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Inquiries, Investigations

and Immersion

Selecting Relevant Literature

Using the clues given below, arrange the scrambled letters to form a word
associated with literature review. Write your answers on your notebook.
AUCACYRC 1. The reliability and correctness of information
CYCUNRER 2. The state of being commonly known or accepted
AIRUHTOY 3. The qualifications of the author to write on the topic
REEELNVCA 4. The degree to which the information is useful or
related to another
STHEYNISS 5. Putting together materials from different sources into
an integrated whole
C L I I Y T I D E R B 6. The extent to which a research account is believable and
LKINEGA 7. Forming of connections between the prior and
the existing body of knowledge
GPA 8. A topic or area for which missing or
information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a
O C J I V I Y T E B T 9. The fact of being based on facts and not influenced by
personal beliefs or feelings
CAVOREEG 10. The extent to which literature meets the needs and
depth of the research topic
Selecting Relevant Literature
Selecting relevant literature will help you to segregate the
known and the unknown information in a topic. Some research
undertakings are conducted to disprove, redefine or even
replicate what is already established. Others seek to explore an
unfamiliar concept or idea. Thus, doing a literature review
clarifies your research focus within the context of your field.
Some people mistook this part for a mere record of who wrote,
what and when of information connected to the study.
However, the presence of literature review demonstrates the
soundness of the research while highlights what this new
research can address.
This module will make you understand the goals of writing a
literature review. In addition, your higher order thinking skills
will be improved as you become critical of what you include in
your research paper.
Selecting Relevant Literature
Draw a happy face ☺ if the statement describes the goal of
literature review and a sad face  if otherwise. Write your
answers on your notebook.
1. Stimulates new ideas
2. Suggests hypotheses for replication
3. Establishes the credibility of research
4. Generalizes the context of the research
5. Delinks the current to the prior research
6. Integrates what is known in an area or field
7. Summarizes what is known in an area or field
8. Makes a connection between the research and the existing
body of knowledge
9. Decreases a reader’s confidence in the researcher’s
professional competence
10. Points out areas where prior studies agree, disagree and
where major questions remain
Recall the moment when you were about to choose your strand for senior high
school. Share the things you considered in your decision-making process. Make
your story meaningful and interesting by taking us into the exact moment you
knew you have made up your mind. Write your answers in three to ten
sentences on your notebook. (10 points)
Just like the process you underwent when you were
choosing your strand, selecting the literature to be
included in your research needs a lot of critical thinking.
You aspire to be successful someday through your chosen
strand that is why you made sure to come up with the
right decision. You may have considered your intellectual
ability, talent, interest, opportunities in the field and the
like. The same is true in choosing literature for your
study. Careful evaluation must be done in order for you to
identify what new information you can give to the existing
pool of knowledge. As discussed in your previous research
subjects, one of the purposes of conducting a research is
to generate new knowledge in an attempt to better our
Literature, in the context of research, refers to a collection
of published information or materials on a particular area
of research or topic, such as books and journal articles of
academic value.
On the other hand, a literature review is a process of
studying what has already been written on a particular
topic. The process involves identifying, locating, and
analyzing documents that contain information related to
a researcher’s research topic (Avilla, 2016). Likewise,
Aveyard (2010) defined it as a "comprehensive study and
interpretation of literature that addresses a specific
As you look for literature to incorporate in your review, you have to eye the most valuable and pertinent information
to your study. Hence, you do not list everything you find especially resources that are not collected by an academic
The following are the five basic criteria for evaluating information from any sources:

If most of the
questions above
garnered a positive
response then most
probably, your
information source at
hand is adequate to
support your research
Reflect on your learnings and answer each question in three or
more sentences. Write your answers on your notebook. (10
points each)
1. Do you think a research is complete without a review of
relevant literature? Why?
2. Why is there a need to evaluate a source of information
before including it in your literature review?
Evaluate the research abstract below by filling out the needed information in the table
below. Write your answers on your notebook.

Research Title: Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic poses a threat to societies’ mental health. This study
examined the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and identified the factors contributing to psychological
impact in the Philippines. A total of 1879 completed online surveys were gathered from March 28-April 12,
2020. Collected data included socio-demographics, health status, contact history, COVID-19 knowledge
and concerns, precautionary measures, information needs, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales
(DASS-21) and the Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) ratings. The IES-R mean score was 19.57
(SD=13.12) while the DASS-21 mean score was 25.94 (SD=20.59). In total, 16.3% of respondents rated the
psychological impact of the outbreak as moderate-to-severe; 16.9% reported moderate-to-severe depressive
symptoms; 28.8% had moderate-to-severe anxiety levels; and 13.4% had moderate-to-severe stress levels.
Female gender; youth age; single status; students; specific symptoms; recent imposed quarantine; prolonged
home-stay; and reports of poor health status, unnecessary worry, concerns for family members,
and discrimination were significantly associated with greater psychological impact of the pandemic and
higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression (p<0.05). Adequate health information, having grown-up
children, perception of good health status and confidence in doctors’ abilities were significantly associated
with lesser psychological impact of the pandemic and lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression (p<0.05).
An English online survey was used. During the early phase of the pandemic in the Philippines, one-
fourth of respondents reported moderate-to-severe anxiety and one-sixth reported moderate-to-severe
depression and psychological impact. The factors identified can be used to devise effective psychological
support strategies.
(Explain your
answer briefly.)
Is the information accurate?
Do the authors have the
authority to write on this topic?
Is the information objective?
Is the information current or
Does it provide basic or in-
depth information?
Based on your evaluation, can
you recommend this
literature? 12
A. Read the questions on evaluating literature carefully and choose the letter of
the best answer. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. Which criterion is observed when your chosen information provides your
research needs?
A. coverage
B. authority
C. credibility
D. objectivity
2. Which criterion is observed when your chosen information was interpreted
without any bias?
A. accuracy
B. authority
C. credibility
D. objectivity
3. Which criterion is observed when your chosen information is still commonly
known, in use or accepted?
A. currency
B. coverage
C. accuracy
D. objectivity
4. Which criterion is observed when you chose information based on
its reliability and correctness?
A. coverage
B. accuracy
C. credibility
D. objectivity
5. Which criterion is observed when the author of your chosen
information has the qualifications to write on that specific topic?
A. accuracy
B. authority
C. credibility
D. objectivity
B. Explain the goals of writing the literature review using the five words that you will
choose from the word cloud below. Answer in three to five sentences. Write your
answers on your notebook.

