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Introduction to


1. Discuss the interactions between S&T
and Society throughout history.
2. Discuss how scientific and Technological
developments affect society and
3. Identified the paradigm shifts in History.
refers to the systematic study of the
natural world, encompassing
empirical observation,
experimentation, and the
formulation of theories to explain
STS framework, the concept of
science is not viewed in isolation
but is examined in relation to its
interactions with technology and
refers to the application of scientific
knowledge to create tools, machines,
systems, and processes that address human
needs and challenges. It encompasses a wide
range of artifacts, techniques, and methods
used by societies to achieve specific goals or
solve practical problems.
In STS, technology is viewed as a dynamic and evolving
force that shapes and is shaped by society. Some key
aspects of the study of technology within this field include:

1. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT):

This perspective emphasizes that technologies
are not neutral entities but are socially shaped
and influenced by various factors, including
cultural values, political considerations, and
power dynamics.
2. Innovation and Diffusion: STS explores how
technological innovations emerge, spread, and
become integrated into society. This includes
understanding the roles of inventors, companies,
governments, and users in the innovation process.

3. Impacts on Society: The field examines how

technologies impact different aspects of society,
such as the economy, environment, healthcare,
communication, and daily life.
4. Ethical Considerations: STS considers the
ethical implications of technological choices,
addressing questions about privacy, equity,
justice, and the responsible development and
use of technology.
5. Human-Technology Interactions: The study of
how individuals and communities interact with
technology, considering issues related to user
experience, usability, and the social implications
of technological interfaces.

Refers to the complex web of

social relationships, institutions,
cultures, and practices within
which scientific and technological
activities are embedded.
Key aspects of the study of society in STS
1. Social Context of Science: Investigating how
social, cultural, and political factors shape the
production of scientific knowledge. This
includes analyzing the influence of funding
sources, societal values, and political ideologies
on scientific research.
2. Scientific Institutions: Examining the organizational
structures, norms, and practices within scientific
communities and institutions. This involves understanding
the social dynamics that contribute to the production,
validation, and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

3. Public Understanding of Science: Studying how

scientific information is communicated and understood by
the public. This includes exploring how societal values,
beliefs, and cultural contexts influence public perceptions
of science.
4.Technology and Social Change: Analyzing how
technological advancements impact different aspects of
society, such as the economy, labor markets, social
relationships, and cultural practices. This also involves
studying how societies shape the development and use
of technology.
5. Ethical and Policy Considerations: Examining the
ethical implications of scientific and technological
innovations and how societies formulate policies to
address these ethical concerns. This includes discussions
on issues like privacy, equity, and the responsible
governance of emerging technologies.
6. Social Movements and Technological
Change: Investigating how social
movements and public activism influence
the direction of technological
development and the adoption of certain
scientific practices. This includes
understanding how communities engage
with and resist technological changes.

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