Y.gülmez Self Introduction

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Yiğit Gülmez

Self Introduction

+372 5380 5762
Dokuz Eylül University Dokuz Eylül University Dokuz Eylül University
Marine Engineering Marine Transportation Marine Transportation
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
M.Sc. Ph.D.
2017 2022

IDC Shipping IDC Shipping
On-Board Shipping
3rd Engineer 2nd Engineer 2nd Engineer
Experience July 2011 – Dec. 2012 Jan 2013 – Dec. 2015 2018, 2022


Research Asst. Research Asst. Asst. Prof. Dr.
Experience Jan.2016–Sep. 2022 Sep. 2016– July 2019 Sep. 2022 - Oct. 2023

* Iskenderun Technical University

** Dokuz Eylül University

The scope of my research revolves around five primary domains:

• Marine diesel engines, encompassing engine performance, exhaust

emissions, engine testing, and marine auxiliary machinery.
• Alternative energy, with a focus on solar energy and electric-
powered boats, alongside an exploration of their potential impact.
• The assessment of the energy efficiency and environmental
implications stemming from shore facilities and marine vessels.
• Researching the infrastructure and educational systems associated
with maritime education.
• Maritime Safety and Risk Analysis


1- Marine diesel engines, encompassing engine performance, exhaust emissions,
engine testing, and marine auxiliary machinery.
Research Articles
• Gülmez Y. The role of advancing fuel injection timing in mitigating the negative impact of exhaust
back-pressure on diesel engines’ performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2023; doi:10.1177/09576509231203068
• Gülmez, Y. and Özmen, G. The effect of exhaust backpressure on the performance of a diesel
engine: A neural network based sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Automotive
Technology 2022 (2).
• Gülmez, Y. and Özmen, G. The effect of backpressure increment on the performance of a diesel
engine. JEMS Maritime Science, 2021 9(3): 177-191.
• Gülmez, Y. and Nuran, M. Effects of nozzle opening pressure and fuel injection timing on engine
performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with marine fuels. Maritime Faculty
Journal, 2020; 4.
• Yüksel, O., Gülmez, Y., Konur, O., Korkmaz, S.A., Erdogan, A. and Colpan, C.O. Performance
assessment of a marine freshwater generator through exergetic optimization, Journal of Cleaner
Production, 2019 Volume 219, Pages 326-335.

• Marine Engineering Management: Comparative Cost Analysis for Alternative Fuel Types and
Injection Strategies, Researcher at System Integration Team & Design Team, 2015-2018.
• Analysis of the Effects of Exhaust Backpressure on the Performance of Diesel Engines, Head of
Team/Vice Project Coordinator, 2020-2021.


1- Marine diesel engines, encompassing engine performance, exhaust
emissions, engine testing, and marine auxiliary machinery.
Bulletins & Seminars & Congress Papers
• Gülmez. Y. An overview of methods to reduce emissions from diesel engines. Marine Engineering
Technology Seminar, Oct. 17-18 2019. Izmir-Türkiye.
• Gülmez, Y. and Özmen G. The effect of exhaust gas aftertreatment and waste heat recovery
systems on exhaust backpressure of diesel engines. 2nd International Congress on Engineering
Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, September 18 th 2021, İstanbul.
• Saatçioğlu, Ö., Yüksel, O. Göksu, B. and Gülmez, Y. Applying the quality function deployment QFD
method to marine diesel engines; The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine
Technology and The Future of Maritime Transportation,2016.
• Gülmez, Y. and Nuran, M. A literature review on effects of combustion variables to engine
performance and exhaust emissions on diesel engines, The Second Global Conference on Innovation
in Marine Technology and The Future of Maritime Transportation,2016.