Rubric for What’s New
5 3 1
C r i t eri a/ Excellent/ Satisfactory N eeds
Indicators Outstanding Improvement

Quality of answer The answer The answer The answer

demonstrates shows adequate s h o w s little
full understanding understanding
understanding of the task wi t h of the task with
of the task few details or n o detail or
elaboration elaboration
Sentence fluency S entences are Sentences are Sentences are
complete and complete and i n co m p l et e o r
they connect to able to be too long an d not
one another understood easily u n d e r s t o o d

Rubric for W h a t I H a v e Learned an d Assessment B

5 3 1
C r i t eri a/ Excellent/ Satisfactory N eeds
Indicators Outstanding Improvement

Quality of answer The answer The answer The answer

demonstrates shows adequate s h o w s little
full knowledge of knowledge of the
understanding concept with few concept with n o
of the concept details or d et a i l o r
elaboration elaboration
Sentence fluency Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are
complete and complete and i n co m p l et e o r
they connect to able to be too long an d not
one another understood easily u n d e r s t o o d

Rubric for Additional Activity
5 3 1
C r i t eri a/ Excellent/ Satisfactory N eeds
Indicators Outstanding Improvement

Appropr iateness The elements T h e elements are T h e elements are

of elements ar e ex act l y appropriate to inappropriate to
appropriate to w h a t is being w h a t is being
w h a t is being asked with few asked wi t h m a n y
a s k ed misplaced details misplaced details
Specificity of The elements The elements The elements
elemen ts clarify the point slightly clarify the m a k e the point of
of the inquiry of point of the the inquiry of the
t he r es ea rc h inquiry of the research vague
r esearch and broad

Answer Key

COVERAGE 10. ☺ 10.

GAP 8. ☺ 8.
LINKAGE 7. ☺ 7.
AUTHORITY 3. ☺ 3. t e a c h e r.
CURRENCY 2. ☺ 2. the b y checked
ACCURACY 1. ☺ 1. be will section This

Know: I What In: What’s New: What’s

ideas n e w stimulate a n d others fro m learn To •

area an in k n o w n is wh at su mmarize a n d ateintegr To •
it to linked is project current a h o w an d research prior or path the s h o w To •
order) particular n o (in 15. – 13.
v ary m a y (an swer to p ic research research er ’s a to
related information contain that d o cu men ts analyzing
a n d locating, identifying, in v o lv es
p ro cess T h e topic. particular a o n written b e en alread y h as w h a t stu dy in g o f p ro cess a 1 2 .

:More What’s

t e a c h e r.
the b y checked
be will section This
t e a c h e r. t h e ACCURACY 4. D 2.
by checked CURRENCY 3. t e a c h e r.
A 1.
be COVERAGE 2. the b y checked
will section This CURRENCY 1. A be will section This
Have :Learned
I What’s :Do Can I What’s :Assessment Activity: Additional


Avilla, Ruel A. Practical Research 1. Makati City: Di wa Learning Systems Inc, 2016,

Baraceo, Ester L. Practical Research 1. Manila, Philippines: R e x Bo o k Store,

2016 .

“Literature Re v i e w - Finding the Resources,” University of Ho n g Kong, last modified

J a n u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 2 1 , h t t p s : / / l i b g u i d e s . l i b r a r y. c i t y u . e d u . h k / l i t r e v i e w / e v a l u a
ting-sou rces.

M a l v i ka , To m a r, “Infl uence of Internet B a s e d M a r k e t i n g Activities o n Digital

C o n s u m e r ’s M i n d , ” International Journal of M a n a g e m e n t 11 2 02 0 : 1,
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M e a n i n g o f C u r r e n c y, h t t p s : / / d i c t i o n a r y. c a m b r i d g e . o rg / u s / d i c t i o n a r y / e n g l i s h / c u -
rre ncy

M e a n i n g o f Ob j e c t i v i t y,
https://diction a r y. c a m b r i d g e .o rg / u s / d i c t i o na r y / e ng l i s h/

Prieto, Nel i a G., N a v a l , Victoria C . a n d Carey, Teresita G . Practical R e s e a rc h 2 for

Senior Hi gh School. Met ro Manila, Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc, 2017 ,

Tee, M i c h a e l L., et. al, “ Psychol ogi cal i m p a c t of C O V I D -1 9 p a n d e m i c i n the

Phi l i ppi nes,” J o u r n a l o f Aff e c t i ve D i s o r d e r s 2 2 7 2 0 2 0 : 3 7 9 -3 9 1 , a c c e s s e d
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