Unit 1 SGT

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Prof. S. M.


Smart Grid
Prof. Shital M. Mule
M.E. (Control System Engineering)
B.E (Electrical Electronics and Power Engg.)
Teaching Experience: 9 years 5 months
International conf. :06
International Journal: 04
Unit 1: Introduction to Smart Grid 9
Introduction, working definitions of Smart Grid, Need of Smart Grid,
Present development & International policies in Smart Grid.
Introduction to Smart Meters, Real Time Pricing, Smart Appliances,
Automatic Meter Reading(AMR), Outage Management System(OMS),
Vehicle to Grid, Smart Sensors, Home & Building Automation Smart
Substations, Substation Automation, Feeder Automation. Geographic
Information System(GIS), Intelligent Electronic Devices(IED) & their
application for monitoring & protection, Smart storage like Battery,
SMES, Pumped Hydro, Compressed Air Energy Storage, Indian Smart
Grid –Key Challenges for Smart Grid. Application and standards,
Impacts of Smart Grid on reliability, Impacts of Smart Grid on air
pollutant emissions reduction.
• Unit 2: Smart Grid Architecture 6
• Components and Architecture of Smart Grid Design –Review of the
proposed architectures for Smart Grid. The fundamental components
of Smart Grid designs –Transmission Automation – Distribution
Automation –Renewable Integration Tools and Techniques for Smart
Grid: Computational Techniques –Static and Dynamic Optimization
Techniques –Computational Intelligence Techniques –Evolutionary
Algorithms – Artificial Intelligence techniques

• Unit 3: Distribution Generation Technologies 6

• Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies –Micro grids –
Electric Vehicles and plug–in hybrids – Environmental impact and
Climate Change –Economic Issues
Unit 4: Communication Technologies and Smart Grid 7 Hours
Introduction to Communication Technology – Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI), Home Area Network (HAN), Neighborhood Area
Network (NAN), Wide Area Network (WAN). Bluetooth, ZigBee, GPS, Wi-
Fi, Wi-Max based communication, Synchro Phasor Measurement Units
(PMUs) – Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS). Two-way Digital
Communications Paradigm, Network Architectures, IP- based Systems
Power Line Communications.

Unit 5: Control of Smart Power Grid System 7 Hours

Load Frequency Control (LFC) in Micro Grid System –Voltage Control in
Micro Grid System – Reactive Power Control in Smart Grid. Case Studies
and Test beds for the Smart Grids. Security and Privacy: Cyber Security
Challenges in Smart Grid, Load Altering Attacks, False Data Injection
Attacks, Defense Mechanisms, Privacy Challenges.
• 1. James Momoh- Smart Grid Fundamentals of Design and
Analysis, Wiley, 2012
• 2. Keyhani- Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems, Wiley
• 3. Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins, Kithsiri Liyanage - Smart Grid:
Technology and Applications, Wiley 2012.
• 4. Jean Claude Sabonnadiere, Nouredine Hadjsaid -Smart Grids
Wiley ISTE 2012.
Course Outcomes
• Demonstrate the applications and standards related to Smart Grid and the challenges
faced in implementing it in India

• Describe the Components and Architecture of Smart Grid Design.

• Illustrate Renewable Energy Technologies as Micro grids, Electric Vehicles and plug in
hybrids and their environmental impact.

• Demonstrate the principles, technologies, and applications of communication systems

used in AMI, HAN, NAN, and WAN.

• Describe load frequency control, voltage control and reactive power control in Micro
Grid Systems and their role in power system stability.
Unit 1: Introduction to Smart Grid
• What is a Smart Grid?

• A smart grid is a digitally enabled electrical grid that collects, distributes and works on the
information about the behavior of all suppliers and consumers in order to improve the
efficiency, reliability and sustainability of electricity service.

• Smart Grid = Information Technology + Electrical Grid

• The smart grid uses a two-way digital communication of technologies and computer
processing which enables electricity industry to better manage energy delivery and
transmission. It is capable of providing real time information and enable the nearby quick
balancing of supply and demand.
Working of Smart Grid
• In addition to the traditional grid’s generating facilities and transmission
network the smart grid consists of three new components
• Smart control and measuring devices
• Digital communication systems
• Computer software programs
• The smart devices include computer controlled generators and other power
sources as well as meters, monitors and intelligent electronic devices that
gather information about the demand for power, its availability from various
sources, the delivery capacity of each part of the grid and the flow of power
throughout the system.
• The computer software programs for the grid help to determine electricity
efficiency and monitor the electrical functions of generators and consumers.
• The digital communication and control is what makes the grid
• Sensors that monitor and report conditions on the grid enable
switches and other controls to respond instantly.
• Real time information permits system operators to predict,
diagnose and reduce issues that have caused interruptions or
serious power disturbances.
• With smart grid technologies end users have more control over
their energy consumption and cost.
Present Development in Smart Grids
In recent years, there has been significant development in Smart Grid technologies and applications

worldwide. Some of the significant advancements are:

1. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) – This technology has enabled two-way communication

between the utility and the customers, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of the energy


2. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) – DERs, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and battery

storage are becoming more common, and Smart Grids are enabling their integration into the grid.

