Module-3 1

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MODULE 3: The Human

Person as an Embodied Spirit

 Human has its own wonder. We do things that differ to other
persons, thus, equate with the context of uniqueness and
understanding how a human does it all is an interesting thing
to do. According to Abella (2016), the human person is an
important subject in Philosophy and an understanding of the
nature and condition of the person is one of the foremost
goals of the discipline. He further added that, Philosophers
have long pondered human nature, what it means to be
human, and what sets us apart from other beings and things in
 Have you ever asked yourselves “Who am I?”, “What are the
things that makes who I am?”, “Am I capable of doing
things?”. Thinking of those things help us to have a reflective
analysis of our nature, characteristics, and traits as human
beings. This will make us realize that we are in fact a human
with its own uniqueness that can be shared with other human
Definition of terms:
Man – general term commonly
used to refer to the entire human
Human – refers to man as a
species – Homo sapiens or
modern human beings.
Person - is a much more
complex term which generally
refers to a human being granted
recognition of certain rights,
protection, responsibilities, and
dignity, above all.
Human nature – refers to the
characteristics that distinguish
humans from all other creatures.
What is the human person?
In philosophy, human being is
not just a mere animal. There is
something in the human
individual that sets him or her
apart from other beings. These
special traits make a human a
distinct individual person.
Abella (2016), describes human
being to its relations to animals, he
added that Philosophers, however,
believe that the human being is not
just a mere animal and that there is
something in the human that sets him
or her apart from other beings which
these special traits make a human as
a distinct individual person.
How do we know
that we are human
Human as a person has the following
1. Has awareness of self
 which refers to the
person having a clear
perception of oneself,
including his thoughts,
emotions, identity and
actions. (Abella 2016)
Awareness of the self also
enables us persons to
experience a “inner world”
that is defined by our
personal thoughts and ideas.
The fact that we can daydream, get
lost in our thoughts, imagine,
fantasize, and reflect shows that we
are able to reach within ourselves
and experience interiority, which is
the quality of being focused on
one’s inner life and identity.
2. Has Self determination
 This refers to the capability of
persons to make choices and
decisions based on their own
preferences, monitor and
regulate their actions, and be
goal-oriented and self-directed.
we are persons because we act
and we are aware of our actions.
(Abella 2016)
Free will enables us to do
actions whenever we want
to and makes self-
determination possible.
Consequence is the result of
effect of an action or condition.
As persons, we are aware that
each action we perform has a
Morality – goodness or badness
of an act.
Let’s read these statements:
I am a person
My actions are my own and are
made freely.
I know that I am the cause of my
I know that my actions have
3. Externality – the capability to
reach out and interact with others
and the world.
Our interactions with others define
our existence as persons.
We grow and develop not only
through our thoughts and
actions, but also through the
influence of other people in our
lives, and the individuals we
meet and interact with.
Read these loud:
I am a person.
I value others.
I interact with others in
meaningful ways.
I value my relationships with
4. Has dignity
this refers to the innate right to be
valued and respected,
Philosophers consider all
humans as having an inherent
worth or value; “You’re
worthless!” is an insult since it
attacks the very notion of a
person having value or worth.
(Abella 2016)
Each person is worth the
same as another person in the
sense that every person is
priceless, unique,
unrepeatable, and
Dignity is not defined by outside
forces or characteristics such as
intelligence, ability, skills, or
Read these loud:
I am a person
I am a person with dignity
I recognize that others have dignity, as
I must uphold human dignity in my
thoughts and actions.
Read these loud:
I am a person
I am a person with dignity
I recognize that others have
dignity, as well.
I must uphold human dignity in
my thoughts and actions.
According to Steph (2018), the soul
causes the body to live; indeed, it is
the soul that animates the body.
It is the animator of the body, and
the body acts as the matter to the
Based on Aristotle, he believes that the
soul is the form of the body, while the
body is the matter to the soul. For him,
everything that exists is composed of
matter and form, and they are indeed
inseparable and we cannot talk about any
object if either of these entities is not
In the context of the human person, he
also believes that body and soul are
inseparable. Therefore, body and soul,
constitute the human person as a whole.
What is in our human
nature that enables us to
become persons?
ANSWER: We have spirit
aspect of the human that defines us
as persons
this is the intangible element that
enables us to exercise thought,
possess awareness, interiority and
the capacity to reach out to the world
and to other persons. (Abella 2016)
the inner quality of a person
How are the body
and the spirit related?
Philosopher consider the
human person as defined
by the union of the body
and the spirit. The human
person is an embodied
Not only are the body and spirit
united, but they are also
integrated with each other. This
means that we cannot separate
the two and they go hand-in-
hand in making us who we are.
Whatever affects the body
also affects the spirit, and this
unique trait of the person
enables him or her to
experience both the physical
world and the spiritual world.
Let’s learn more about embodiment
Embodiment is the one thing that enables us
to feel love and love others
Our experience is a product of embodiment
Human embodiment allows persons to attach
certain feelings or ideas not only to people,
but also to objects.
With human embodiment, physical acts are
no longer purely physical acts, because the
body conveys something from a person’s
inner world.
Let us say that, a pat on the shoulder from your
idol, a smile from your crush, a kiss from your
partner will create an intense emotional
reaction, and it is possible because of
These examples show that it is through
embodiment that a person is able to have a
unique relationship with the world and it is this
unique relationship that defines us as humans.
(Garcia 2018)
For your Performance Task:
Create an infographics or any media platform
that you can do best with a theme
"PILOSOPIYA: Isang Matalinong Pananalita,
Gabay sa Tagumpay ng Bayang Sinisinta“
See attached Rubrics for poster and Slogan.
To be Submitted Next meeting.
Thank you for listening.

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