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Year 7
Friction Experiment
Year 7
Learning objective

To carry out an experiment to see how friction changes on

different surfaces.
Success criteria

I can
 conduct a fair test to investigate friction.
 record and analyse the results.
Lab safety instructions
 Keep workspace tidy: Keep materials organized and return them to their designated places
after use.
 Inform the teacher: Report any broken equipment, or injuries to the teacher immediately.
 Force meter: If using a Force, handle it with care. Avoid dropping it or flicking it, as it can
cause injury.

 Science is fun, but safety is always the top priority!

 A hypothesis is like a super educated guess! Before you do an experiment, you

use your knowledge and the clues you have to make a prediction about what you
think will happen. Example: "I think plants will grow taller if they get more
Remember, a good hypothesis is:
 Specific: It makes a clear prediction about what will happen.
 Testable: You can design an experiment to test it.
 Based on evidence: You have some reason to believe it might be true.
Answer the following

 What is the independent variable in this experiment?

 What will you measure to determine the speed of the box?
 How will you ensure a fair test?
Check your response

 What is the independent variable in this experiment? (Surface texture)

 What will you measure to determine the speed of the box? (Time)
 How will you ensure a fair test? (Keep all variables constant except surface texture)
 Place the object on the smooth surface at the starting point marked by the ruler.
 Attach the force meter to the object.
 Gently and steadily pull the object with the force meter at the pre-determined angle (e.g., 45 degrees) to
move it across the marked distance.
 Measure Force: Record the maximum force reading displayed on the force meter just as the object starts
 Measure Speed: Simultaneously, start the stopwatch as you pull the object and stop it the moment the box
finishes traveling the marked distance.
 Repeat steps for the smooth surface at least 3 times to get an average value.
 Repeat step for the rough surface, maintaining the same distance and angle of pull.
Progress Check

 Did you remember to keep the angle of pull with the spring balance constant?
 Are you recording the maximum force reading just as the box starts moving?
 Are you starting the stopwatch the moment you pull and stopping it when the box
finishes the marked distance? (Yes/No)
Observation table

Trial Number Surface Force (N) Time (s) Speed (m/s)

1 Smooth
2 Smooth
3 Smooth
4 Rough
5 Rough
6 Rough
Note down your conclusion

We carried out an experiment to

investigate friction in different
surfaces. Rougher surfaces had higher
friction and smoother surfaces like tile
had lower friction.
Note down your conclusion

We carried out an experiment to

investigate __________ in different
surfaces. Rougher surfaces have higher
friction and _________ surfaces like
tile had lower friction.

( rougher, smoother, friction)

Identify the variables:
a. Independent: ------------------------------------------------------------
b. Dependent: --------------------------------------------------------------
c. Controlled: --------------------------------------------------------------
Identify the variables
 The independent variable is the one you intentionally change or
 The dependent variable is the one you measure to observe the effect of
the independent variable.
 Controlled variables are kept constant to ensure that any changes in the
dependent variable are solely due to the independent variable.
 By carefully controlling these variables, you can create a reliable and
valid experiment to test the hypothesis about the relationship between
mass and spring extension.
Independent Variable:
 Surface (Smooth/Rough) - This is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter to observe
its effect on the dependent variable.

Dependent Variable:
 Speed (m/s) - This is the variable that is measured and is expected to change depending on the
independent variable.

Controlled Variables:
 Object used (same box throughout)
 Distance traveled by the object(use the ruler to mark a specific distance on each surface)
 Angle of pull with the spring balance (force meter) (maintain a constant angle, e.g., 45 degrees)
Progress check

 How many times did you repeat the experiment on each surface?
 Will you be comparing the average force or the single highest force reading for each
 What will you calculate to compare the speed of the box on different surfaces?
Check your response

 How many times did you repeat the experiment on each surface? (3 times)
 Will you be comparing the average force or the single highest force reading for each
surface? (Average force)
 What will you calculate to compare the speed of the box on different surfaces? (Speed
using distance and time)
Scientific Vocabulary
Self assessment

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