3. Demand Response – Smart Grids are facilitating demand response programs, where customers can

adjust their energy usage based on price signals or grid conditions.

4. Microgrids – Microgrids are small-scale, localized grids that can operate independently or in

conjunction with the main grid. Smart Grids are enabling their deployment and management.
International Policies in Smart Grids:
1. European Union Smart Grids Mandate – The European Union has set a target for 80% of households to have
smart meters installed by 2020. This mandate is part of the EU's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and improve energy efficiency.

2. U.S. Smart Grid Policy – The U.S. Department of Energy has launched several initiatives, including the Smart
Grid Investment Grant program, to promote the development of Smart Grids in the United States.

3. Chinese Smart Grid Policy – China is investing heavily in Smart Grids to support its growing energy demand
and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The Chinese government has set targets for the installation of
smart meters and the deployment of renewable energy sources.

4. International Energy Agency (IEA) Smart Grid Initiative – The IEA is promoting the development and
deployment of Smart Grids worldwide through its Smart Grids Technology Roadmap and other initiatives.

• Overall, Smart Grids are a critical component of the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon energy
system, and international policies and initiatives are supporting their development and deployment
Real-time Pricing (RTP)
• The real-time pricing (RTP) scheme is an ideal method to adjust the power balance
between supply and demand in smart grid systems.

• This scheme has a profound impact on users’ behavior, system operation, and overall
grid management in the electricity industry.

• In this pricing model, electricity prices are highest during periods of high demand and
lower during periods of low demand.

• Real-time pricing is often used in conjunction with demand response programs, which
encourage customers to use less electricity during peak demand periods by offering
them incentives such as lower electricity rates or other benefits.
Smart Appliances
• Smart appliances are appliances that can communicate with the power grid and adjust their
energy usage based on real-time pricing signals.

• These appliances can be programmed to run during periods of low demand when electricity
prices are lower, and to reduce energy usage during periods of high demand when
electricity prices are higher.

• The automated control of the smart appliance energy consumption is provided by the

• It provides the minimum influence on the consumers’ comfort and daily routines and can
create a win-win situation for both sides – consumer gains the incentives and utility gets the
grid balancing capacity
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
• Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is a technology used for remotely collecting consumption
data from utility meters, such as gas, water, and electricity meters.

• AMR eliminates the need for manual meter reading, which can be time-consuming and
costly for utility companies.

• AMR technology involves the installation of a meter with an electronic module that can
transmit data wirelessly to a central collection point.

• The data is then processed and used for billing, analysis, and other purposes. AMR systems
can also provide real-time monitoring of energy consumption, allowing customers to track
their usage and identify areas where they can conserve energy and reduce costs.
Advantages of AMR

• AMR has several benefits, including improved accuracy and efficiency

of meter readings, reduced labor costs associated with manual meter
reading, and increased customer satisfaction due to more accurate
and timely billing.

• Additionally, AMR can help utility companies better manage their

resources and identify areas of high demand or potential problems
with their infrastructure.
Outage Management System
• An outage management system is network management software
that is capable of restoring the network model after an outage.
• Outage management systems are integrated tightly, resulting in
timely and accurate actions along with supervisory control.
• Outage management systems are not only capable of performing
restoration activities related to service, but also capable of
tracking, displaying and grouping outages.
• An outage management system is mainly used by operators in electric distribution systems.

It can help in identifying the portion of the circuit responsible for the interruption. Based on the
different criteria present in the network, it can also assist in grouping and prioritizing the resources
and indirectly help in minimizing the impacts of outages.

