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Metamorphic rocks of the higher-temperature range of the amphibolite facies are closely
associated with migmatites.

READ (1957) describes this general observation as follows: "One of the most firmly
established facts in metamorphic geology is the close association in the field of highest-grade
metamorphic rocks and migmatites.“

SEDERHOLM (1908) introduced the term, "migmatite," to designate certain gneissic rocks
"which look like mixed rocks.“ These are coarse-grained, heterogeneous, and megascopically
composite rocks, comprising portions of magmatic rocks (or looking like magmatic rocks) and
portions of metamorphic

Migmatites have light-colored layers and portions composed of quartz and feldspars and
dark-colored ones in which biotite predominates.

The minerals of the dark-colored layers, as those in gneisses and crystalline schists, gene rally
have a preferred orientation, whereas the fabric of the light-colored
layers is that characteristic of a rock formed by magmatic crystallization. The structure of
these heterogeneous rocks may vary considerably.
The foliation characteristic of gneisses is modified so that individual light-and-dark-
colored layers may have a thickness of a few cmor tens of cm or even meters. Some of
the heterogeneous rocks show folds of various dimensions; others have the appearance
of breccia; the latter type of migmatite is known as an agmatite.

The light-colored portions of granitic composition in migmatites may be explained as

products of partial melting of the original gneisses, a process known as anatexis. It is
shown farther on that partial melting of a gneiss gives rise to melts of granitic
composition and to a crystalline residue composed mainly of mafic minerals
like biotite, etc.

Other views concerning the origin of migmatites invoke an introduction of material by

"emanations" or by a metasomatic exchange of material without the participation of a
melt, i.e., without an intervening magmatic stage.

The origin of granites and migmatites should take into account the well-established
observation of geologists, which READ formulates as follows: "When we follow rocks into
higher metamorphie grades, we finally end in a granitic core. This cannot be accidental;
the association of metamorphites, migmatites and granites must mean something." This
worldwide observation suggests that the spatial association of these rock types is due to
processes occurring at similar temperature and pressure conditions in the deeper part of
the crust and giving rise to high-grade metamorphic rocks, as weIl as to migmatites and
granites. The origin of granites and migmatites in deep-seated parts of orogenic belts
must be considered as directly connected with high-grade metamorphism.
Clays and shales are the most common sediments, and greywackes are the most
important coarser clastic sediments. The metamorphism of these sediments was
experimentally investigated by WINKLER, et al. The highest-grade metamorphic rocks
formed at PH2ü = 2000 bars consist of quartz + plagioclase + alkali feldspar + biotite
accompanied by cordierite, opaque minerals, and, in many cases, sillimanite. At higher
pressures, garnet is expected to occur instead of cordierite, and, at very high pressures,
kyanite takes the place of sillimanite.

The amount of calcite originally present in the sediments determines the amounts of
cordierite and biotite produced by metamorphism. Considering a shale to which various
amounts of calcite are added, the experiments by WINKLER, et al. (1960), show that in
highest-grade metamorphie rocks an increase of the amount of calcite in the original
sediment decreases the amount of cordierite and increases the amount of biotite.

The composition and the amount of the melt formed by anatexis of gneisses depends on.
besides H:p-pressure and temperature. the chemical and. therefore. mineralogical
composition of the gneisses. This is best realized by considering the equilibrium between
melt + crystals + gas in the system of components Si02• NaAISi3O8. CaAl2Si3O8,
KAISi3O8. and H20. i.e., a system consisting of quartz. plagioclase. alkali feldspar. and
H20. In this system

may be designated as the granitic system. because these components constitute 90 to 95

percent ofgranitic rocks. Comprising granite. adamellite. granodiorite. and tonalite or

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