorities to protect themselves
through their policy initiatives, against the adverse effects of
are able to participate in the globalization and reap its benefits.
growth and development.
This empowerment also means Iglesias explains that the use
that private sector groups and of ICT can also help to
civil society organizations can also
aid the government in helping the
communities adjust to these good governance by
global changes that affect local compelling government
areas. As such , governance no agencies to increase
longer belongs to the government transparency and
alone. In the case of Cebu, private accountability
sector organizations worked
together with the government to
create policies that would allow
people to reap the
benefits of globalization

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