An outage management system has the following features:

1. Prioritizes restoration efforts and management of resources upon outages

2. Provides supervisors with an estimated timeline of restoration

3. Reports the actual cause of the outage

4. Provides accurate information about the extent of the outage and its impact on customers and their
Techniques used in OMS
•Fault Detection and Isolation: OMS uses sensors and other devices to monitor
the distribution network and detect faults. Once a fault is detected, the system
isolates the faulted section of the network and redirects power to minimize the
impact on customers.
•Outage Prediction: OMS uses historical data, weather forecasts, and other data
sources to predict potential outages before they occur. This enables utilities to
take proactive measures to prevent or minimize outages.
•Crew Management: OMS helps utilities efficiently manage their repair crews
by assigning tasks, tracking progress, and optimizing crew deployment to
minimize downtime and maximize productivity.
•Customer Communication: OMS provides real-time outage information to customers
through various channels such as call centers, websites, or mobile applications. This
helps to keep customers informed and updated about the status of their outage.
•Prioritization: OMS helps utilities to prioritize restoration efforts based on the
severity of the outage, the number of customers affected, and the criticality of the
affected customers.
•Analytics: OMS uses data analytics and visualization tools to identify trends, predict
future outages, and optimize outage response processes. This helps utilities make data-
driven decisions and continuously improve their outage management capabilities.
The different parts that may be integrated into the OMS are as follows:
• Customer Information System (CIS): A computerized system used to track customer information, generate
bills, issue service requests, and “manage” customer relationships by providing the utility information about
each customer’s needs and preferences.
• Interactive Voice Response System (IVR): Interactive computer system which can answer telephone calls,
route information, compile data, return calls, and call back customers as programmed. It can be linked to record
customers' locations and link these with locations in the distribution system.
• Call Over Flow System (COF): A system that redirects telephone calls from one answering location to another
when volume exceeds capacity. It allows overflow calls to be answered and information tabulated.

• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA): A computer system that gathers data from devices
such as protective relays, provides breaker, switch, and re-closer statuses and a means to control these devices
remotely, and displays the status of this monitored equipment graphically
• Distribution Automation (DA) system: Computer system which monitors
and controls devices on the distribution system. May include monitoring and
controlling breakers, re- closers, and distributed generators.

• Automatic Meter Reading (AMR): Systems which can remotely read kWh
from meters and automatically record the values in a computer data base.
Some systems can also send instantaneous values to the system reading the
meter. Meter data can be transferred via radio, telephone, or power line carrier.

• Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI): Includes the same hardware,

software, communications, and customer associated systems that are used by
AMR systems, but also includes two-way communication to make possible
remotely disconnecting customers or in other ways manage demand
• Geographic Information System (GIS): A computer based technology to collect,
record, and display geographically referenced or spatially oriented
information. Can record the exact locations of utility infrastructure and attach
to those records construction information, life, or repair data. Can produce
graphic displays which compile and usefully display data concerning
components in a power system.

• Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL): Uses global positioning system information

to automatically record in near real time the location of vehicles in a utility’s
fleet. Can display on a GIS based system the location of all line trucks or other
vehicles so dispatchers can determine the truck located nearest an outage.

• Protective Relaying: Devices on the power system which trip breakers to

disconnect parts of the system experiencing malfunctions, such as short circuits
or open conductors. The OMS may be informed if a relay has detected a problem
on part of the system and has tripped a breaker. This will help the OMS
characterize the reason for an outage.
Vehicle to Grid
• Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) is a concept that refers to the ability of electric vehicles (EVs) to
supply power to the electrical grid when they are not in use, and can also draw power
from the grid when needed.

• The idea behind V2G is to use EV batteries as a distributed energy resource that can
help to stabilize the grid and increase the use of renewable energy sources.

• In a V2G system, EVs are connected to the electrical grid via a two-way charger that
allows the battery to discharge energy to the grid or charge from the grid. This enables
EV owners to earn money by selling excess energy back to the grid when demand is
high, and electricity prices are at their peak. V2G systems can also be used to provide
grid services, such as frequency regulation and peak shaving, by using the battery's
capacity to absorb or release power as needed.
Vehicle to Grid
• V2G technology is still in its early stages, and several challenges
need to be addressed before it can be widely adopted.
• These challenges include developing standardized communication
protocols between the vehicles and the grid, managing the impact
of V2G on the lifespan of EV batteries, and ensuring that V2G
systems are secure and reliable.
• Nevertheless, V2G has the potential to become a valuable tool in
the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy
Vehicle to Grid
•Vehicle-to-Grid Communication: V2G communication allows EVs to exchange information with
the grid in real-time.
•This communication can be used to control the charging and discharging of EV batteries, monitor
the status of the grid, and enable EVs to provide grid services.
•Bidirectional Charging: Bidirectional charging technology enables EVs to charge and discharge
power to and from the grid.
•This allows EVs to serve as a distributed energy resource that can be used to support the grid
during peak demand periods and provide grid services such as frequency regulation.
•Grid Services: EVs can provide various grid services, such as frequency regulation, peak
shaving, and demand response.
•These services are made possible by the bidirectional charging capabilities of EVs, which allow
them to respond to signals from the grid and adjust their charging and discharging patterns
• Demand Response : Demand response provides an opportunity for consumers
to play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or
shifting their electricity usage during peak periods in response to time-based
rates or other forms of financial incentives.

