REVISED PPT Nurse's Burnout and Mindfulness-Based Program

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The topic: "Nurse’s Burnout and Mindfulness-based Program."

Nurse burnout is a significant problem in healthcare.

Mindfulness-based programs show promising results in reducing burnout

among healthcare professionals.
The project will implement a mindfulness-based program hence reducing
nurse burnout and improving patient outcomes.
This presentation shows the need for such a program. Benefits are;
implementation plan, evaluation methods, and potential challenges.
Project Title and Purpose
The project implements a mindfulness-based program to reduce
nurse burnout and improve patient outcomes at XYZ Hospital.
Nurse burnout can lead to decreased job satisfaction, quality of care,
and increased turnover rates (Gresh et al., 2020).
Mindfulness-based programs help in reducing burnout among
healthcare professionals (Gresh et al., 2020).
The implementating mindfulness-based program will improve nurse
well-being, job satisfaction, and patient outcomes (Kelly et al., 2016).
Project Goals and Outcomes
Goal: To implement a mindfulness-based program at the hospital

Outcome 1: reduce nurse burnout by 20 percent within 6 months of

program implementation (Kelly & Wicker, 2016).

Outcome 2: Improve nurse job satisfaction by 30 percent in 1 year (Gresh

et al., 2018).

Outcome 3: To improve patient outcomes by reducing medication errors by

25% within one year of program implementation (Rivera et al., 2016).
Primary stakeholders are nurses, nurse managers, hospital administration, and patients.

Hospital administration will provide the necessary resources and support

Patients benefit indirectly.

Secondary stakeholders are regulatory agencies, other healthcare professionals, and insurance
Other healthcare professionals may be involved in the implementation of the program

Regulatory agencies may have requirements for implementing programs

Insurance companies may be interested in the potential cost savings

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong support from nursing leadership for implementing the mindfulness-based program (Kelly et al., 2016).

Availability of trained mindfulness instructors within the hospital (Rivera et al., 2020).

Strong culture of teamwork and collaboration among nurses (Gresh et al., 2017).


Resistance to change by nurses (Kelly et al., 2016).

Lack of resources for program implementation and sustainability (Rivera et al., 2020).

Limited research on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based programs specifically for nurse burnout (Kelly et al., 2016).
Financial Evaluation cost-effectiveness analysis
Addressing the financial aspect of the mindfulness-based program is crucial

The cost-effectiveness of the program will be determined.

costs, such as staff training and program materials, and cost savings, such as reduced absenteeism and

turnover rates
The potential for increased revenue due to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction will also be
Instruments and Tools
Pre and post-intervention surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the mindfulness-based

program. (Gresh et al., 2020)

Financial analysis to determine cost-effectiveness of the program, including cost savings due to

reduced nurse turnover rates and improved patient outcomes. (Rivera et al., 2018)

CoPs provide a supportive environment for nurses to share experiences and strategies for

coping with burnout. (Kelly et al., 2016)

Implementation Plan
Implementation plan will be divided into three phases: pre-implementation,
implementation, and post-implementation.

A project team established in pre-implementation phase.

Implementation phase involves the actual execution of the program.

The post-implementation phase will focuses on program evaluation,

Risk Assessment
Any project carries risks, and it is to identify and manage them appropriately.

The potential risks in implementing the mindfulness-based program the hospital include resistance
to change, lack of resources, and time constraints.

Resistance to change is a common risk in healthcare settings

Lack of resources, such as funding and staffing, may also hinder program implementation.
A cost-benefit analysis can help determine the program's financial feasibility

Time constraints are also a potential risk.

Providing flexibility in scheduling and offering incentives
Pre-implementation phase (April - May 2023):
Conduct needs assessment and establish baseline data
Develop a tailored mindfulness-based program
Establish a steering committee
Implementation phase (June - August 2023):
Train nurse champions to facilitate the program
Launch the mindfulness-based program
Monitor program fidelity
Post-implementation phase (September - December 2023):
Analyze program effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
Scale up the program
Disseminate program findings through presentations, publications, and other scholarly activities
Literature Review
Nursing profession is demanding and lead to burnout.

Addressing nurse burnout and implementing programs is essential.

Mindfulness-based programs can help reduce burnout among healthcare professionals.

mindfulness-based intervention demonstrate significant reductions in burnout symptoms among nurses

mindfulness-based interventions improve job satisfaction and reduce burnout symptoms (Gresh et
al.,2018) .

stakeholders include patients, hospital administration, researchers, and educators, (Rivera et al., 2019).
Nurse burnout is a serious issue.

Mindfulness-based programs have been shown to be effective .

Implementing a mindfulness-based program lead to improved job satisfaction, decreased turnover rates, and

increased quality of care.

Program success will be evaluated using a pre-and post-program survey and data analysis.

Thank you for your attention and consideration, and I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
 The Risk Management Association. (2015). Risk Management Guidelines for Nonprofit Organizations, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

 Gresh, A., Mena-Carrasco, F., Rauh, A., & Pfaff, T. (2020). Utilization of communities of practice for ongoing learning and knowledge dissemination:
Making the case for the Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery (GANM). Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(9), 431-436. doi:

 Gresh, A., Shanafelt, T. D., Ripp, J., Trockel, M., Visser, S., Sinsky, C., ... & West, C. P. (2018). Impact of a mindfulness-based intervention on job
satisfaction, anxiety, and stress of healthcare professionals in a clinical setting: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of general internal medicine, 33(6),

 Rivera, R. R., Gallagher, K. A., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2019). Leadership through scholarly dissemination: The NYP nursing experience. Journal of
Professional Nursing, 35(2), 131-136. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.11.002

 Kelly, L. A., & Wicker, E. R. (2019). A randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness intervention for burnout in nurses. Holistic Nursing Practice, 33(2),

 Kelly, L. A., & Wicker, T. L. (2016). Utilizing research findings: Nurse leaders and researchers working together. Nurse Leader, 14(5), 312-316. doi:

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