Lecturing Activities
• Diesel Engines
• Diesel Engines I-II,
• Maintenance and Operation of Marine Diesel Engines,
• Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions,
• Alternative Marine Fuels and Energy Sources
• Marine Auxiliary Machinery II


2- Alternative energy, with a focus on solar energy and electric-powered
boats, alongside an exploration of their potential impact.
Research Articles
• Gülmez, Y. Konur, O, Yüksel, O. and Korkmaz, S.A. Comparative Economic Assessment of On-
Grid Solar Power System Applications Having Limited Areas: A Case Study on a Shore Facility,
Environmental Modeling & Assessment. [Accepted to be published].

• Solar boat Project (for Solar Splash), Student Team Leader, 2008-2012.
• Yesil Eylul Project (Electrification of a pleasure yacht)i Researcher at System Integration Team,
• A Solar Plant Design for IC Çeşme Marina, Project Coordinator, 2018.
• Feasibility Report to Build Electric Powered Pleasure Boat , Head of Propulsion System team,


2- Alternative energy, with a focus on solar energy and electric-powered
boats, alongside an exploration of their potential impact

Bulletins & Seminars & Congress Papers

Gülmez, Y. Konur, O, Yüksel, O., Korkmaz, S.A. and Akaltan, C. The feasibility analysis of using solar
energy in IC Cesme Marina. (In Turkish). Eastern Mediterranean Tourism Symposium, 2018.
Erginer, K.E., Gülmez, Y. Konur, O, et al. An improved system design for solar boats; 7th Global
Conference on Global Warming, 2018.
Konur, O, Korkmaz, S.A., Yüksel, O., Gülmez, Y. et al. Thermodynamic modelling of a seawater
cooled foldable PV panel system; 7th Global Conference on Global Warming, 2018.
Konur, O, Gülmez, Y., Erginer, K.E., Comparison of fixed propellers and controllable pitch propeller
mechanisms for electric boats (In Turkish). 3rd National Marine Tourism Congress, 2016.
Günay, O., Gülmez, Y. and Atik, O. An investigation on the usage of solar energy in yachts. 3rd
National Marine Tourism Congress, 2016.

Lecturing Activities
Alternative Marine Fuels and Energy Sources


3- The assessment of the energy efficiency and environmental implications
stemming from shore facilities and marine vessels.
• Estimating the environmental impacts of Kuşadası Cruise Port, Researcher, 2017.
• Estimating the environmental impacts of IC Çeşme Marina, Project Coordinator, 2018.
• Assessing the energy efficiency potential of a bulk carrier, Researcher, 2023 (ongoing).

Bulletins & Seminars & Congress Papers

Yüksel, O, Konur, O, Gülmez, Y. Korkmaz, S.A. and Akaltan, C. Calculation of carbon emission caused
from the yachts in IC Cesme Marina (In Turkish). Eastern Mediterranean Tourism Symposium, 2018.
Konur, O, Yüksel, O., Korkmaz, S.A., Gülmez, Y. and Tozman N. Environmental impacts of using
Organic Rankine Cycle in cruise ships (In Turkish). Eastern Mediterranean Tourism Symposium, 2018.
Gülmez, Y., Günay, O. Cerit, A.G. Estimation of carbon emissions caused by cruise ships in Kusadası
port area: A system dynamics approach. 3rd National Marine Tourism Congress, 2016.


4- Researching the infrastructure and educational systems associated with
maritime education.
• Engine Room Simulator Design & Installation, Project Coordinator, 2018-2019.
• Navigation Simulator Design & Installation, Project Coordinator, 2019-2020.
• Maritime Safety Training Centre , System Design- Project Coordinator2022-2023.


5- Maritime Safety and Risk Analysis

Research Articles
• Saatçioğlu Ö.Y., Göksu, B., Yüksel, O, and Gülmez, Y. Ship engine room casualty analysis by
using decision tree method. JEMS Maritime Science 2017; 5(1): 59-68.

Bulletins & Seminars & Congress Papers

Gülmez, Y., Yüksel, O. Göksu, B. Kuleyin, B. and Nas, S. A Content Analysis of the Academic
Studies Related to Risk Analysis in Maritime Industry, The Second Global Conference on
Innovation in Marine Technology and The Future of Maritime Transportation,2016


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