• Peak shaving involves proactively managing overall demand to eliminate

short-term demand spikes, which set a higher peak.
•Energy Management Systems: Energy management systems are used to
optimize the charging and discharging of EV batteries. These systems use
algorithms to balance the energy needs of the EV owner with the grid's demand for
electricity, while also ensuring that the battery's lifespan is not negatively
•Vehicle-to-Home: Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) technology allows EVs to supply power
to the owner's home during power outages or periods of high electricity demand.
This technology can be used to reduce the owner's reliance on the grid and
increase their energy independence.
Smart sensors
• Smart sensors are advanced sensor devices that are capable of collecting,
processing, and transmitting data in real-time. They are typically equipped with
advanced technologies such as microprocessors, wireless communication
modules, and advanced algorithms that enable them to perform complex

• Smart sensors are used in a variety of applications, including environmental

monitoring, industrial automation, healthcare, and smart homes. They can detect
and measure various environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity,
pressure, light, and sound. They can also detect and measure physical quantities
such as acceleration, vibration, and magnetic fields.
Smart sensors
• One of the key advantages of smart sensors is their ability to process data locally, which
reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to a central processing unit.
This can lead to faster response times and reduced bandwidth requirements. Smart
sensors can also perform local data analysis and decision-making, which can reduce the
need for human intervention.

• Smart sensors are an essential component of the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers
to the network of connected devices that are capable of exchanging data with each
other. As the IoT continues to grow, smart sensors are expected to play an increasingly
important role in enabling a wide range of smart applications and services.
Substation Automation
• Substation automation refers to the use of advanced technologies such as sensors,
communication networks, and intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) to automate the
operation and monitoring of electrical substations.

• Substations are critical components of electrical power systems that help to control the flow
of electricity from power plants to consumers.

• Substation automation systems can improve the reliability, efficiency, and safety of electrical
power systems by enabling remote monitoring and control of substation equipment. They
can also help to reduce downtime and maintenance costs by providing real-time diagnostics
and fault detection capabilities.
Substation Automation
• Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs): These are microprocessor-based devices that can perform a

variety of functions such as metering, protection, and control. They are typically installed at key

points in the substation to provide real-time data on the status of the equipment and the electrical


• Communication networks: These are used to transmit data between the IEDs and the substation

control center. They can be wired or wireless and can use a variety of protocols such as Ethernet,

Modbus, or DNP3.

• Human-machine interfaces (HMIs): These are software applications that allow operators to

monitor and control the substation equipment. They typically provide a graphical user interface
Substation Automation
• The SAS shall contain the following main functional parts:
• Bay control Intelligence Electronic Devices (IED s) for control and monitoring.
• Station Human Machine Interface (HMI)

• Redundant managed switched Ethernet Local Area Network communication infrastructure with hot standby.

• Gateway for remote control via industrial grade hardware from local control center through IEC60870-5-101/104


• Gateway for remote supervisory control from SLDC, the gateway should be able to communicate with SLDC on IEC
60870-5-101/104 protocol. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to integrate his offered system with existing SLDC
system including creation of Database for exchange of desired data (in existing database system at SLDC).
• The requirement of IO point shall be worked out by the bidder as per criterion enclosed
• Remote HMI.
• Peripheral equipment like printers, display units, key boards, Mouse etc.

• Control & monitoring of Sub-station ACDB/DCDB, Battery chargers system, Firefighting system, surveillance system,
Standby Aux. Power supply (DG) system etc. Adequate Cyber Security as per relevant
System architecture
• Bay Level

