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An Experimental Study on Study Groups as a Mentoring Program

for Competency Enhancement in Fundamentals of Accounting,

Business and Management 1 of Bataan National Senior High
School Students

Balderama1, Cortez2, Danque3, De Leon4, De Vivar5, Forbes6,

Lascano7, Mercene8, Sarmiento9, Suguitan10, Toriol11, Venegas12

Grade 12 ABM Villar


There is an existing gap in the knowledge of ABM students, due to

the sudden shift from online to face-to-face classes.

The researchers are to determine effectiveness of study groups as a

mentoring program to enhance students’ competency in FABM 1,
bridging the gap.
The Objective/s
Identify how study groups, as a mentoring program, help Grade 12 ABM students in Bataan
National High School Senior High School increase their understanding of the subject
Fundamentals of Accounting, Business, and Management 1.

Direct contribution of the study

Participation is an important engine of democratic and socioeconomic development. In such
way that it allows people to unite their interests, express their views, and wield the power
required to effect long-term change- vital means in empowering citizens.
1. What is the mean scores of the post-test of the experimental and
control group?
2. Is there a significant difference between the two groups in terms of
post-test results?
3. Are study groups effective in bridging the gap, determined by
percentage of post-test scores, by enhancing students’ competency in

Null Hypothesis
1. The control group presented a better performance in terms of the mean scores of the
2. There is no significant difference between the two groups regarding the posttest results.

Alternative Hypothesis
The experimental group presented a better performance in terms of the mean scores of the
2. There is no significant difference between the two groups regarding the posttest results.

Our sample included senior high school students that were gathered using a convenience
sampling from the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, which corresponds to the
objectives of our research. The students from the Accountancy, Business, and Management
strand were collected from a school located in Bataan called Bataan National High School
Senior High School.

A quantitative method was employed to attain the objectives of the study. For the quantitative
method, a 30 item questionnaire was used to identify the Accountancy, Business, and
Management senior high school students’ knowledge towards the basics of accountancy. The
numerical data were treated through percentage frequency distribution.

This study determined the respondents in accordance to their average

grade on Fundamentals of Accounting. Students representing
“outstanding” and “very satisfactory”, compliant with the DepEd`s
standards. After having determined the sample, participants were
then conveniently selected.

Learners were subjected to a module provided by Mrs.

Faye Laban. After three days of intervention, participants
were given 15 minutes to answer a posttest issued by the
same mentor.


Posttest-only design was implemented. A three-day study group

program took place where the control group studied individually,
while the experimental group which was divided into three,
containing five members. Posttest was conducted after this.

Researchers adhered to the ethical standards by Bryman and Bell

(Anwar, 2016).

An informed consent was obtained from the subjects under strict

observance of respect, concern for dignity, and welfare. The
researchers informed the respondents regarding the overview of the
study, the place, and time that it will take place. Participation was
entirely voluntary.
Post Test Control Group Experimental Group
Mean Mean
22.333 25.667

P Decision Interpretation
0.012 Reject the null There is a significant difference between the scores of post-
hypothesis tests of experimental and control group

The study focused on recognizing the significance of study groups in

developing adeptness on certain learning competencies.

This study established that there was an increase in the students'

proficiency of the subject after having participated in the study group
as opposed to having studied independently.
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