The MEGA Avanti

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The MEGA Avanti

By Aarohan Das
12 / 02 / 1954: A Boeing 747-200 Rijn alpha,
Registration G–AIRK had picked a route from
Amsterdam to New Jersey. However, it never made
it there, ejecting all three hundred and eighty
passengers towards the arrowroot mountains.

y Aarohan Das
Cast of characters

• Arbiter

• Thomas

• Nitrox

• Worthington
The Pratt & Whitney TurboFan engines rasped and whirred as
they struggled to inhale the chilly high altitude air. A huge
boeing 747 Rijn Alpha, the unmarked jumbo shot through the
air, over the ArrowRoot Mountains, toward the Newark Airport
in New Jersey. An unpredicted turbulence sent captain Thomas
Worthington hurtling into a dynamite lever. The jet exploded,
ejecting all the passengers into the mountains and hills of the
The flying four
Arbiter spoke to his three mates(Thomas, Nitrox, and
Worthington), ‘The alpha has blown up. What do we do now?’,
Worthington said, ‘We ready a jumbo plane near a base which
we will set up, ’ Then he decided to leave that place within a
month. He commanded them to ready an airfield and a private
jet. Two months passed, with everything readied. The jet was
designed as a giant space shuttle Avanti that could support up to
thirty aircrafts. They left for the city of Kathmandu, Nepal in 15th
of April.
The Everest Dig
The Avanti shot in a smooth cruise through the air. Suddenly, the
Brace Warning flared through the aircraft(s) and the Stewards
screeched, “Brace ! Brace ! Heads down ! Stay down !”. Turns
out, the Avanti’s canards had grazed the K2 mountain and was
hurtling into the frozen river valley, its nose digging into the icy
basin. Arbiter thought, ‘What went wrong?’ damage module
showed leaking wing starboard 2. The amount of delta v showed
123 litres, bad news, in that they needed 60006 gallons to reach
the airfield.
The slide down the river
Repairs were run. The engines fired to initiate melt. Nitrox
said, ‘Nothing is happening much. But we’re moving.’
Worthington said, ‘we are sliding , silly!’ The bell 505 jet
rangers tugged hard. It was somewhat like tug of war,
where the crew were the losing side.

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