At bay level, the IEDs shall provide all bay level functions regarding control,
monitoring and protection, inputs for status indication and outputs for
• The IEDs should be directly connected to the switchgear without any need for
additional interposition or transducers.
• Each bay control IED shall be independent from each other and its
functioning shall not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay
control units of the station.
• The data exchange between the electronic devices on bay and station level
shall take place via the communication infrastructure.
• This shall be realized using fibre-optic cables, thereby WBSETCL / TECH SPEC
Sub Station Automation System guaranteeing disturbance free
communication. The fibre optic cables shall be run in GI conduit pipes.
System architecture
• Station Level
• At station level, the entire station shall be controlled and
supervised from the station HMI.
• It shall also be possible to control and monitor the bay from the
bay level equipment at all times.
• Clear control priorities shall prevent operation of a single switch
at the same time from more than one of the various control levels,
i.e. SLDC, station HMI, bay level or apparatus level.
System architecture
• The priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level.
• The station level contains the station-oriented functions, which
cannot be realized at bay level, e.g. alarm list or event list related
to the entire substation, gateway for the communication with
remote control centers.
• The GPS time synchronizing signal for the synchronization of the
entire system shall be provided.
Bay control functions
1. Overview Functions
• Control mode selection
• Select-before-execute principle
• Command supervision:
o Interlocking and blocking
o Double command
• Synchro check, voltage selection
• Run Time Command cancellation
• Transformer tap changer control (Raise and lower of tap ) (for power transformer bays)
• Operation counters for circuit breakers and pumps
• Hydraulic pump/ Air compressor runtime supervision
• Operating pressure supervision through digital contacts only
• Breaker position indication per phase
• Alarm annunciation
• Measurement display
• Local HMI (local guided, emergency mode)
• Interface to the station HMI.
• Data storage for at least 200 events ƒ
• Extension possibilities with additional I/O's inside the unit or via fibre optic communication and process bus
• Controlling of all switching devices of the bay with annunciation.
• Monitoring of all monitoring devices of the bay with annunciation
2. Control mode selection
Bay level Operation: As soon as the operator receives the operation access at bay
level the operation is normally performed via bay control IED. During normal
operation bay control unit allows the safe operation of all switching devices via the
bay control IED.
It shall be possible to close or open the selected Circuit Breaker with ON or OFF push
buttons even during the outage of bay IED.
Control authority in this mode is given to a higher level (Remote Control Centre) and
the installation can be controlled only remotely. Control operation from lower levels
shall not be possible in this operating mode.
3. Synchronism and energizing check
The synchronism and energizing check functions shall be bay-oriented and distributed to the bay control
and/or protection devices. These features are:
Settable voltage, phase angle, and frequency difference.

• Energizing for dead line - live bus, live line - dead bus or dead line – dead bus with no synchro-check

• Synchronizing between live line and live bus with synchro-check function

• Voltage selection. The voltages relevant for the Synchro check functions are dependent on the station
topology, i.e. on the positions of the circuit breakers and/or the isolators. The correct voltage for
synchronizing and energizing is derived from the auxiliary switches of the circuit breakers, the isolator,
and earthing switch and shall be selected automatically by the bay control and protection IEDs.

4. Transformer tap changer control

Raise and lower operation of OLTC taps of transformer shall be facilitated through Bay controller IED.
Station Level Functions
• Status supervision

• The position of each switchgear, e.g. circuit breaker, isolator, earthing switch, transformer tap
changer etc., shall be supervised continuously. Every detected change of position shall be
immediately displayed in the single-line diagram on the station HMI screen, recorded in the
event list, and a hard copy printout shall be produced.

• Alarms shall be initiated in the case of spontaneous position changes. The switchgear
positions shall be indicated by two auxiliary switches, normally closed (NC) and normally
open (NO), which shall give ambivalent signals.

• An alarm shall be initiated if these position indications are inconsistent or if the time required
for operating mechanism to change position exceeds a predefined limit.
Station Level Functions

The analogue values acquired/calculated in bay control/protection unit shall be

displayed locally on the station HMI and in the control center.
The abnormal values must be discarded. The analogue values shall be updated
every 2 seconds. Threshold limit values shall be selectable for alarm indications.

2.Event and alarm handling

Events and alarms are generated either by the switchgear, by the control IEDs, or by
the station level unit.
They shall be recorded in an event list in the station HMI. Alarms shall be recorded
in a separate alarm list and appear on the screen. All, or a freely selectable group of
events and alarms shall also be printed out on an event printer.
The alarms and events shall be time-tagged with a time resolution of 1 ms. The
tentative list for various feeders and systems are enclosed as
Feeder automation

• Feeder automation is an essential part of distribution automation

systems that primarily handle aspects like remote monitoring and
the efficient management of the distribution system and the
related equipment. They are a powerful device that ensures
improved customer service and minimum operational costs.
• Feeder automation refers to the use of technology to automate the distribution of electrical
power through the use of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) and communication systems. The
main objective of feeder automation is to improve the reliability and efficiency of power
distribution systems while reducing the cost of maintenance and operation.
• In a feeder automation system, IEDs are installed at various points along the distribution line,
such as circuit breakers and reclosers, to monitor and control the flow of electricity. These
devices can detect faults and other abnormalities in the system, such as overloads and short
circuits, and automatically isolate the affected section of the feeder to prevent further damage.
They can also communicate with other devices in the system, such as the distribution
management system (DMS), to optimize the distribution of power based on demand and
available resources.
• Feeder automation systems typically use advanced communication technologies, such as
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and Ethernet networks, to connect
and control the IEDs. These systems allow operators to remotely monitor and control the
distribution network, view real-time data and analytics, and quickly respond to any faults or
disruptions in the system.
• Overall, feeder automation can improve the reliability, efficiency, and safety of power
distribution systems while reducing the costs associated with maintenance and operation. It is
an important technology for modernizing and optimizing electrical grids to meet the demands
of a rapidly changing energy landscape.
Home Automation
• Home and building automation refers to the use of technology to control and
automate various systems within a home or building, such as lighting, heating,
ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), security, entertainment, and other
appliances. The primary goal of automation is to increase convenience, comfort,
and energy efficiency, while reducing the amount of manual intervention
required to manage these systems.
• Home automation systems typically consist of a central hub or controller that
connects to various devices and sensors throughout the home.
• The hub can be controlled using a smartphone app, voice commands, or a
touchscreen panel. Some systems also allow for remote access and monitoring,
allowing homeowners to control and monitor their homes from anywhere in
the world.
Building automation
• Building automation systems are similar to home automation systems, but are
designed for larger commercial buildings and facilities. They typically include more
complex control systems, such as energy management, lighting control, and building
security, and may be integrated with other building systems, such as fire alarms,
elevators, and access control systems.

