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Sound and Space

Grade 8
Guess the Sound
What is Sound

Sound: Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrations

that travel through a medium, usually air, and can be heard
by our ears. It is a mechanical wave that consists of
compressions and rarefactions in the medium.
When an object vibrates, it displaces the particles of the
medium, creating areas of high pressure (compressions) and
low pressure (rarefactions). These pressure variations
propagate as a wave, carrying energy from the source of
Amplitude: Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of particles from their equilibrium
position as a sound wave passes through a medium. In simpler terms, it represents the height of
the wave. Larger amplitudes correspond to louder sounds, while smaller amplitudes correspond
to softer sounds.

Loudness: Loudness is the human perception of the intensity or energy of a sound. It is determined
by the amplitude of the sound wave. Greater amplitudes produce louder sounds, while smaller
amplitudes produce quieter sounds. Loudness is measured in decibels (dB).
Frequency: Frequency is the number of complete cycles (vibrations) of a sound wave that occur in
a unit of time, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). It determines the pitch of a sound. Higher
frequencies correspond to higher-pitched sounds, while lower frequencies correspond to lower-
pitched sounds.
Pitch: Pitch refers to how high or
low a sound is perceived by our
ears. It is directly related to the
frequency of a sound wave.
Higher-frequency sound waves
result in higher-pitched sounds,
and lower-frequency sound waves
result in lower-pitched sounds.
Sound Waves

Sound Waves: Sound waves are longitudinal

waves, meaning that they propagate by causing
particles in the medium to oscillate parallel to the
direction of wave travel.

They consist of alternating compressions (regions

of high pressure) and rarefactions (regions of low

Sound waves require a medium to travel through,

and they can travel through solids, liquids, and
Tone Generator
Ultrasound: Ultrasound refers to sound
waves with frequencies higher than the
upper limit of human hearing, which is
typically around 20,000 Hz.
Ultrasound waves are used in various
applications, including medical imaging
(ultrasound scans), cleaning, measuring
distances (ultrasonic sensors), and
industrial testing.
Doppler effect

Doppler Effect:
How the pitch of a siren changes as an ambulance or fire truck passes by due to the Doppler effect. This example
connects pitch changes to relative motion.
Emotions in Sound
Medical Applications
Music and Musical Instruments

Different musical instruments produce

varying sounds due to their unique
shapes, sizes, and materials.

For instance, the deep sound of a tuba

versus the high sound of a flute
Discuss how musicians adjust the
intensity (loudness) of their performance
by blowing harder or softer or striking
the strings of a guitar more forcefully.
Human Voice
When the air from the lungs blows through
the vocal folds at a high speed, the vocal
folds vibrate. The vibrations lead to sounds
we call voice. These sounds are shaped to
form speech. When it's time to speak, the
air pressure below the larynx increases until
it blows the vocal folds apart.

1. Sound is produced by the voice box or

the larynx in humans.
2. Two vocal cords are stretched across
the voice box.
3. When the lungs force air, the vocal
cords vibrate to produce sound.
4. When the vocal cords are tight and
thin, the type or quality of voice is
different from that when they are loose
and thick.
Animal Sounds
Wave Interference

Constructive and Destructive Interference
Constructive interference happens when two waves
overlap in such a way that they combine to create a
larger wave.

Destructive interference happens when two waves

overlap in such a way that they cancel each other out.

● “How does the choice of seating position in a movie theatre, like IMAX, affect the sound experience for viewers?

● Why do filmmakers like Christopher Nolan pay so much attention to the ideal seat for viewers in an IMAX

● How do noise cancelling headphones work?

Noise-cancelling headphones
Noise-cancelling headphones work by utilising a phenomenon known as "destructive interference" to reduce or cancel out unwanted ambient sounds or noise. Here's
how they work in more detail:

1. Microphones: Noise-cancelling headphones are equipped with one or more small microphones on the outside and sometimes on the inside of the ear cups. The
external microphones capture sounds from the environment, including ambient noise.

2. Sound Processing: The microphone(s) send the captured external sound to an internal electronic processor or microprocessor. This processor analyses the
incoming sound waves in real-time.

3. Creation of Anti-Noise: Once the processor has analysed the incoming sound, it generates a sound wave with the exact opposite (anti-phase) of the incoming
noise. This anti-noise sound wave has the same amplitude as the original noise but has an inverted phase, meaning it has crests where the original noise has
troughs and vice versa.

4. Combining Original and Anti-Noise: The anti-noise sound wave is then played through the headphones' speakers along with the audio you want to hear, such
as music or a podcast. When the anti-noise combines with the original noise in your ear, they interfere with each other.

5. Destructive Interference: Interference occurs when the peaks of the sound waves align with the troughs of the corresponding anti-noise waves and vice versa.
As a result, they cancel each other out, effectively reducing or eliminating the unwanted noise. This phenomenon is known as "destructive interference."

6. Adaptive Processing: High-quality noise-cancelling headphones often use adaptive algorithms that continuously adjust the anti-noise signal to match the
changing characteristics of the external noise. This adaptive processing ensures that the noise cancellation remains effective even as the noise profile changes.

7. Enjoying Your Audio: With the unwanted noise significantly reduced or cancelled out, you can enjoy your audio content (music, movies, calls) at a lower
volume or with greater clarity, without the need to raise the volume to compensate for external noise.
1. Noise-Cancelling Headphones:

● Destructive Interference: Noise-cancelling headphones work by using constructive interference to cancel out unwanted
external sounds. Microphones on the headphones pick up ambient noise, and the headphones generate sound waves with the
same amplitude and opposite phase, effectively cancelling out the noise.
2. Music and Sound Engineering:
● Musical Instruments: In musical instruments like guitars and violins, constructive interference is used to produce resonant
harmonics and enhance sound quality.
● Audio Mixing: Sound engineers use constructive interference when mixing audio tracks to enhance specific frequencies or
create desired audio effects.
3. Concert Hall Acoustics:
● Sound Reinforcement: In concert halls and theatres, sound waves reflecting off walls, ceilings, and other surfaces can
interfere constructively to improve sound quality for the audience.
4. Radio antennas:
● Antenna Arrays: In radio communication, arrays of antennas use constructive interference to focus radio waves in specific
directions, improving signal strength and reception.
5. Medical Imaging:
● Ultrasound: In medical ultrasound imaging, sound waves are used to create images of the body's interior. Constructive and
destructive interference of ultrasound waves helps form clear and detailed images.

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