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Islamic History Lesson 15

Thank you all for joining, here is a brief
of what we learned last lesson:
• The Story of Prophet Ayyub
• The ultimate tests for Ayyub
• The importance of keeping our faith in
Allah strong
• Try our best to follow Allah’s guidance
• To always been grateful for what we
have as Allah has gifted them to us
The three requirements
Prophet Yasa’s worries were increasing
as he was getting older and weaker
with every passing day. He was looking
for an honest man to lead the people.
Prophet Yasa had very strict three

He should fast all year, spend all the

nights of the year praying and he
should never get angry.
Appointed for purpose
He gathered all of his companions and
announced the three conditions, everyone
became silent and wondered “Who can live
such a disciplined life, it seems impractical!”

Stood amongst the people there was one

man who claimed he fulfilled all three
requirements and Prophet Yasa appointed
him as his deputy.

The man’s name was Dhul Kifl.

Dhul Kifl
In the morning he would listen to the
problems of the people and help them
out. The prophet only took a nap in
the afternoon so nobody would disturb
him whilst resting, except someone...

Everyone admired Dhul Kifl for

following prophet Yasa’s conditions
and everyone was pleased with Dhul
Kifl except from one…
Hidden whispers
Shaytan was not happy with this and he wanted Dhul Kifl to ruin
his clean record by making him angry. Shaytan sent many junior
shaytans to complete this task but none succeeded.

This made Iblis very angry and he thought of Dhul Kifl’s weakness
and decided to strike there. So Shaytan decided to disguise himself
as an old poor man and knocked at Dhul Kifl’s door when he was

Dhul Kifl opened the door and the old man started ranting
immediately, he wailed and whined and told a long tale of cruelty
and injustice of his relatives, he went on for hours. Dhul Kifl
listened with patience and compassion and his essential nap time
was over.

Dhul Kifl asked the old man to bring this matter to the court and
justice will be brought to him.
The long wait
Later that evening Dhul Kifl waited for the old man at the court but he didn’t show up! Dhul Kifl spent the
night in prayer as usual and in the morning he expected the old man to be there but there was no sign of

Dhul Kifl was now very tired as he hadn’t slept for two days, afternoon came and he went to bed.

“Knock Knock” someone banged on his door and it was the old man from before. “I told you to come to
court, I waited yesterday and this morning too… where were you?

“Kind sir my relatives are wicked and sly, when they heard you have called me they agreed to settle the
matter outside of court but when the court time ended, they went back on their word.” The old man went
on with his story for hours and Dhul Kifl waited patiently and could barely keep his eyes open.

Once again by the time the old man left Dhul Kifl’s nap time was over…
Power of Strength
The prophet waited for the old man in the court again but he never showed up at all. Dhul Kifl
was exhausted and he looked forward to his nap more than ever. Once again the old man
showed up whilst he was sleeping and started beating the door.

This time Dhul Kifl’s family member stopped the old man and said he needed sleep otherwise he
may get sick. Then, the old man strangely disappeared from the front door and appeared
outside Dhul Kifl’s bedroom door.

Dhul Kifl answered the door and then realised this was no ordinary man, this was Shaytan. “How
did you get here.. Wait are you Iblis, the enemy of Allah?”

“Yes you ruined all of my plans, I planned so intelligently to make you angry but you messed up
everything for me!!!”

The Shaytan then vanished and Dhul Kifl had passed the test.
Thank you all for listening, now
let’s get ready for a video!

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