• Advancements in automation technology have made it easier than ever to integrate

various home and building systems into a single, cohesive system. This can lead to
significant energy savings, improved comfort, and increased security, while reducing
the amount of manual effort required to manage these systems.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
• A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system designed to capture, store,
manipulate, analyze, manage, and present geographically referenced data.

• GIS is used to create maps and visual representations of data related to locations on the
earth's surface, such as cities, roads, buildings, rivers, and other physical features.

• GIS is used in many different fields, including urban planning, transportation, natural resource
management, emergency management and environmental science.

• It can be used to analyze and solve complex spatial problems, to predict patterns and trends in
data, and to make informed decisions based on location-based data.

• GIS software typically includes tools for data entry, manipulation, analysis, visualization, and
reporting. The data used in GIS can come from a variety of sources, including satellite imagery,
aerial photography, GPS data, and other spatial data sources.
Techniques used in GIS
• There are many techniques used in GIS to analyze, manipulate, and visualize spatial data.

Here are some common techniques used in GIS:

1. Spatial analysis: This involves examining data based on its location and relationships to

other features. Spatial analysis can be used to identify patterns, clusters, and trends in data.

2. Remote sensing: This technique involves collecting data from satellites, aircraft, or other

platforms to create maps and imagery of the earth's surface.

3. Geocoding: This is the process of assigning a geographic location to an address or other

non-spatial data. Geocoding is used to create maps and spatial analysis.

Techniques used in GIS
1.Network analysis: This technique is used to analyze the flow of goods, services, or people
through a network of roads, rivers, or other transportation routes.

2.Spatial interpolation: This is the process of estimating values for a location based on the
values of surrounding locations. Spatial interpolation is used to create maps and to estimate
values for areas with missing data.

3.Geostatistics: This technique involves statistical methods to analyze spatial data.

Geostatistics is used to model spatial relationships and to make predictions about future

4.Cartography: This is the art and science of creating maps. Cartography involves selecting
appropriate symbols, colors, and other design elements to effectively communicate
Intelligent Electronic Devices
• Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) are microprocessor-based devices used in power
systems for monitoring, control, and protection of power equipment.
• IEDs are used to measure various electrical parameters, such as voltage, current,
frequency, and power quality, and to provide protection for power equipment by
detecting faults and tripping the circuit breaker.
• Here are some common applications of IEDs in power systems for monitoring and
1.Feeder protection: IEDs are used to monitor and protect electrical feeders by
detecting faults, such as overcurrent, under/overvoltage, and earth fault, and tripping
the circuit breaker to isolate the fault.

2.Transformer protection: IEDs are used to protect transformers by detecting faults,

such as overcurrent, overvoltage, and under/overfrequency, and tripping the circuit
breaker to isolate the fault.
Intelligent Electronic Devices
1. Generator protection: IEDs are used to protect generators by detecting faults, such as

overcurrent, overvoltage, under/overfrequency, and reverse power flow, and tripping the

generator breaker to isolate the fault.

2. Busbar protection: IEDs are used to protect busbars by detecting faults, such as overcurrent,

under/overvoltage, and earth fault, and tripping the circuit breaker to isolate the fault.

