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John Kirvy Bryce Russin Joseph Rey Charlotte

Buendia Mart M. Padilla Mata

Christine Kristel Jane Shanice N.

Joyce J. Villa Castanares
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over
the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Instead of buying, owning,
and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access
technology services, such as computing power, storage, and
databases, on an as-needed basis from a cloud provider like
Amazon Web Services (AWS).
History of the
Internet and the world
wide web
The Internet
The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a
worldwide system of computer networks -- a network of
networks in which users at any one computer can, if they
have permission, get information from any other computer
(and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).
The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web -- also known as the web, WWW or W3
-- refers to all the public websites or pages that users can
access on their local computers and other devices through the
internet. These pages and documents are interconnected by
means of hyperlinks that users click on for information.
Search Engine
A search engine is a software program that helps people find the
information they are looking for online using keywords or
phrases. Search engines are able to return results quickly—even
with millions of websites online—by scanning the Internet
continuously and indexing every page they find.
Example of Search Engine
Google Programmable
Search Engine
Google Search is a fully-automated search engine that uses software
known as web crawlers that explore the web regularly to find pages to
add to our index.

Google provides more comprehensive results than any other search

engine. It searches not only websites but also images, videos, news
articles, maps, products, and more. In addition, Google's results are
always up-to-date and relevant.
Web Browser
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves
information from other parts of the web and displays it on your
desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images
and video are transmitted on the web.
Examples of Web Browsers

The most popular and used is Google Chrome.Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It
was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla
Firefox. Versions were later released for Linux, macOS, iOS, and also for Android, where it is the default browser
Web Site
A website is a collection of files accessed through a web
address, covering a particular theme or subject, and managed
by a particular person or organization. Its opening page is
called a home page.
Examples of Web Site

YouTube is a website designed for sharing video. Millions of users around the world have created
accounts on the site that allow them to upload videos that anyone can watch. Every minute of every
day, more than 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
Web Page
A web page is a document written in hypertext (also known
as HTML) that you can see online, using a web browser.
Most web pages include text, photos or videos, and links to
other web pages. A group of many web pages managed by
one person or company is a website.
Examples of Web Page
About Page
Blog Page
Contact Page
Products or Service page
The end


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