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BCO6181 - ERP Applications

SU01 Creating and Maintaining Users In SAP

Mart Leepin

Mart Leepin 3092991

SU01 Purpose Used for creation of a user master, enabling log on and a level of interaction in SAP. SU01 would be used in an administrative or support role. Tasks could be: Set up of new users for production or test environments; Maintenance of user master information dependant upon internal employee movements within a business.

Roles, Profilesand Authorization In our scenario we will be creating a new dialogue user, then allocating a role to enable the new user to fulfil their specific business activities. In SAP activities are protected by authorization. Access is dependent upon specific corresponding authorization, which is determined by the types of activities within your role. When a role is created a profile is also generated, it is the profile that contains the required authorizations. Authorization is important as it ensures segregation of duties, therefore an enhanced level of security. Requirements In order to access SU01 a user with a broad profile is required: SAP* or BCUSER.
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Initial User Maintenance

1/ Transaction Selection In Navigation field, enter transaction code: su01.

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Initial User Maintenance

2/ Assign User Name In User field, enter: user1; Select:Create orF8.

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1/ Assign Personal Information Mandatory fields need to be specified / entered for Person: In Title field, select a title from the drop down box; In Lastname field, enter a lastname; In Firstnamefield, enter a firstname;
Additional Information Address Fields in the Address Tab belong to Business Address Services (BAS), which offers functions for managing addresses in applications. Non mandatory fields can also be maintained, to view additional information regarding these, select the field of interest and press (F1) (SAP HelpNetWeaver 2004 SPS23-2011). Help Links Creating and maintaining users

2/ To proceed, select tab: Logon Data.

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Logon Data

1/ Select User Type In UserType field, select: Dialog from the drop down box.

2/ Set Initial Password

In Initialpassword field, enter a password to enable the first logon. In repeatpassword field, enter password again to confirm. Note: Please take note of password created!

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Logon Data

3/ Set Validity Period In ValidFrom field: enter the present date; In Validthrough field: enter a future date;
Additional Information Logon data: Summary of user types Type Purpose
Dialog System Communication Service Reference Individual, interactive system access. Background processing and communication within a system (e.g. such as RFC users for ALE / Workflow). Dialog-free communication for external RFC calls. Dialog user available to a larger, anonymous group of users. General, non-person related users that allows the assignment of additional identical authorizations, such as for Internet users created with transaction SU01. No logon is possible.

Additional Information Logon data: Other fields User group If a user is allocated to a group this ensures a particular administrator maintains the group only.
Accounting Number and Cost Centre This provides further identification of the user to a business area cost centre (SAP Help-NetWeaver 2004 SPS23-2011).

Help Links - Logon data

4/ To proceed, select tab: Defaults.

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1/ Set Defaults Default settings for start menu, language, decimal, date, time formats can be adjusted to suit user preference as well as output devices.
Help Links - Defaults

2/ To proceed, select tab: Parameters.

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1/ Set Parameters Certain fields in SAP have a Parameter ID (PID). If a field has a PID, the field can be specified under the Parameter ID column and a default value can be specified for this field under the Parameter Value column. To determine if a field has a PID, select the field, press F1 and select the technical information button, if there is a PID, this will be displayed with field information. (SAP Help - NetWeaver 2004 SPS23 - 2011), (SAP for MIT Getting started 2001, User Profile Parameters Wiki 2007).
Help Links - Parameters

2/ To proceed, select tab: Roles.

Mart Leepin 3092991

Roles: Authorization in SAP Transactions, programs, and services in SAP systems are protected from unauthorized access. To access business objects or execute SAP transactions, a user requires corresponding authorizations, as business objects or transactions are protected by authorization objects. Authorizations are defined depending on the activity and responsibilities of the employee. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile that is associated with a role. The user administrators then assign the corresponding roles using the user master record, so that the user can use the appropriate transactions for his or her tasks. Roles: Roles & Profiles Roles are collections of activities undertaken to fulfil an assignment within a business scenario. These activities could be transactions or reports. To ensure security, activities required to perform a role should be carefully defined when roles are created in SAP, ensuring appropriate segregation of duty i.e. access to some activities and restriction to others. When a role is created, the corresponding profile, which contains the necessary authorizations, is also created. Once a role is assigned to a user, the corresponding activities and authorizations are then granted. (SAP Help-NetWeaver 2004 SPS23-2011).

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1/ Select Role Under Role column header, select: the searchboxon the right.

2/ Select Role In Singlerole field, enter:* Select:

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3/ Select Role Scroll down through the Single roles List. Select / Tick : SAP_BC_DWB_ABAPDEVELOPER-ABAPDeveloper Select:

4/ Set Validity Period In ValidFromfield:enter the present date; In Validtofield: enter a future date; Select: Save.
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5/ Confirm Creation Of New User After saving we should be back to User Maintenance Initial screen as above. User1 is now saved and complete with a role. This can be checked by logging on with ID: User1 and the Password created previously. To proceed, select: SAP logon pad.

5/ Roles After saving we should be 6/ Logon As New User In User field: Enter: user created; In Password field, Enter: password created; Press Enter; Enter: NewpasswordandRepeatPassword; Select:
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Explore the user menu for your new user created!

Help Links & Example - Roles

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Additional Tasks User Copy

1/ Choose Source User In User field: Enter User name to be copied from; Select Copy.

2/ Choose Details To Copy From Source User In To field: Enter New User name to be copied to; Select: corresponding info.checkboxes you wish to copy to the new user; Select Copy; Amend: Address,LogonDataas required and Save; Yournewcopieduseriscreated!
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Additional Tasks Password Reset

1/ Choose User To Reset In User field: Enter User name whose password is to be changed; Select Changepassword.

2/ Reset Password In NewPasswordfield: Enter new password; In RepeatPasswordfield: Confirm password; Select:

Mart Leepin 3092991


SAP for MIT Getting started, 2001, Instructional documentation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, viewed 20th April 2011,;

SAP Help - NetWeaver 2004 SPS23, 2011, SAP Help Portal, viewed 20th April 2011,;

SAP Developers Network Wiki 2007, User Profile Parameters, wiki article, 01st March, viewed 28th April 2011,

Houze, G. 2007. SAP R/3 Security: Would You Like Roles With That Logon?, online article, viewed 01st May 2011,

Mart Leepin 3092991


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