3. Capacitor bank protection: IEDs are used to protect capacitor banks by monitoring the

voltage and current, and tripping the circuit breaker if there is an overvoltage or overcurrent


4. Power quality monitoring: IEDs are used to monitor power quality parameters, such as

voltage sag/swell, harmonics, and flicker, and to provide information for corrective actions.
Smart storage Battery in smart grid
• Smart storage batteries play a crucial role in smart grid technology by enabling the efficient
storage and management of renewable energy.
• As the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power continues to grow, it
becomes increasingly important to store excess energy produced during periods of peak
generation for use during periods of low generation.
• Smart storage batteries can be integrated into the smart grid system to allow for real-time
monitoring and control of energy storage and distribution.
• This helps to ensure a stable and reliable power supply, while also reducing the need for
expensive and environmentally harmful backup power sources such as fossil-fuel-based
power plants.
• In addition, smart storage batteries can be used to provide ancillary services to the grid, such
as frequency regulation and voltage support. By providing these services, smart storage
batteries help to maintain grid stability and reliability.
Overall, smart storage batteries are an essential component of the smart grid system, enabling the
efficient and effective integration of renewable energy sources and contributing to a more
sustainable and resilient energy future.
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)
• SMES stands for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage, which is a type of energy storage system
that uses the magnetic properties of superconducting materials to store energy in the form of a
magnetic field.

• Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) is a conceptually simple way of electrical energy
storage, just using the dual nature of the electromagnetism. An electrical current in a coil creates a
magnetic field and the changes of this magnetic field create an electrical field, a voltage drop.
The magnetic flux is a reservoir of energy. Superconducting wires do not deliver energy when
conducting a current, so a coil made with that materials maintain the current and the magnetic flux
can be stored. As shown in Figure 1, the energy is stored/delivered when a controller changes the
current, increasing or reducing it, a voltage appears in the terminal which is regulated by the rate of
change of the current, and can be adjusted by the regulator delivering or catching energy to or from
the external circuits.
Characteristics of SMES
• SMES offer several advantages, when comparing to other technologies, namely:
• High round trip efficiency: 90- 95%.
• Long lifetime: 30 years
• High power, only limited by the electronics and electrical isolation
• Ready to operate: in a few ms.
• Very robust: can be overloaded as much as the electronics allows.
• Very flexible for hybridization: can be included in an electronic buffer with any other large capacity energy
storage system improving their availability speed and their peak power.
• Environmentally friendly: specific geometries drastically reduce the stray field bellow any determined level.
SMES do not use materials complex for recycling.
• No critical raw materials: only uses standard structural materials and HTS only require two tens of gram/km of Y
or Gd, which are not dispersed and can be recovered after 30 years of service.
Potential, barriers and challenges of SMES
• Improve critical material properties of HTS and MgB2 tapes. This includes higher in-field current densities,
lower AC and ramping losses, optimized wire architectures, longer lengths of high quality, high amperage
conductors and cost reduction.
• Improve the modelling tools for a better design, optimizing the costs and reliability of the SMES systems from
the mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic point of view.
• Develop SMES related system technology with a focus on new concepts in magnet design, standardized
components for cooling systems, cryostats and low loss current leads.
• Develop low-temperature heat rejection cryocoolers for working between 120-30 K with cooling power in
the range of 100's of W, able to work with cryogens at 120 or 77 K as high
temperature, thus allowing the use of LCH4, LN2 or LO2 as a first cooling step.
• Develop robust and self-stabilized HTS SMES magnets including high-performance electrical insulation with
low-cost manufacturing and winding methods. Modular approaches and methods for up-scaling must be
• Demonstrate HTS SMES system performance in attractive applications with long term field tests. From this,
promising business cases need to be further developed and first niche markets need to be addressed.
• Explore the opportunities of hybrid SMES systems at different TRL levels depending on the
maturity of the hybrid system, ranging from system studies up to first demonstrations.
Pumped Storage Power plant
• A pumped storage power plant is a type of hydroelectric power plant that stores energy by pumping water

from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir during times of low electricity demand, and then releasing the

water back through turbines to generate electricity during times of high demand.

• The system typically consists of two reservoirs, one at a higher elevation than the other, and a reversible

turbine-generator that can either generate electricity or act as a pump to move water from the lower

reservoir to the upper reservoir. During times of low electricity demand, excess power from the grid is used

to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir, where it is stored until needed. When

demand for electricity is high, the water is released back through the turbines to generate electricity.

• Pumped storage power plants are a valuable tool for grid operators because they can quickly respond to

changes in electricity demand, helping to maintain grid stability and avoid blackouts. They can also help to

integrate intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, by storing excess energy during

times of high generation and releasing it when the renewable sources are not producing enough power.
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
• Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a technology used to store energy in the form of compressed air for later use in

electricity generation.

• The process involves compressing air and storing it in underground caverns, aquifers or other types of geological formations.

When energy is needed, the compressed air is released and expands rapidly, driving a turbine-generator to produce electricity.

• There are two types of CAES systems: adiabatic and diabatic.

• In adiabatic CAES, the compressed air is heated before being released, which increases the efficiency of the system. In diabatic

CAES, the compressed air is directly released without any heating.

• One advantage of CAES over other energy storage technologies is that it can provide large-scale, long-duration storage.

Additionally, CAES systems can be located near power plants or on the grid, making it easier to integrate with existing


• However, CAES systems do have some drawbacks, including the high cost of building and operating the infrastructure, and the

fact that they may have limited locations suitable for cavern storage. Furthermore, the compression process is energy-

intensive, which can limit the overall efficiency of the system.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
Indian Smart Grid –Key Challenges for Smart Grid.
• The Indian smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that incorporates advanced technologies
and communication systems to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of the
power sector. Despite the benefits of the smart grid, there are several key challenges that must
be addressed to ensure its successful implementation in India:
1.Infrastructure: One of the key challenges for the Indian smart grid is the need to build new
infrastructure to support the advanced technologies and communication systems required.
This includes upgrading existing transmission and distribution systems, installing new
sensors, communication networks, and control systems.
2.Funding: The implementation of a smart grid requires significant investment in
infrastructure, technology, and training. Funding for smart grid projects can be a challenge,
particularly for utilities that may have limited financial resources.
3.Regulatory Framework: A key challenge for the Indian smart grid is the lack of a clear
regulatory framework to guide its implementation. The regulatory environment must be
conducive to investment in smart grid technologies and should provide incentives for utilities
to adopt these new systems.
4.Data Management: The smart grid generates large amounts of data from sensors and other
monitoring systems. Managing and analyzing this data is a significant challenge, particularly in
a country like India with a large population and diverse geographic regions.
Indian Smart Grid –Key Challenges for Smart Grid.
5. Cybersecurity: The increased use of digital technologies in the smart grid
creates new cybersecurity risks. Utilities must take appropriate measures to
protect against cyber threats and ensure the integrity of the system.
6.Consumer Engagement: The success of the smart grid depends on consumer
engagement and participation. Educating consumers on the benefits of the smart
grid and how they can participate in demand response programs is essential for
its success.
• Addressing these challenges will require a coordinated effort from utilities,
regulators, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the power sector. With
careful planning and implementation, the Indian smart grid has the potential to
transform the power sector and support the country's economic development
Impacts of Smart Grid on reliability
• The smart grid has the potential to significantly improve the reliability of the electrical grid by
incorporating advanced technologies and communication systems. Some of the ways in which
the smart grid can impact reliability include:

1. Improved Monitoring and Control: The smart grid incorporates advanced sensors and
monitoring systems that provide real-time data on the performance of the grid. This data can
be used to identify potential problems before they occur and take proactive measures to
prevent outages.

2. Enhanced Communication: The smart grid allows for improved communication between
utilities, grid operators, and customers. This can facilitate better coordination during
emergencies and more efficient restoration of power after an outage.
Impacts of Smart Grid on reliability
• Demand Response: The smart grid includes programs that allow customers to
reduce their electricity usage during peak demand periods. By reducing demand
during these times, utilities can avoid overloading the grid and prevent outages.

• Distributed Energy Resources: The smart grid supports the integration of

distributed energy resources, such as solar panels and wind turbines. These
resources can provide backup power during outages and reduce the load on the grid.

• Automated Restoration: The smart grid includes automated restoration systems

that can quickly identify the location of an outage and restore power to affected
areas. This can reduce the duration and scope of outages.
Impacts of Smart Grid on air pollutant emissions reduction.

• The smart grid has the potential to significantly reduce air pollutant emissions by enabling the
integration of renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and reducing demand
during peak periods. Some of the ways in which the smart grid can impact air pollutant emissions
reduction include:

1.Renewable Energy Integration: The smart grid enables the integration of renewable energy
sources, such as wind and solar power, into the electrical grid. This can reduce the reliance on
fossil fuels, which are a major source of air pollutants.

2.Energy Efficiency: The smart grid incorporates advanced technologies and communication
systems that can improve energy efficiency in homes and businesses. By reducing energy
consumption, the smart grid can reduce the need for power generation, which in turn reduces air
pollutant emissions.
Impacts of Smart Grid on air pollutant emissions reduction.

• Demand Response: The smart grid includes programs that encourage customers to reduce

their electricity usage during peak periods. By reducing demand during these times, utilities
can avoid using fossil fuel-based Peaker plants, which are major contributors to air pollutant

• Electric Vehicle Charging: The smart grid supports the integration of electric vehicles, which
can reduce the use of gasoline-powered vehicles and their associated air pollutant emissions.

• Grid Modernization: The smart grid includes upgrades to the transmission and distribution

system, which can reduce energy losses during transmission and distribution. This can reduce
the need for additional power generation, which in turn reduces air pollutant emissions.

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